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Google Analytics (WorldCat Discovery only)

Learn how to connect Google Analytics to WorldCat Discovery.

To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local left navigation, select Google Analytics (WorldCat Discovery only).

Use this screen to enter your Google Analytics Tracker ID for use with WorldCat Discovery.  See the WorldCat Discovery Community Center (sign in required) for discussion about using Google Analytics for WorldCat Discovery.  

Before using this screen

  1. Go to
  2. Sign up for Google Analytics and get the Google Analytics Tracking ID for your site.
    • If you have an existing account, it is recommended that you create a new account for use with WorldCat Discovery.
    • If you are currently using Google Classic Analytics, you will need to create an Analytics Account for use with WorldCat Discovery.

 Note: WorldCat Discovery instructs Google Analytics to use anonymous IPs. Google Anonymization will use and store the first part of the IP to gather general location data. To read more on Google IP anonymization in analytics please refer to Google's support documentation on IP anonymization.

Enable Google Analytics

  1. Enter your Google Analytics Tracker ID into the text field.
  2. Click Save Changes.
  3. Go to Google Analytics to see the data collected for WorldCat Discovery.