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WorldShare Collection Manager self-paced training

Find WorldShare Collection Manager training recordings and videos.

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Introduction to Collection Manager


Title and description Lunghezza  
Collection Manager: What it is and and how libraries use it

This course introduces WorldShare Collection Manager, including the types of collections to help libraries manage the metadata for their libraries' electronic and print resources.

Topics covered include:
  • Purpose and features of Collection Manager
  • Overview of Collection Manager interface
  • Examples of how different types of collections are used
After this training, learners will gain foundational knowledge of the collection types in Collection Manager. They will be able to determine the types of collections to use to manage the metadata for their libraries' electronic and print materials.

Intended audience: This course is intended for staff at member libraries with access to WorldShare Collection Manager to build an awareness of the service and its benefits or learn how to get started.

1:03:00 Visualizzare una sessione registrata

 Note: This recording contains chapters and transcripts. Click a chapter name to navigate to a specific topic in the recording. Chapter names and transcripts are only available when viewing the recording from your computer.


Diapositive di presentazione

Learner guide

Checklist for Collection Manager: What it is and how libraries use it

Ricerca di collezioni

This video demonstrates how to search in WorldShare Collection Manager, including how to limit a search query and use filters to refine a set of search results.



WorldCat knowledge base collections


Title and description Lunghezza  
Edit WorldCat knowledge base collections with user interface

This course provides instruction on WorldCat knowledge base collections, including search for collections, select and edit existing collections, as well as create local collections using the WorldShare Collection Manager interface.a

Topics covered include:
  • Search for knowledge base collections using Collection Manager interface
  • Select and edit knowledge base collections using Collection Manager interface
  • Create local knowledge base collections using Collection Manager interface
At the end of this session, learners will gain the foundational knowledge to search and perform basic actions on knowledge base collections.

Intended audience: This course is intended for staff at member libraries who are working with electronic resources materials and will be editing or adding their electronic collections to the WorldCat knowledge base using the WorldShare Collection Manager application. The learner should know what WorldShare Collection Manager and the WorldCat knowledge base are and why the learner’s library will build its collections in the WorldCat knowledge base in order to get the most out of this course.

1:29:00 Visualizzare una sessione registrata

 Note: This recording contains chapters and transcripts. Click a chapter name to navigate to a specific topic in the recording. Chapter names and transcripts are only available when viewing the recording from your computer.


Diapositive di presentazione

Learner guide

After completing the course, please take a few moments to complete this evaluation.

Use KBART files to edit WorldCat knowledge base collections

This course provides instruction on using KBART (Knowledge Base and Related Tools) files to select and edit existing WorldCat knowledge base collections, create local collections, and promote local collections to the global WorldCat knowledge base.

Topics covered include:
  • Edit collections using KBART files
  • Add titles to new collections using KBART files
  • Promote a local collection to global WorldCat knowledge base
After this session, learners will be able to create and use KBART files to edit or create knowledge base collections in WorldShare Collection Manager.

Intended audience: This course is intended for staff at member libraries who are working with electronic resources materials and will be editing or adding their electronic collections to the WorldCat knowledge base using the WorldShare Collection Manager application. The learner should know what WorldShare Collection Manager and the WorldCat knowledge base are and why the learner’s library will build its collections in the WorldCat knowledge base in order to get the most out of this course.

  Visualizzare una sessione registrata

 Note: This recording contains chapters and transcripts. Click a chapter name to navigate to a specific topic in the recording. Chapter names and transcripts are only available when viewing the recording from your computer.


Diapositive di presentazione

Learner guide

After completing the course, please take a few moments to complete this evaluation.

Come usare le collezioni knowledge base di WorldCat (in inglese)

This video demonstrates using WorldShare Collection Manager to search, to select, to edit, as well as to create WorldCat knowledge base collections.


Select and edit WorldCat knowledge base collections

This video demonstrates how to use the WorldShare Collection Manager interface to select and edit WorldCat knowledge base collections, as well as edit these collections using KBART files.


Create WorldCat knowledge base collections

This video demonstrates using WorldShare Collection Manager, as well as KBART files, to create knowledge base collections to add your e-journal, e-book collections or print serial collections not found in the global WorldCat knowledge base.


Use the VLOOKUP function with KBART files

This video demonstrates how to use the VLOOKUP function in Microsoft Excel to reconcile a KBART file from WorldShare Collection Manager with a list of your titles for your e-journal or e-book collection.



WorldCat cataloging partner collections


Title and description Lunghezza  
Introduction and overview to WorldCat cataloging partner collections

This video is a brief introduction and overview for new users of WorldCat cataloging partner collections in WorldShare Collection Manager.



Set up your profile for WorldCat cataloging partner collections

This video shows how to set up your profile for your institution in WorldShare Collection Manager for WorldCat cataloging partner collections.


Creare una collezione partner di catalogazione WorldCat

This video shows how to create a WorldCat cataloging partner collection in WorldShare Collection Manager.



WorldCat query collections


Title and description Lunghezza  
Creare collezioni di query WorldCat

This video demonstrates using WorldShare Collection Manager to create a WorldCat Query Collection, as well as enable and configure collection-level MARC record options for a query collection.



Collezioni di sincronizzazione dei dati WorldCat


Title and description Lunghezza  
Introduction to WorldCat data sync collections

Questo video fornisce una breve introduzione alle raccolte di sincronizzazione dei dati in WorldShare Collection Manager.


Create a WorldCat data sync collection

This video explains how to create a WorldCat data sync collection.  Timestamps provide easy access to the information for each panel of the collection.


Collezioni di sincronizzazione dei dati WorldCat: Nome dei file da caricare

Questo video spiega come nominare i file da caricare per l'elaborazione della sincronizzazione dei dati.


Scambio di file con OCLC

This video describes how to exchange files of data with OCLC. It includes information about uploading files and retrieving reports for data sync collections, using filters to find specific file types and the process of downloading files and reports.


WorldCat data sync collections: Post-processing

This video describes bibliographic reports generated after files are processed through WorldCat data sync collections. You will also learn about unresolved records and how to process them. Timestamps allow you to jump to a specific section of the video.


Request a Streamlined Holdings Update Project

This video reviews the OCLC Streamlined WorldCat holdings update project and how to request this project for your library.



Aggiornamenti di WorldCat


Title and description Lunghezza  
Attivare e impostare le opzioni per gli aggiornamenti di WorldCat

Questo video illustra il processo di abilitazione e impostazione delle opzioni per la ricezione di record aggiornati tramite gli aggiornamenti di WorldCat in Collection Manager.





Title and description Lunghezza  
Working with OCLC Cataloged collections

In questo video viene spiegato come cercare e selezionare le collezioni catalogate da OCLC in WorldShare Collection Manager e viene illustrato dove e come scaricare i file dei record delle collezioni selezionate.



Registri MARC


Title and description Lunghezza  
Record MARC per tutte le collezioni

Questo video mostra come attivare e configurare il profilo MARC Records per tutte le raccolte in WorldShare Collection Manager.



Scaricate i vostri documenti in I miei file

Questo video mostra dove e come scaricare i propri file di record MARC e illustra le convenzioni di denominazione dei file e le modalità di conservazione in I miei file.