SCIPIO variable fields
0XX fields
024 Sale code
First indicator: 8
Second indicator: blank
Numeric or alphanumeric code assigned to a sale. Enter the code exactly as it appears on the title page of the catalog, including spaces, hyphens, and capitalization, but omitting quotation marks and the following phrases or words: "sale number", "number" or "no." If a catalog has two or more sale codes, enter multiple 024 fields.
This field has no ending punctuation.
Example: 024 8_ 6144D
Example: 024 8 TANTRUM
Example: 024 8_ B09731 and 024 8_ B09732 (multiple fields, same record)
033 Date of sale
First indicator: 0 Single sale date; 1 Multiple single dates; 2 Range of dates
Second indicator: blank
Use the format yyyymmdd for a single date. If the date is incomplete, enter as much of the date as is known and fill in the rest with dashes. If the catalog has the month, date, and day of week, sometimes the year can be ascertained with the aid of a perpetual calendar. If the year cannot be ascertained, do not enter the 033 field.
If a catalog has multiple single sale dates, consecutive or not, enter one 033 field, with separate subfield a's for each date (with first indicator 1). If a catalog has two or more consecutive sale dates, enter one 033 field, noting the first and last dates only in separate subfield a's (with first indicator 2). For open-ended sales, use the single date form (with first indicator 0) and give details in a 500 note.
If the actual date of sale differs from the date that appears on the catalog, you may enter it as multiple single dates (with first indicator 1) or as a single date, each in separate 033 fields (with first indicator 0). In such cases where the sale is held over several consecutive days, enter the dates as you would for a range of dates using separate 033 fields for the dates that appear on the catalog and the actual dates. Explain in a 500 note.
This field has no ending punctuation.
Example: 033 0_ 199441220 (Single date)
Example: 033 0 1802 (Only the year is known)
Example: 033 1_ 19890306 ‡a 19890307 (Multiple single sale dates)
Example: 033 2_ 17991230 ‡a 18000102 (Range of dates)
040 Cataloging source
First and second indicators: blank
System-supplied. When you create a record, Connexion automatically inserts your OCLC institution symbol in 040 subfields a and c. When you edit a SCIPIO record, Connexion automatically adds your institution symbol in 040 subfield d.
This field has no ending punctuation.
Example: 040 NGA ‡c NGA
Example: 040 NGA ‡c NGA ‡d JPG
041 Language code
First indicator: 0 Item is not a translation
Second indicator: blank
This field contains the MARC language codes for multilingual catalogs (when code mul has been used in 008/35-37), or when a catalog is a translation or includes significant material in more than one language. Enter the MARC language code for each language used in the catalog entries. Ignore languages used only in the prefatory material. See the MARC 21 Language Codes list.
The first code should be the same as the fixed field language code 008/35-37, unless that code is mul. If one language is predominant, enter that code first; if no language is predominant, enter the codes in alphabetical order. Enter each code in lowercase in a separate subfield a. This field is used in addition to any language note given in field 546.
This field has no ending punctuation.
Example: 041 0_ eng ‡a fre ‡a ger
042 Authentication code
First and second indicators: blank
You must include this field and enter the value scipio (note lowercase) in each SCIPIO record you create. Connexion does not insert the field or value for you. You can include this field and value in a SCIPIO constant data record, along with other often used SCIPIO data, and apply the constant data to insert the field automatically into a new SCIPIO record.
When you derive a new SCIPIO IR from an existing SCIPIO record or SCIPIO IR, the field and value do transfer.
The authentication code scipio in field 042 is the WorldCat identifier for a SCIPIO record. Only records with scipio in field 042 are indexed in the SCIPIO-specific WorldCat search indexes.
Example: 042 scipio
1XX fields
110 Auction house name
First indicator: 2 Name in direct order
Second indicator: blank
This field contains the auction house name in AACR2 form. Use the form of name in the LC names and subjects authority file, if it is present.
To search for a heading in the LC authority file using the Connexion client, in the menu bar click
Authorities > Search > LC Names and Subjects (or press <Shift><F2>).
If you do not find the auction house name, establish a new heading in AACR2 form. When you establish a new auction house name, you are encouraged to create a corresponding authority record and submit it through NACO.
In cases where two or more auction houses are associated with one sale, enter the most prominently named, or the one with the primary responsibility, in the 110 field. Enter the other(s) in a 710 field. In the case of a country house sale, enter the auction house in the 110 field and the name of the country house as a subject heading in a 610 field.
If no auction house or dealer name appears on the catalog, do not enter a 100 field.
This field ends with a period or closing parenthesis.
Example: 110 2_ Phillips Son & Neale.
Example: 100 2_ Butterfield & Butterfield.
