Visualizza la cronologia delle modifiche di LHR
Scoprite come attivare e visualizzare la cronologia delle modifiche LHR.
Visualizza la cronologia delle modifiche di LHR
The LHR Change History table is disabled by default and must be enabled in the WorldShare Record Manager panel. Enabling it will cause the LHR Change History to appear throughout Record Manager, Circulation, and Acquisitions. Refer to Enable the LHR Change History for more information.
Note: It may take up to 10 minutes for the LHR updates to be reflected in the LHR Change History table. If the change history for a LHR is very large, only the most recent changes will be displayed.
View the LHR Change History from Item Details
- Search for an item in Discover Items and click the title to open the Item Details.
- Click Copies in the upper right.
- Click View/Edit in the Action column for the item, copy or, or multipart set you would like to view the history for.
- Click Change History in the header. The label changes to reflect the type of LHR you are viewing:
- Item Change History - Single copy
- Copy Change History - Serials
- Multipart Set Change History - Multiparts
View LHR Change History in MARC 21 view
- Search for an item in Discover Items and click the title to open the Item Details.
- Click Copies in the upper right.
- Click View/Edit in the Action column for the item, copy or, or multipart set you would like to view the history for.
- Click View/Edit in MARC 21.
- Dall'editor LHR, scorrere fino all'accordion Cronologia modifiche LHR. È visibile la cronologia delle modifiche associate al record delle aziende locali.
- (Optional) You can collapse the LHR Record accordion to make it easier to access the LHR Change History accordion.
Colonne disponibili della cronologia delle modifiche LHR