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Determine which upload directory to use

Find the file exchange upload location for your records and reports.

Acquisizioni WorldShare

This table shows which directories to use when uploading files for Acquisitions.

File type File exchange directory location Note
Payment import file /xfer/wms/in/acq/payments  

Circolazione WorldShare

This table shows which directories to use when uploading files for Circulation.

File type File exchange directory location Note
Bibliographic /xfer/wms/in/bib/rec  
Circulation data fees /xfer/wms/test/in/circdata/fees  
Circulation data holds /xfer/wms/test/in/circdata/holds  
Circulation data items /xfer/wms/test/in/circdata/items  
Circulation data loans /xfer/wms/test/in/circdata/loans  
Database /xfer/wms/in/database For libraries migrating from ExLibris Voyager
Local holdings records /xfer/wms/in/lhr  
Patron /xfer/wms/in/patron For data approved for automated patron data loads
Patron deletes /xfer/wms/in/pdelete For data approved for automated patron delete loads
Patron deletes test /xfer/wms/test/in/pdelete For data being evaluated for automated patron delete data loads
Patron test /xfer/wms/test/in/patron For data being evaluated during migration and for automated data loads

Valutazione Collezioni WorldShare

This table shows which directories to use when uploading files for Collection Evaluation.

File type File exchange directory location Note
Circulation file /xfer/analytic/in/data For non-WMS libraries

WorldShare Gestione Collezioni

This table shows which directories to use when uploading files for Collection Manager.

File type File exchange directory location Note
WorldCat bibliographic data sync collections /xfer/metacoll/in/bib To synchronize holdings between Alma and WorldCat, see How do I synchronize holdings between Alma and WorldCat.
WorldCat bibliographic and local holdings records data sync collections
WorldCat Numeric Search Key non-MARC data Spreadsheet data: CSV or txt
WorldCat local holdings records data sync collections /xfer/metacoll/in/lhr To synchronize holdings between Alma and WorldCat, see How do I synchronize holdings between Alma and WorldCat.
WorldCat knowledge base collections /xfer/wckb/in/data

Use this location for knowledge base collections for SFTP upload of third-party holdings files ONLY. Alternatively, upload in Collection Manager in Settings > Knowledge Base Data.

You must apply specific formatting. To format third-part holdings files, see Map titles from a holdings file from a holdings file.