2XX fields
245 Title
First indicator: 0 No title added entry; 1 Title added entry
Second indicator: 0-9 Filing indicator
Use first indicator 0 when there is no 110 field; use first indicator 1 when there is a 100 field. The filing indicator specifies the number of leading characters to be ignored for indexing and filing. Use the filing indicator when the title begins with an article. When counting spaces to ignore, include any punctuation mark and the blank following the initial article, but ignore any diacritic associated with the first letter of the first filing word.
This field contains the main title of the sales catalog. Transcribe the main title from the title page. If a title page does not exist, use the cover title. If there is neither a title page title nor a cover title, use section headings, separated by commas, as the title. Transcribe titles as they appear. The main title usually includes all text up to such words as "including" or a colon. Enter subtitle information in subfield
b. If the title appears in two languages, enter the second language title (parallel title) in subfield b, preceded by an equal sign.
If the main title does not come from the title page, give the source of the title in a 500 note.
If two (or more) catalogs are published in a single volume, list both (or all) titles in the 245 separated by a semi-colon with a space on either side. Enter the titles in the order they appear on the catalog. If two catalogs are published inverted back-to-back, select the catalog with the earlier sale date or select the fullest title page. If neither title page predominates, enter the titles in alphabetical order. In addition, enter a 740 field for the additional title(s) and a 500 note.
This field ends with a period.
Example: 245 10 20th century furniture and decorative arts.
Example: 245 14 The Elvis Presley Museum collection.
Example: 245 12 L’art autrichien à Paris.
Example: 245 12 L’éte 1986.
Example: 245 10 Fayence, Porzellan, Silber, Schmuck, Zinn, Möbel, Teppiche, Skulpturen, Gemälde, Graphik, Bücher. (Section titles are used because no title page title exists.)
Example: 245 10 Indonesian paintings = ‡b Indonesische schilderijen. (Parallel titles)
Example: 245 10 Design 1840-1990 ; ‡b Filmposters. (Two catalogs issued together)
246 Varying form of title
First indicator: 1 Note, title added entry; 3 No note, title added entry
Second indicator (Type of title): 0 Portion of title; 1 Parallel title; 2 Distinctive title; 3 Other title; 4 Cover title (See MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data for more types of titles.)
This field contains varying forms of the title associated with the sales catalog. Enter cover titles, parallel titles, inverted titles, spelled out forms of numbers and abbreviations, and other variant titles if they differ substantially from the 245 title. Enter section headings in a 505 note.
When none of the second indicators is adequate to describe the source of the variant title, leave the second indicator blank and enter the source in subfield i. Enter subfield i preceding subfield a.
Omit initial articles. This field has no ending punctuation.
Example: 246 3_ Twentieth century furniture and decorative arts (Spelled out number)
Example: 246 31 Indonesische schilderiien (Parallel title)
Example: 246 14 Important watches, wristwatches and clocks (Cover title) Example: 246 1_ ‡i; note that subfield i precedes subfield a)
260 Publisher, place of publication, and publication date
First and second indicators: blank
Enter the place of publication in subfield a, the publisher in subfield b, preceded by a colon, and the date of publication in subfield c, preceded by a comma. Transcribe the information in the language in which it appears. Do not anglicize foreign names. This information may differ from the place and date of the auction.
This field ends with a period (after the date), a comma (if there is no date), or other closing punctuation.
Example: 260 San Francisco :‡b Butterfiel & Butterfield,‡c 1990.
Example: 260 Wien :‡b Dorotheum,‡c 1999.
Example: 260 Paris :‡b Impr. Lahure,‡c 1934.
Example: 260 Kobenhavn :‡b [s.n.],‡c 1934.
3XX fields
300 Physical description
First and second indicators: blank
Enter the extent of the catalog in subfield a, other physical details in subfield b, preceded by a colon, and the size of the catalog in subfield c, preceded by a semi-colon.
This field ends with a period.
Example: 300 245 p. :‡b ill. ; ‡c 27 cm.
Example: 300 190 p. :‡b ill. (some col.) ; ‡c 24 cm.
Example: 300 126 p. :‡b ill. ; ‡c 27 cm.
5XX fields
5XX Notes
Enter general notes in the 500 field and specific notes in other 5XX fields as instructed below, in the order prescribed by AACR2. This list is selective. See MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data for other specific note fields.
500 General note
First and second indicators: blank
Use this field for general notes, including, but not limited to, the following: Source of the title proper if not the title page, source of the auctioneer information, unformatted contents note, number of lots in a sale, more information about dates and venues. Enter each note in a separate field.
This field ends with a period.
Optional. Include a subfield 5 and enter library-specific or copy-specific notes, including notes to describe the local availability of a price list corresponding to the auction. These notes usually appear in field 590. See last example in the following list of examples.
