Lending request detail

Find information about the fields that appear in lending requests in WorldShare Interlibrary Loan.

To view lending request details, click on the title or request ID of the item within a lending queue.

For additional information about the options under Can you supply?, refer to Respond to requests.

Group Affiliations displays the group affiliations that the lender and borrower have in common. Refer to OCLC profiled groups for more information about group affiliations. 

Lending Request Details

The Request tab allows you to view a number of accordions containing information about the request.

Request Details

The Request Details accordion contains information about the request. This includes details about the borrowing library, important dates and item bibliographic information.


  • Visible fields will change depending on the Status and Type of lending request.
  • The format of dates and times displays in the interface based on the information about your institution contained in the WorldCat Registry. Dates and times will display to library staff in your institution's time zone and preferred format.
Campo Descrizione Constant Data field?
Status The status of the lending request. This field will automatically update as the request is processed by the lending library. New lending requests displays as Submitted.  

Indicates the type of request (Copy or Loan). Use the drop-down to change a request to Copy or Loan.

Fonte The system from which the request was generated.  
OCLC OCLC Number, a unique identifier assigned to WorldCat Records.  
Lenders The lending symbols of all institutions included in the borrower's lending string. The lending library's symbol is noted with an asterisk (*).  
URL Type For copy requests. Used to indicate how the link will be supplied.  
URL For copy requests. This is populated when an article is attached to the request.  
Borrower Borrowing institution.  
Max Cost Maximum cost the borrower will pay for an item.  
Need Before Date by which the borrower wants to receive the item.  
Requested on Date the item was requested.  
Due Date For loan requests, the borrower's desired due date. This field can be edited by the lender and must be supplied in order for a request to be confirmed.
Renewals The number of times the item has been renewed.  
New Due Date When a loaned item has been renewed, the new due date displays. This field can be edited by the lending library before approving the renewal.  
Renewal Requested When a renewal request has been made for a loaned item, the date of the request displays, if specified.  
Shipped Date Date that a loaned item was shipped or a copy was provided. This field can be edited by the lender when the request is in review.
Received Date Date that the loaned item was received by the borrowing library.  
Return Date Date that the time was returned to the lending library.  
Borrowing Notes Notes from the borrower to the lending library.  
Item bibliographic details This section contains bibliographic information describing the item.  
Local ID

Any local identifier number (for example, a call number or barcode number). This field may be edited by the lending library while the request is in review. 

  • Field is limited to 500 characters.

Borrowing Information

The Borrowing Information accordion contains information supplied by the borrower for the lender.

Campo Descrizione
Ship to information Borrower's ship to information.
Electronic Delivery information Borrower's preferred electronic delivery method.
Bill to information Borrower's billing information.

Lending Information

The Lending Information accordion contains information about the lender's terms for loaning material. This information can be edited by the lender before the request is processed.

Campo Descrizione Constant Data field?
Use ILL Fee Management (IFM) Check this box to use ILL Fee Management (IFM).
Lending Charges

All costs: handling, photocopying, postage, etc., in country currency. Numeric data only. Type 0.00 if there are no charges.

To accept a Borrower's IFM offer, enter a numeric value, and check the IFM check box.

Insurance Amount

The amount of insurance, if applicable.

Lending Notes Notes from the lending library regarding the terms of the loan.  
Lending Restrictions

Restrictions that apply to loans.

Library use only.

Return Via

A preferred method for returning loaned materials.

Return To and address fields

Complete return mailing address.

  • If you include a Due Date, you must supply a return address.
  • If you type N/A, you need not complete this field.

Request History

The Request History accordion provides details about the history of the lending request.

 Note: The format of dates and times displays in the interface based on the information about your institution contained in the WorldCat Registry. Dates and times will display to library staff in your institution's time zone and preferred format.

Campo Descrizione
ILL Fee Management (IFM) History Log of charges, refunds and error messages related to Interlibrary Loan Fee Management activity, if IFM has been used for the request.
Event History Indica se l'URL e la password di accesso a Article Exchange sono stati aggiornati automaticamente da Article Exchange dopo il caricamento del documento. Indica anche se Article Exchange ha aggiornato automaticamente lo stato della richiesta a Spedito per le copie o Completo per le richieste di Document Delivery.

Staff Notes

The Staff Notes tab allows you to keep notes that are viewable and searchable only by your library staff. Staff Notes can be added to active and closed requests. The number on the tab indicates how many Staff Notes currently exist for a particular request.

Edit and add Staff Notes

All staff users within an institution can add, edit and delete notes. Any staff member may edit any existing notes. The original author displays in the left column with the most recently-edited-by user name appearing just below the note.

 Note: Only staff with the WorldShare ILL Admin role will be able to see the name of the author of the staff notes.  Staff with the WorldShare ILL User role will see a date and time stamp for when the note was created/updated along with the name of the library.  

The most recently added note will display at the top of the Staff Notes tab. Edited notes display based on the updated date and time.

Add a Staff Note

 Note: There can be up to 500 notes per request.

  1. From the request, select Note from the Actions panel.
  2. Add the text of your note to the Add Staff Note text box.
    • There is a 500 character limit for each note.
  3. Click Add.
    • To remove any text added to the Add Staff Note box, click Cancel.

Edit a Staff Note

  1. From the request, click on the Staff Notes tab.
  2. Next to the desired Staff Note, click on the button.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Make the desired edits in the text box.
  5. Click Update to save your changes.

A message appears confirming the note successfully saved.

Delete a Staff Note

 Caution: Deleted notes are not retrievable.

  1. From the request, click on the Staff Notes tab.
  2. Next to the desired Staff Note, click on the drop-down.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. A message appears asking you to confirm deletion of the Staff Note.
  5. Click Delete.

A message appears confirming the Staff Note has been deleted.