Find virtual AskQC office hour (VAOH) information, recordings, and supporting materials. (Ask Quality Control) is the longstanding email address to which catalogers can send questions to OCLC Metadata Quality staff about cataloging policies, standards, and practices.
OCLC cataloging community meeting
This virtual OCLC community event provides an opportunity to hear about important work by community members and learn about OCLC cataloging and metadata services. Visit the OCLC cataloging community event page for information on upcoming meetings and to access materials from past meetings.
- Current AskQC office hours
- Find current AskQC office hour recordings and supporting materials.
- Previous AskQC office hours
- Find past AskQC office hour recordings and supporting materials.
- AskQC office hour member Q&A
- Find member questions from all AskQC office hours.
- AskQC office hour URLs
- Find all URLs shared during AskQC office hours.