Example: 500 Title from cover.
Example: 500 At head of title: Mes Chambelland, Giafferi et Veyrac.
Example: 500 “Francis Briest, Commissaire priseur.” Example: 500 Catalogs issued inverted back-to-back. Example: 500 Part II held at Sotheby’s London 1990 Dec. 10. Example: 500 Sale originally scheduled 1990 June 24.
Example: 500 Estate sale held on premises.
Example: 500 Price list included. ‡5 NNFr
505 Formatted contents note
First indicator (display constant controller): 0 Contents; 1 Incomplete contents; 2 Partial contents; 8 No display constant generated
Second indicator (level of content designation): blank Basic; 0 Enhanced
This field contains formatted contents notes. Use this field to enter section titles if they contribute substantially to the identification of a catalog. Enter the section titles in a single occurrence of subfield a, separated by a space, two dashes, and another space.
This field ends with a period or other mark of punctuation.
Example: 505 8_ Gravures -- Dessins -- Gouaches -- Aquarelles.
510 Citation note
First indicator: 4 Location in source given
Second indicator: blank
Lugt and Lancour are two of the major reference sources containing information about auctions that have taken place in Europe and North America. Lugt lists auctions that took place in Europe from 1600 to 1925. Lancour lists auctions that took place primarily in the United States from 1785 to 1942. The entries include: sale dates, sale codes, auctioneers, place of auction, and collector information.
Enter the reference source (Lugt, Lancour, MacKay, Blogie, etc.) in subfield a. Enter the reference number in subfield c, preceded by a comma.
This field has no ending punctuation.
Example: 510 4_ Lugt ‡c 1445
Example: 510 4_ Lancour, ‡c 2178
518 Place of sale
First and second indicators: blank
Use this field to record the place of sale, preceded by the text Place of sale, a colon, and a space. When a catalog covers multiple sales at different locations, enter a separate 518 for each location, including the date(s), to differentiate. Enter the date of sale using natural language, not the format yyyymmdd that you use in field 033 (for example: June 15, 2003).
This field ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation is present.
Example: 518 Place of sale: London.
518 Place of sale: Surrey, June 15, 2000.
518 Place of sale: London, June 22, 2000. (Multiple fields, same record)
546 Language
First and second indicators: blank
This field provides information about the languages of the entries of multilingual catalogs. Ignore languages used only in the prefatory material. Enter this field in addition to the 041 field.
This field ends with a period.
Example: 546 English, French, and German.
550 Issuing body
First and second indicators: blank
In cases where two or more names are associated with one sale, use this field to explain the relationship to the auction house(s) entered in the 710 field.
This field ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation is present.
Example: 550 In association with William Doyle Galleries.
590 Local notes
First and second indicators: blank
Use this field for library-specific or copy-specific notes, including notes to describe the local availability of a price list corresponding to the auction. For price lists, use one of these standard phrases: price list included; no price list; price list not yet received.
Note: 590 fields are not retained in WorldCat records. This field ends with a period.
(Optional) Enter this information in field 500 subfield 5.
Example: 590 No price list.
Example: 590 Annotated with prices.
Example: 590 Library has two copies; copy 2 has photographic plates.
6XX fields
6XX Consigner(s) and other subject(s)
These fields contain the names of consigners (sellers), collectors, artists, and other subjects in the 600, 610, 650, or 653 fields. For personal and corporate names, libraries can use either the 600 and 610 fields, for personal and corporate names, respectively, in AACR2 form, or the 653 field, for both personal and corporate names, as transcribed from the catalogs and not in AACR2 form. Records may contain both types of fields, but only one field for each name.
These fields are repeatable. Enter a separate field for each name.
600 Subject added entry — Personal name
First indicator: 0 Forename; 1 Surname; 3 Family name
Second indicator: Subject heading system/thesaurus. Use 0 Library of Congress Subject Headings for names corresponding to records in the LC name and subject authority file.
This field contains personal names (of consigners and other persons) in AACR2 form, entered in indirect order, for which access through a standard controlled heading is desired. (See instructions in the field 110 description regarding the LC authority file.) If a controlled subject heading is used, include appropriate standard subdivisions (example: ‡x Art collections ‡v Catalogs or simply ‡v Catalogs).
This field ends with a mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis.
Example: 600 10 Murray, John, ‡d 1809-1901.
Example: 600 10 Aga Khan, Sadruddin, ‡c Prince, ‡d1933-
610 Subject added entry — Corporate name
First indicator: 2 Name in direct order
Second indicator: Subject heading system/thesaurus. Use 0 Library of Congress Subject Headings for names corresponding to name heading records in the LC authority file.
