XML patron data loading
Note: This information presupposes a fundamental knowledge of XML. Because library local systems and practices vary widely, this document is best used as a high-level overview.
File | Descrizione |
Patron persona XSD | Template for creating XML patron data file. |
Symbols and HTML code
XML files must contain valid HTML code. These symbols, if present in the patron data, must be replaced as HTML code (entity references), as below:
Simbolo | HTML code (entity references) |
& | & |
< | < |
> | > |
" | " |
File naming must follow specific rules:
- Filenames can contain letters, numbers, periods and underscores.
- Filenames cannot contain spaces or special characters.
- XML files must have the XML file extension.
Example: OCLCsymbolpatrons.xml
Inviare i dati dell'utente
Ongoing patron load updates
- If new data is included in an update record, all will be replaced with new information.
- Name and Postal address information are treated as a group; if there was a full address previously and the update record only includes the country, then the Postal Address will be overwritten with just the country. If nothing new is provided in the update record, then the old address will be maintained.
- If an update record does not include data for an optional field, but contained data in a previous update, the original data will be maintained.
- If you want to bulk delete library patron records, see XML patron data bulk delete.
Fields | Azione | |
For WorldShare Circulation, if any of these fields are present > | barcode, homeBranch, borrowerCategory, circRegistrationDate > | It will be treated as a WorldShare Circulation record and will assume the WorldShare Circulation required fields are present. |
For Tipasa, if any of the ILL fields are present > | illId, illApprovalStatus, illPatronType, illPickupLocation > | It will be treated as an ILL record and assume the ILL required fields are present. |
For WorldShare Circulation, if any required WorldShare Circulation fields are missing > | givenName OR familyName, institutionId, barcode, borrowerCategory, homeBranch > | The record will be ignored. |
For Tipasa, if any fields are missing > | givenName OR familyName, institutionId, illId, at least one piece of contact information (postal address, phone or email) > | The record will be ignored. |
If both WorldShare Circulation and Tipasa fields are present > | It will take on requirements for both types of records. |
Record elements
OCLCPersonas and Persona
complexType | Attribute / Element | Type | Required / Repeatable for WorldShare Circulation libraries | Required / Repeatable for Tipasa Libraries | Descrizione | Character Limit |
OCLCPersonas | persona | Persona |
Required |
Required |
Persona | correlationInfo | CorrelationInfo |
Optional Required if using a non-OCLC authentication system. |
Optional Required if using a non-OCLC authentication system. |
oclcUserName | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
50 | |
oclcExpirationDate | dateTime | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
nameInfo | NameInfo | Required Not repeatable |
Required Not repeatable |
nickname | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
50 | |
dateOfBirth | Data | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
gender | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
wmsCircPatronInfo | WmsCircPatron Info |
Required Not repeatable |
Required Not repeatable |
wsILLInfo | WsILLInfo | Not applicable |
Required |
contactInfo | ContactInfo |
Optional |
Required Repeatable |
notification |
Notification |
Not applicable |
Optional Note: If a mobile number is present in this field (when paired with the deliveryService value SMS) does not validate, the patron load will be rejected. |
note | Note | Optional Repeatable |
Optional Repeatable |
additionalInfo | KeyValuePair | Optional Repeatable |
Optional Repeatable |
photoURL | anyURL | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
8,192 | |
institutionId (Attribute) |
numeric | Required Not repeatable |
Required Not repeatable |
NameInfo and WMSCircPatronInfo
complexType | Attribute / Element | Type | Required / Repeatable for WorldShare Circulation libraries | Required / Repeatable for Tipasa Libraries | Descrizione | Character Limit |
NameInfo | prefix | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
254 |
givenName | string |
Required givenName or familyName is required |
Required givenName or familyName is required |
50 | |
middleName | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
100 | |
familyName | string |
Required givenName or familyName is required |
Required givenName or familyName is required |
50 | |
suffix | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
254 | |
canSelfEdit | boolean | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
WMSCircPatronInfo | barcode | string | Required Not repeatable |
Not applicable (barcode can be sent as illID) |
20 |
pin | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Not applicable |
borrowerCategory | string | Required Not repeatable |
Not applicable (illPatronType can be used) |
30 | |
circRegistration Data |
dateTime | Optional Not repeatable |
Not applicable |
homeBranch | string | Required Not repeatable |
Not applicable |
isCircBlocked | boolean | Optional Not repeatable |
Not applicable |
isCollectionExempt | boolean | Optional Not repeatable |
Not applicable |
isFineExempt | boolean | Optional Not repeatable |
Not applicable |
isVerified | boolean |
Optional |
Not applicable |
storeCheckout History |
boolean | Optional Not repeatable |
Not applicable |
ContactInfo and PostalAddress
complexType | Attribute / Element | Type | Required / Repeatable for WorldShare Circulation libraries | Required / Repeatable for Tipasa Libraries | Descrizione | Character Limit |
ContactInfo Note: At least one piece of information, postalAddress, email or phone number is required. |
Choice: postal address | PostalAddress | Optional Repeatable |
Optional Repeatable |
Choice: email | EmailAddress | Optional Repeatable |
Optional Repeatable |
Choice: phone | Phone | Optional Repeatable |
Optional Repeatable |
label | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
isInvalid | boolean | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
PostalAddress Note: At least one piece of contact information, postalAddress, email or phone number is required. |
streetAddressLine1 | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
120 |
streetAddressLine2 | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
120 | |
cityOrLocality | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
50 | |
stateOrProvince | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
120 | |
postalCode | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
20 | |
country | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
120 | |
isPrimary | boolean | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
isPermanent | boolean | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
validFrom | dateTime | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
validTo | dateTime | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
EmailAddress, Phone, CorrelationInfo, Note, KeyValuePair, NotificationDeliveryDestination and WSILLInfo
complexType | Attribute / Element | Type | Required / Repeatable for WorldShare Circulation libraries | Required / Repeatable for Tipasa Libraries | Descrizione | Character Limit |
EmailAddress Note: At least one piece of contact information, postalAddress, email or phone number is required. |
emailAddress | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
254 | |
isPrimary | boolean | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
Phone Note: At least one piece of contact information, postalAddress, email or phone number is required. |
number | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
50 |
isPrimary | boolean | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
CorrelationInfo | sourceSystem | string |
Optional Required if using a non-OCLC authentication system. |
Optional Required if using a non-OCLC authentication system. |
255 |
idAtSource | string |
Optional Required if using a non-OCLC authentication system. |
Optional Required if using a non-OCLC authentication system. |
50 | |
Note | text | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
255 |
KeyValuePair | businessContext | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
key | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
value | string | Optional Not repeatable |
Optional Not repeatable |
8,192 | |
NotificationDelivery Note: If notificationDelivery |
deliveryService | string | Not applicable |
Optional |
destination | string | Not applicable | Optional Not repeatable |
4,096 | |
WsILLInfo | illId | string | Not applicable | Required Not repeatable |
254 |
illApprovalStatus | string | Not applicable | Optional Not repeatable |
illPatronType | string | Not applicable | Optional Not repeatable |
50 | |
illPickupLocation | string | Not applicable | Optional Not repeatable |
1000 |
Patron data file processing reports