Find out how to work with authority records in Connexion client.
- Use authority control for bibliographic records
- Discover how to use authority control for bibliographic records in Connexion client.
- Create name authority records
- Discover how to create name authority records in Connexion client.
- Import authority records
- Discover how to set import options, import, and find authority records in Connexion client.
- Edit authority records
- Discover how to edit authority records in Connexion client.
- Use authority constant data
- Discover how to use authority constant data in Connexion client.
- Save authority records
- Discover how to save authority records in Connexion client.
- Take actions on authority records
- Discover how to take actions on authority records in Connexion client.
- Iniziare
- Add new name authority records (NACO-authorized libraries only)
- Replace name authority records (NACO-authorized libraries only)
- Exchange authority records with other libraries for peer review
- Report errors in authority records
- Run batch processing for authority records
- Authorization levels and cataloging capabilities
- Registri delle autorità di esportazione
- Discover how to create export destinations and export authority records in Connexion client.