This field contains corporate names in AACR2 form, including consigners and other corporate subjects for which access through standard controlled headings is desired. (See instructions in the description of field 110 regarding the LC authority file.) If a controlled subject heading is used, include appropriate standard subdivisions (example: ‡x Art collections ‡v Catalogs or simply ‡v Catalogs). In the case of a country house sale, enter the auction house in the 110 field and the name of the country house in a 610 field. Explain the relationship in a field 550 note.
This field ends with a mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis.
Example: 610 20 Chrysler Museum.
Example: 610 20 Bradiford House (Devon, England)
650 Subject added entry — Topical term
First indicator: Blank
Second indicator: 0 for Library of Congress Subject Headings, 7 for Art and Architecture Thesaurus headings
This field contains Library of Congress and/or Art and Architecture Thesaurus topical subject headings describing the sale. In SCIPIO, this field is generally not used. However, you may add topical subject headings if desired. If you use a controlled subject heading, include appropriate standard subdivisions (example: ‡x Art collections ‡v Catalogs or simply ‡v Catalogs).
This field ends with a mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis.
Example: 650 0 Painting, American. ‡x Art collections ‡v Catalogs
Example: 650 0 Art deco.
653 Consigner name (personal or corporate)
First and second indicators: blank
This field contains either individual or corporate consigner names as transcribed from the title page or elsewhere in the catalog. Transcribe personal names as they appear, including all titles such as Mr., Mrs., or Miss. (Older practice was to omit titles that appeared in front of personal names in some cases). Include pseudonyms or initials as they appear. If the full name is known (from Lugt or other reference sources), add the full name in square brackets after the name. Do not invert personal names.
For corporations or institutions, eliminate the initial article but include phrases such as "Trustees of" or "Estate of." Do not include unnamed collectors or collections, such as "A charitable trust" or "A Mexican collector."
This field has no ending punctuation.
Example: 653 Mrs. Allan Kyle
Example: 653 Mrs. Bertha Rose
Example: 653 Madame X
Example: 653 M.G. [Marie Geraut]
Example: 653 Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Example: 653 Estate of Edward W. Mudge, Jr.
655 Index term — Genre/Form
First indicator: Blank
Second indicator: 0 for Library of Congress Subject Headings, 7 for Art and Architecture Thesaurus headings
This field contains Library of Congress and/or Art and Architecture Thesaurus topical subject headings describing form, genre and/or physical characteristics. In past practice, this field was generally not used. However, you may add it for increased access.
This field ends with a mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis.
Example: 655 7 Auction catalogs. ‡2 aat.
7XX fields
7XX Added entries
These fields contain auctioneer, auction house, and title added entries. The names of the auctioneers are entered either in the 700 field in AACR2 form or in the 720 field in non-AACR2 form, although libraries are encouraged to use the 700 field for auctioneers whenever possible. Added entries for the auction house names are entered in the 710 field in AACR2 form. Added entries for titles are entered in the 740 field. Records may contain any of these types of fields, but only one field for each name.
These fields are repeatable. Enter a separate field for each name.
700 Auctioneer
First indicator: 1 Surname
Second indicator: blank
This field contains the personal name of an auctioneer in AACR2 form entered in indirect order. (See instructions in the description of field 110 on searching the LC authority file for name authority records.) If the auctioneer's name is not evident from elsewhere in the description, give the source of information in a 500 note.
This field ends with a mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis.
Example: 700 1_ Dubois, L. J. J.‡q (Leon Jean Joseph)
710 Auction house added entry
First indicator: 2 Name in direct order
Second indicator: blank
This field contains additional auction house names in AACR2 form in cases where two or more names are associated with one sale. (See instructions under 110 on searching the LC authority file for name authority records.) Enter the responsible or most prominently named auction house in the 110 field as instructed above. Enter any other listed auction house(s) in the 710 field.
This field ends with a mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis.
Example: 710 2_ William Doyle Galleries.
720 Auctioneer added entry (non-AACR2 form)
First indicator: 1 Personal name; 2 Other
Second indicator: blank
This field contains auctioneer names as transcribed from the title page or elsewhere in the catalog. Use of this field is no longer recommended. However, if you decide to add it, transcribe personal names as they appear, as instructed in the description of field 653. If the auctioneer's name is not evident from elsewhere in the description, give the source of information in a 500 note. Do not invert personal names.
This field has no ending punctuation.
Example: 720 2_ Chambelland
Example: 720 2_ Francis Briest
740 Title added entry
First indicator: 0-9 Filing indicator
Second indicator: blank
Use this field for entering titles when two or more catalogs are issued together. Enter all titles in the 245 field. Add a 500 note. Enter a 740 field for the additional title(s).
This field ends with a mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis.
Example: 740 0_ Filmposters. (Second of two catalogs issued together)