Can I add a PDF document to a local holdings record?
Applies to
- WorldShare Record Manager
Attach a PDF document to a Local Holding Record (LHR) by using the 856 tag.
- Edit the LHR and create a new field by selecting the + button.
- Enter 856 in the field.
- In the first indicator enter the value of 4.
- In the second indicator enter the value of 0.
- Insert the path of the PDF into the field string as a $u subfield. For example $u
- Click Save.
- An access online link will now appear on the item record in Discovery and the PDF file will be available to
Additional information
- If you want to restrict access to the file, in the subfield enter a link to a secure location on your
network, perhaps within the intranet (set up by your IT Department) - You can create a public note about the PDF to appear in the holding summary in Discovery. In the local
holding record create another row and in the field enter 876, in the subfield enter $z and details of the note then save
- If the Access Online button isn't showing on Discovery, check the S/C setting is ticked for "Links from WorldCat record 856 and 956 to open access content / free content" (under Full Text and Open Access Links in WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local).
- Next, add a $7 0 to the 856 subfield (the 0 stands for Open Access): see 856 Electronic Location and Access (
- Save the record and the Access Online button should appear.
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