Use the Borrower Data screen to configure Borrower constant data. Constant data is stored information that your staff can use to ensure consistency when they initiate or respond to requests. Constant data automatically transfers repetitive data to workforms and requests. A default constant data record is created for any institution that does not have one.
Use automation to apply constant data in borrowing requests. For more information, refer to Automated Request Manager.
Note: If you would like your default constant data record to be automatically applied to each request, turn on the Persistence Setting. When the Persistence Setting is turned On in the OCLC Service Configuration > WorldShare ILL > Interlibrary Loan Options module, the DEFAULT constant data record overrides other Constant Data applications including through automation. If using automations to apply constant data, turn off the Persistence Setting. See Interlibrary Loan Options for more information.
Constant data records can be created to fit any routine borrowing situation. Examples of situations where constant data records can be useful for borrowers are listed in the table below.
Situation |
Suggestion |
You regularly borrow photocopies as well as material that must be returned. |
Create one constant data record for loans and another for copies. |
You request some photocopies be faxed to you, but that must be electronically returned. | Creare un record di dati costanti per le richieste di fax e un altro che indichi che si desidera ricevere i documenti tramite Article Exchange alla voce Consegna elettronica. |
A patron requests multiple items. |
Create a temporary constant data record to transfer data specific to that patron into each of the workforms. |
You handle all ILL transactions at your main library but want lenders to ship materials directly to branches when appropriate. |
Create constant data records with different Shipping and Contact Info for each branch. |
Some faculty members are regular ILL customers. |
Create a constant data record for each high-volume customer. |
You have established policies for the amount you will pay for each type of ILL material. |
Create a constant data record for each type of material with its appropriate Maximum Cost. |
You have established policies for using ILL Fee Management. |
Create constant data records with IFM values in Maximum Cost. |
You regularly request multiple copies of the same item for book clubs. |
Create a constant data record that contains a Borrowing Note indicating that the request is for a book club. |
To add a constant data record:
To copy a constant data record:
To edit a constant data record:
To delete a constant data record:
Note: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Campo | Descrizione | ||||||||||||||
*Constant Data Record Name | The name of this record (20-character limit, with no special characters). | ||||||||||||||
Descrizione | A brief description of this record. | ||||||||||||||
Need Before | Date by which you want to receive the item. To assign a period of up to 99 days, type +DD for the system to calculate a date that is 1-99 calendar days from today's date.
Note: The default Constant Data record requires a Need Before date and is set to +30 by default. |
Request Type |
Note: If you have turned on the Persistence Setting, do not specify a Request Type in your default Borrower Constant Data. If a Request Type is present in the default constant data record, the persistence setting will overwrite the Request Type as it was initially submitted with the value specified in the default constant data. For example, if you see that your Request Type changes from a Loan to a Copy, you may have specified Copy as the Request Type in your default Browser Constant data. |
Editions | Preferred edition. | ||||||||||||||
Shipping and Contact Info | Complete mailing address and contact information. | ||||||||||||||
Bill to | Billing address. Click Copy From Shipping Info. to use the same information from the Shipping and Contact Info fields. Otherwise, provide new information. | ||||||||||||||
Ship Via | Preferred method of shipment. | ||||||||||||||
Electronic Delivery |
Choose your preferred method of electronic delivery:
Note: Electronic Delivery is defined in the OCLC Policies Directory. Log in to the Policies Directory to make changes. |
ILL Fee Management (IFM) |
Select the ILL Fee Management (IFM) check box to turn IFM on. Note: If the Maximum Cost is set to 0.00, do not select ILL Fee Management (IFM). For more information on IFM, see Interlibrary Loan Fee Management (IFM). |
Maximum Cost |
Copyright Compliance |
Indicates your compliance for copy requests. Depending on your country, valid codes include:
Copyright Signature |
Libraries in Australia, New Zealand, Spain, and the United Kingdom can track patron acceptance of local copyright terms. Copyright Signature indicates whether or not the patron has acknowledged the copyright terms. Options include:
See Copyright Clearance for more information. Note: Libraries outside of Australia, New Zealand, Spain and the United Kingdom will not see the Copyright Signature field. |
Affiliations |
Enter the symbols, names, or acronyms of your reciprocal, local, or OCLC's Profiled Groups to display to lenders. Esempio: |
Billing Notes | Additional billing information, if needed. | ||||||||||||||
Borrowing Notes | Type here any additional information needed to clarify the request. |
Campo | Descrizione |
Patron Name |
The patron's name.
Examples: |
Patron ID |
A number used for patron identification. Examples: |
Patron Department |
The patron's department. Be consistent in the use of department names Esempio: |
Status |
The patron's status. Examples: |
The patron's email address. | |
Indirizzo | The patron's address. |
Nota |
Any relevant information about the patron. Examples: |
Run time: 8:37
This video shows how to create, edit and maintain constant data records in OCLC Service Configuration for accuracy and efficiency in ILL borrowing and lending.