Unable to process request error
- When trying to log into WorldShare, you get the error "Unable to process request. We're sorry. We are unable to process your request at this moment." .
- A 403 forbidden error appears when logging into WorldShare.
Applies to
- WorldShare Admin
- WorldShare Circulation
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
- WorldShare Collection Manager
- WorldShare Record Manager
- WorldShare Acquisitions
- WorldShare License Manager
This error comes up when there is a problem authenticating to log into WorldShare. It generally means that the URL being used to log in is corrupt in some way. Some things that may help you resolve this include the following:
- Type in the WorldShare address rather than using a bookmark or email link
- Clear your WorldShare cookies in case the current ones are corrupt
- Make sure you do not have OCLC Service Configuration open in the same browser.
- Confirm that you are using the correct username and that a password is set up.
This can also indicate that there is a problem going on with your authentication setup. If the suggestions above don't work, contact OCLC Support with your library's OCLC symbol, the error message, the URL you are trying to log with, and whether multiple users/machines are being affected.