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Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Name word (au:), phrase (au=), and whole phrase (auw=) indexes.

Also called Author in FirstSearch; formerly called Author in Connexion.

This index searches for any people and corporations that have participated in the creation of the item, including sponsors, editors, directors, actors, illustrators, and many other roles.

Word (au:)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label au:
Browse?  --- ---
  • au:sagan
  • au:saint-arroman
  • 100 a-e j q u
  • 110 a-e n u
  • 111 a c d e n q u
  • 245 c
  • 505 r
  • 508 a
  • 511 a
  • 550 a
  • 700 a-e j q u
  • 710 a-e n
  • 711 a c d e n q
  • 720 a
  • 770 a
  • 773 a
  • 780 a
  • 785 a
  • 787 a
  • 800 a-d q u
  • 810 a-e n
  • 811 a c d e n q
Qualifier index? No
  • Formerly called Author.
  • Supports non-Latin script searches.
  • There are no common word exclusions recognized by this search index.
  • There are no stopwords recognized by this search index.
  • Scan index from the Command Line Search by entering the Scan command (sca), the index label with appropriate punctuation, and the term, and then clicking Search (example: sca au:sagan). For more information, see Browse (scan an index).
  • Called Author.
  • Supports non-Latin script searches.
  • There are no stopwords recognized by this search index.
  • Use single quotes around 'le' and other words that are operators. Operators supported in FirstSearch: Boolean search operators, wildcards; operators included are le, ge, it, gt, n, near, w, with, and, or, not.
Phrase (au=)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label au=
Browse?  --- ---
  • au=sagan, carl
  • au=sagan carl
  • au=saint-arroman
  • 100 a-d j q
  • 110 a-d n
  • 111 a c d e n q
  • 700 a-d j q
  • 710 a-e n
  • 711 a c d e n q
  • 720 a
Qualifier index? No
  • Formerly called Author.
  • Retaining first comma is optional.
  • Supports non-Latin script searches.
  • There are no stopwords recognized by this search index.
  • Scan index from the Command Line Search by entering the Scan command (sca), the index label with appropriate punctuation, and the term, and then clicking Search (example: sca au=sagan carl). For more information, see Browse (scan an index).
  • Called Author.
  • Retaining first comma is optional.
  • Supports non-Latin script searches.
  • Use double quotes around exact phrases; omit single quote from 'le' operator when the double quote is used to search for an exact phrase.
  • There are no stopwords recognized by this search index.
Whole phrase (auw=)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label auw= --- --- ---
Search? --- --- ---
Browse? --- --- ---
Esempi auw=sagan, carl 1934- --- --- ---
  • 100 a-d j q
  • 110 a-d g n
  • 111 a c d e g n q
  • 700 a-d j q
  • 710 a-d g n
  • 711 a c d e g n q
  • 800 a-d j q
  • 810 a-d g n
  • 811 a c d e g n q
--- --- ---
Qualifier index? No --- --- ---
  • Formerly called Author.
  • Retain first comma and hyphens in dates.
  • Supports non-Latin script searches.
  • There are no stopwords recognized by this search index.
  • Scan index from the Command Line Search by entering the Scan command (sca), the index label with appropriate punctuation, and the term, and then clicking Search (example: sca auw=sagan, carl 1934-). For more information, see Browse (scan an index).
--- --- ---