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WorldShare Record Manager Release Notes, February 2023


Release Date: February 13, 2023


This release of WorldShare Record Manager provides a number of bug fixes to the following:

  • Local Holdings Record (LHR) Text View Editor (also Copy/Items view editor in Circulation and Acquisitions)
  • MARC21 Bibliographic Record Editor
  • Label printing
  • LHR Change History
  • Simplified Cataloging role
  • Record creation

Bug fixes

Local Holdings Record (LHR) Text View Editor (also Copy/Items view editor in Circulation and Acquisitions)

Adding or editing an LHR containing a Description produced invalid MARC21 second indicator for 866, 867, or 868 fields

When adding or editing a Description, the corresponding MARC21 866, 867, or 868 fields contained an invalid blank in the second indicator.  Now the second indicator will receive a default value of 0 (zero) if none existed previously.  Existing valid indicators will remain untouched.

Adding or editing an LHR containing Enumeration/Chronology produced invalid MARC21 first and second indicators for 853 or 854 fields

When adding or editing Enumeration/Chronology, the corresponding MARC21 853 or 854 fields contained invalid blank first and second indicators. Now the first and second indicators will receive a default value of 3 if none existed previously.  Existing valid indicators will remain untouched.

Editing or deleting an LHR produced a duplicate Item entry (duplicate MARC21 86X field)

When editing an existing LHR (with or without a barcode) and saving, a duplicate item entry was created corresponding to a duplicate MARC21 866, 867, or 868 field.  Deleting an LHR also may have produced a duplicate item.  The duplicate is now no longer is produced.

Data is not saved when changing LHR Description data to Enumeration/Chronology data, and vice versa

When editing certain existing LHRs and removing Description data and entering Enumeration/Chronology data -- or -- removing Enumeration/Chronology data and entering Description data, the changes are not reflected after clicking Save.  Now, those changes are reflected when saving the LHR.

Duplicate item entry produced when changing LHR Description data to Enumeration/Chronology, and vice versa

When editing certain existing LHRs and removing Description data and entering Enumeration/Chronology data -- or -- removing Enumeration/Chronology data and entering Description data, a duplicate item entry is produced upon Save.  The duplicate is now no longer produced.

Deleting a barcoded item retains some item information if the LHR contains both Description and Enumeration/Chronology items

If an LHR had both Description (MARC 86X) data and Enumeration/Chronology (MARC 85X) data and corresponding items with barcodes, when a barcoded item was deleted, the Description or Enumeration/Chronology data was left behind.  Now, when deleting a barcoded item, all the relevant data is deleted.

Unable to add or edit items where LHR has multiple types of Category values

When adding or editing an item and changing the value for Category (Basic, Index, Supplementary Material), the changes did not reflect after saving.  Additionally, LHRs containing multiple types of Category values in items were not able to be successfully saved.  Now the LHR saves correctly and can have multiple Category values for items.

"Unable to find specified holding item" error message appears when saving

After editing an LHR and saving, the message "Unable to find the specified holding item" error message appears.  With certain LHRs, the changes did not save and with others the save was successful.  Now, there will be a successful save.

In the case where the LHR Text Editor does not support the requested data changes, the message has been changed to "Unable to edit this item in the Text view editor; please go to the MARC21 editor. The record contains fields that are not supported".

"The requested holding cannot be found. Please return to the copy screen and display holdings for the copy again" error appears when re-opening a saved record

After saving a record and then re-opening the same record to view, the error message "The requested holding cannot be found. Please return to the copy screen and display holdings for the copy again" may appear and the record fails to display.  Now, you should be able to reopen a record or copy successfully after saving.

Check Duplicate Call Number response does not report duplicates correctly

When using the Check Duplicate Call Number feature, sometimes the response would report no duplicates even though there were duplicate call numbers on other records.

MARC21 Bibliographic Record Editor

Relator dropdown for 100/700 fields was not in alphabetical order

When showing the choices for the Relator drop-down menu in the 100/700 fields, the choices were not listed in alphabetical order. Now they appear in the correct order.

Red box in 008 field for "Illustrations" and "Nature of Contents Code"

When viewing an existing bibliographic record or creating a new bibliographic record a red box will appear for the 008 "Illustrations" and "Nature of Contents Code". The red box did not impact saving, replacing or validating a record however.  The incorrect red box has been removed.

Label Printing

Server Communication Error occurs when adding a record to the Label Print List

When adding a record to your Label Print List, sometimes a Server Communication Error occurs and the record is not added.  Now all request to add to a Label Print List should succeed.

LHR Change History

LHRs with very large change history fail to display

Some LHRs with a very large change history did not display in the LHR Change History table.  Now, if an LHR has a large change history, the most recent history will be displayed along with the message "Due to the size of the history changes for this record, we will only display the last changes that were made to the record."

Circulation Containers

Unable to add unbarcoded item to a container

When adding an unbarcoded item to a container in Circulation, you would receive the error "Operation failed.  Item could not be bound to container."  Now, the item is able to be added and receives a system-generated barcode.

Simplified Cataloging Role

Add Local Data screen incorrectly labeled NLM 096 in the call number dropdown as 092

When using the drop-down to select the call number type, the labeling for NLM was incorrectly showing 092.  This has been corrected to be 096.

Record Creation

Create Record button results in a system error if your institution has double-quotes in the Institution Name

If your institution had double-quotes anywhere in the name of the institution configured in the OCLC Institution Registry, the Create Record button in Record Manager would result in a system error.  Create Record will now work with any Institution Name.

Known Issues

Error message "The specified copy item cannot be found" when adding items using Local Holdings Record (LHR) Text View Editor (also Copy/Items view editor in WorldShare Circulation and Acquisitions)

When adding a new item using the Local Holdings Record (LHR) Text View Editor in Record Manager (and also Copy/Items view editor in Circulation and Acquisitions), an error message “The specified copy item cannot be found” may appear temporarily for some users. The new item should appear within several minutes.   

Important links

WorldShare Record Manager office hours

Join the WorldShare Record Manager team to ask any questions you have about Record Manager. Visit Record Manager Events in the OCLC Community Center for more information about upcoming office hours and previous recordings. 

WorldCat Validation release notes

WorldCat Validation release notes provide current OCLC-MARC updates; changes to tagging conventions and coding practices for Bibliographic, Authority, and Holdings records; and new MARC codes. 

​​​​​Add the following to Record Manager, WorldCat Matching, and WorldCat Validation release notes:

Virtual AskQC office hours

Join OCLC Metadata Quality staff to discuss WorldCat quality issues and cataloging questions. Visit AskQC for information about upcoming office hours, previous office hour recordings, and supporting materials.

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: