Authorization levels and cataloging capabilities for authority records
Cataloging capabilities
Specific kinds of editing capabilities and actions you can take on bibliographic and authority records depend on your OCLC cataloging authorization level.
OCLC assigns each library one or more authorization numbers to log on to Connexion. The authorization is associated with the cataloging level established by your OCLC profile. The authorization tells Connexion when you log on what actions you are authorized to take.
Authorization levels and what you can do
The following table lists authorization levels in order of most basic to highly specialized, with a list of actions authorized for each level. Unless specified, actions are available for both bibliographic and authority records if applicable to both.
Authorization level | Connexion client authorized actions |
Cerca | Search any OCLC database and display retrieved records, including WorldCat, LC names and subjects authority file, and the LC names and subjects history file.
Note: In some circumstances (e.g., you use a Search authorization for Resource Sharing activities), your Search authorization may include additional local holdings capabilities. |
Limited | Same actions as for Search plus the following actions:
Although local holdings maintenance is available only in the browser, you can open the browser local holdings interface and automatically log on from within the client: Click Tools > Launch Local Holdings Maintenance. Note on maintaining local holdings: |
Note on the online save file: Each library has a single online save file associated with its authorization, which you can access using either the client or the browser interface. |
Full | Same actions as for Search plus Limited and the following actions:
NACO (Name Authority Cooperative program) | Same actions as for Full plus the following actions:
Agent | Same actions as for Full plus the following actions:
Regular Enhance | Same actions as for Full |
Enhance National | Same actions as for NACO Used by BIBCO participants to create and edit WorldCat records with Field 042 "pcc" |
CONSER (Cooperative Online Serials program) National | Same actions as for NACO except for editing of BIBCO records Used by CONSER participants to authenticate and maintain continuing resource records |
Definitions of WorldCat record upgrades versus records with local edits
Edit mode | Definition and notes |
WorldCat bibliographic or name authority record (locked or unlocked) |
Locally edited bibliographic or authority record |
Summary: Authorization levels and making WorldCat record edits versus local edits
Record level/Authorization level | Connexion client: Editing/Actions authorized | Records/Modifications authorized |
Locally edited records Search and higher |
Locally edited records Limited and higher |
WorldCat records Full, NACO, or higher |