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Bibliographic record indexes D-H

View in-depth information on each search index, including fields and subfields searched, notes on usage, and examples searches.
  • Date Created as MARC
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Date Created as MARC word (dm: or dc:) index.
  • Date of Sale (SCIPIO-specific)
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Date of Sale (SCIPIO-specific) word (ds:) index.
  • Derived: Corporate/Conference Name
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Derived: Corporate/Conference Name word (cd:) index.
  • Derived: Name/Title
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Derived: Name/Title word (nd:) index.
  • Derived: Personal Name
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Derived: Personal Name word (pd:) index.
  • Derived: Title
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Derived: Title word (td:) index.
  • Description Conventions
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Description Conventions word (dx:) index.
  • Descriptors
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Descriptors word (de:) and phrase (de=) indexes.
  • Dewey Decimal Class Number
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Dewey Decimal Class Number number (dd:) index.
  • Dewey Decimal Edition Number
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Dewey Decimal Edition Number number (d2:) index.
  • Encoding Level
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Encoding Level number (lv:) index.
  • Entity Attributes
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Entity Attributes word (en:) index.
  • Format/Document Type
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Format/Document Type word and phrase (dt=) indexes.
  • Genre/Form
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Genre/Form word (ge:) and phrase (ge=) indexes.
  • Geographic Coverage
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Geographic Coverage word (gc:) and phrase (gc=) indexes.
  • Government Document Number
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Government Document Number number (gn:) index.
  • Holding Library
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Holding Library word (li:) index.
  • Holding Library Group
    Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Holding Library Group word (zu:) index.