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WorldShare Acquisitions Release Notes, September 2023


Release Date: September 18, 2023


This release of WorldShare Acquisitions provides one new feature. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

  • Entering new enumeration captions for serial issues

Many of these enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

Recommended actions

For this release, we recommend that you review the following checklists and complete the relevant tasks so that you can adjust your policies and workflows and train your staff. These checklists identify updates that we have determined as significant for most institutions. We encourage you to review all of the items in the release notes to determine whether there are other items that might require additional action or follow up by your institution.

Administrative actions

These items require immediate action or decisions.


None at this time.

Follow-up actions

In an effort to keep your staff informed of new features and changes, you may also want to consider these items.


Instruct staff to use new enumeration captions if appropriate for new or existing serial issues.

New features and enhancements

Entering new enumeration captions

When creating serial issues, you can select new enumeration captions in a variety of languages.  This includes:

Caption Lingua Abbreviation
Jaargang  Olandese jrg.
Aflevering  Olandese afl. 
Bijlage Olandese bijl. 
Speciaal nummer Olandese spec. nr.
Themanummer Olandese themanr. 
Nieuwe serie Olandese nw ser.
Volgende serie Olandese volg. ser.  
New Series English n.s.
Next Series English next ser.
Temporada Spagnolo Temp.
Suplemento  Spagnolo Supl.
Índice Spagnolo Índ.
Bulletin English bull.
Fascile English fasc.
Fascicule Francese fasc.
Nouvelle série Francese nouv. sér.
Série Francese sér.
Supplément Francese suppl.
Numéro Francese n. 
Mise à jour Francese màj.
Année Francese anné.
Édition Francese éd.
Release English rel.
Anno  English yr.
Partie Francese part.
Zväzok Slovakian zv.
Jilid Malay jil.
Législature Francese lég.
Legislature English leg.
Session English sess.
Serie English ser.
Deel Olandese dl.
Editie Olandese ed.

Important links

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: