Indici dei documenti bibliografici
View all of the bibliographic indexes that are available for searching WorldCat.
- Bibliographic record index lists
- View all bibliographic record indexes that are available for searching WorldCat alphabetically or by data type.
- Bibliographic record indexes A-C
- View in-depth information on each search index, including fields and subfields searched, notes on usage, and examples searches.
- Access Method
- Access Restrictions
- Action Note
- Auction House Name (SCIPIO-specific)
- Authentication Code
- Codice a barre
- BC Year
- Branch Definition/Shelf Location
- Collocazione
- Canadian Class Number
- Canadian Subject
- Cataloging Source
- Character Sets Present
- Citation (SCIPIO-specific)
- Collection Level
- Control Number
- Cooperative Programs
- Corporate/Conference Name
- Corporate/Conference Subject
- Country of Publication
- Bibliographic record indexes D-H
- View in-depth information on each search index, including fields and subfields searched, notes on usage, and examples searches.
- Date Created as MARC
- Date of Sale (SCIPIO-specific)
- Derived: Corporate/Conference Name
- Derived: Name/Title
- Derived: Personal Name
- Derived: Title
- Description Conventions
- Descriptors
- Dewey Decimal Class Number
- Dewey Decimal Edition Number
- Encoding Level
- Entity Attributes
- Format/Document Type
- Genre/Form
- Geographic Coverage
- Government Document Number
- Holding Library
- Holding Library Group
- Bibliographic record indexes I-L
- View in-depth information on each search index, including fields and subfields searched, notes on usage, and examples searches.
- Individual Auctioneer (SCIPIO-specific)
- Internet
- Parola chiave
- Lingua
- Il linguaggio della catalogazione
- LC Children's Subject
- LC Class Number
- Local Holdings - City
- Local Holdings - OCLC Groups
- Local Holdings - OCLC Institution Symbol
- Local Holdings - State/Province
- Local Holdings Present
- Journal Source
- Bibliographic record indexes M-N
- View in-depth information on each search index, including fields and subfields searched, notes on usage, and examples searches.
- Bibliographic indexes O-R
- View in-depth information on each search index, including fields and subfields searched, notes on usage, and examples searches.
- Bibliographic record indexes S-Z
- View in-depth information on each search index, including fields and subfields searched, notes on usage, and examples searches.