XML patron data bulk delete
This documentation provides the requirements for creating an XML bulk delete file, including how to format and submit the file.
Follow the guidelines below to create and submit a file for bulk deletion of patron data.
Note: This information presupposes a fundamental knowledge of XML. Because library local systems and practices vary widely, this document is best used as a high-level overview.
File | Descrizione |
Bulk patron delete XSD | Template for creating XML bulk patron delete file |
The bulk patron delete file name must meet the following criteria:
- Filenames cannot contain spaces or special characters
- XML files must have the XML file extension
- The filename must include the word 'delete'
- The file name is not case sensitive
Example: [OCLCsymbol]patronsdelete.xml
Criteri per l'eliminazione del file XML da parte dell'utente
- L'eliminazione massiva include gli stessi elementi di corrispondenza del file dell'utente corrente e quindi deve avere l'institutionID (l'ID del registry WorldCat) e i dati di uno o più dei seguenti elementi:
- Codice a barre
- illId
- sourceSystem/idAtSource pair
- Only send tags for fields containing data
- Do not use empty tags
Sample file
Send bulk patron delete file