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Insert a WorldCat Entity identifier in a bibliographic record


Every WorldCat Entity has a unique identifier known as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For bibliographic records without an identifier in a 100, 110, 600, 610, 647, 651, 700, or 710 field, you can search for a WorldCat entity of an applicable type and insert a $1 link with an appropriate identifier referencing that entity. Identifiers display in the $1 field as a clickable link, which will open in a new browser tab and take you directly to the reference in WorldCat Entities. Inserting an identifier in a 758 field will populate additional subfields. 

Bibliographic field details - Table
MARC bibliographic field(s) Entity types returned in search Subfield(s) inserted
100, 600, 700 Person, Agent, Family
  • $1 link with an appropriate identifier referencing a WorldCat Entity

 Note: For the 700 field, only insert an identifier for name headings (no titles).

110, 610, 710 Organization
  • $1 link with an appropriate identifier referencing a WorldCat Entity

 Note: For the 610 and 710 fields, only insert an identifier for name headings (no titles).

647 Event
  • $1 link with an appropriate identifier referencing a WorldCat Entity
651 Place
  • $1 link with an appropriate identifier referencing a WorldCat Entity
758 Work

Insert a WorldCat Entity identifier in a bibliographic record

  1. Click anywhere in a 100, 110, 600, 610, 647, 651, 700, 710 or 758 field to select it.

     Note: For 610, 700, and 710 fields, identifiers should only be inserted for name headings, not titles.

  2. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Insert WorldCat Entity.
    Right-click the selected field and select Insert WorldCat Entity from the right-click menu.
  3. The text of the field you selected (e.g. author name in the 100 field) is automatically carried into the search term box and the search is completed in WorldCat Entities.
  4. The Insert WorldCat Entity pop-up displays with a list of search results.
  5. Click the Select Entity button next to a result to insert the identifier for that entity into the bibliographic record.
  6. (Optional) If no search results are found, you can click Create WorldCat Entity. See Create WorldCat entity for more information.

     Note: To use this functionality you must have an OCLC Meridian subscription and the appropriate role assigned to your WorldShare account.

Insert WorldCat Entity identifier to a controlled field

The system will automatically attempt to add WorldCat Entities uniform resource identifiers (URIs) to WorldCat records when a candidate heading or headings are controlled. Candidate headings include those in the following fields: 100, 700 (name only), and FAST headings tagged 600, 647, and 651. If no $1 link is added for a candidate heading, please search for the entity and manually add the identifier if found. If a $1 link you believe to be incorrect has been automatically inserted into a candidate heading, please contact with details.

  1. Expand a controlled field by clicking on the arrow (record-manager-arrow-button.png) directly to the left of the field.
  2. Open the Subfield drop-down menu and select Real World Object URI ($1).
  3. In the Value field, copy or type in the WorldCat Entity identifier (URI).
  4. Click Done.