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Search and view LHRs

Discover how to search for, filter, and view local holdings records in WorldShare Record Manager.

Search for a local holdings record

  1. Dall'elenco a discesa Tipo di dati, selezionare Registri delle aziende locali.
  2. From the Index drop-down list, select an index.
  3. In the Term(s) text field, enter your search terms. The text field will expand to fit your search terms, if needed.
    From the sub-selection drop-down list(s), select the relevant options.
     Note: Some indexes provide sub-selection drop-down lists rather than a Term(s) text field. 
    Local holdings record indexes and sub-selections - Table

     Note: See Local holdings record indexes A-Z for detailed information about each local holdings record index.

    Index Available sub-selections
    Action Note  
    Codice a barre

    You can search up to 250 barcodes at a time. The barcodes searched cannot exceed 6500 characters. A counter displays how many barcodes and characters remain after you have entered multiple barcodes. Once you meet the limit, the Term(s) text field prevents you from entering any additional barcodes.

    OCLC numbers are automatically linked by Boolean operator OR.
    Numero di controllo bibliografico  
    Posizione della filiale/scaffale
    Sub-selection Available options
    • Select a branch location from the drop-down list.
    • Enter the name of a branch location in the text field. As you type, the system automatically suggests names of potential matches. If the branch name entered does not appear in the drop-down list, press <Enter> to add it to the list.
    Posizione della scaffalatura
    • Select a shelving location from the drop-down list.
    • Enter the name of a shelving location in the text field. As you type, the system automatically suggests names of potential matches. If the shelving location entered does not appear in the drop-down list, press <Enter> to add it to the list.
    Numero di registro delle partecipazioni  
    Politica di prestito
    Sub-selection Available options
    Opzioni Limited lending policy
    Will lend
    Will lend hard copy only
    Non presterà
    Numero di controllo LHR  
    Codice organizzazione MARC  
    Identificativo OCLC You can search up to 250 OCLC numbers at a time. A counter displays how many OCLC numbers remain after you have entered multiple OCLC numbers. Once you meet the limit, the Term(s) text field prevents you from entering any additional OCLC numbers.

    OCLC numbers are automatically linked by Boolean operator OR.
    Nota privata  
    Nota pubblica  
    Politica di riproduzione
    Sub-selection Available options

    Non si riproduce
    Si riprodurrà
    Posizione delle scaffalature temporanee
    Sub-selection Available options
    • Select a branch location from the drop-down list.
    • Enter the name of a branch location in the text field. As you type, the system automatically suggests names of potential matches. If the branch name entered does not appear in the drop-down list, press <Enter> to add it to the list.
    Posizione della scaffalatura
    • Select a shelving location from the drop-down list.
    • Enter the name of a shelving location in the text field. As you type, the system automatically suggests names of potential matches. If the shelving location entered does not appear in the drop-down list, press <Enter> to add it to the list.
  4. Click Search. The Search results page appears with the matching local holdings records listed in a table.
    • Results are sorted numerically by OCLC number.
    • To change the sort order, click any of the following column headings: Barcode(s), Branch, Lending Policy (if enabled), Bibliographic Record Information.
    LHR search results table columns - Table
    Colonna Descrizione
    Collocazione Displays call number subfield data from the shelving designation and copy number subfields of the 852 field of your local holdings records (LHRs). Subfield display is dependent upon the content of data in your LHR and can include:
    • $k - Prefisso del numero di chiamata (R)
    • $h - Parte di classificazione (NR)
    • $i - Parte di articolo (R)
    • $j - Numero di controllo dello scaffale (NR)
    • $l - Forma di scaffale del titolo (NR)
    • $m - Suffisso del numero di chiamata (R)
    • $t - Numero di copia (NR)

     Note: Subfield data is displayed without subfields (e.g., $hPN1997 .2$i.W47 2010 displays as PN1997 .2 .W47 2010).

    Barcode(s) Displays the barcode data from the piece designation subfields of the 876 field of your LHRs. Click a barcode to open the LHR editor.
    Stampa condivisa Displays whether the item to which the LHR is associated is part of a shared print project.

     Note: This filter only displays if the Shared Print preference has been enabled.
    Ramo Displays the branch name for the item to which the LHR is associated.
    Posizione della scaffalatura Displays the shelving location for the item to which the LHR is associated.
    Livello audience LHR Displays the audience level of the LHR.

     Note:  This filter only displays for WorldShare Management Services libraries who have enabled the Audience level preference.

    Politica di prestito Displays the lending policy for the item to which the LHR is associated.

     Note: This filter only displays if the Lending Policy preference has been enabled.
    LHR Details Displays the ILL status, holding library, and shelving location for the item to which the LHR is associated.
    Bibliographic Record Information Displays the basic bibliographic information for the item to which the LHR is associated. Click the title of the item to view the bibliographic record in the MARC editor.
  5. Click the call number to open the LHR editor.

Filter local holdings records

You can filter your local holdings record search results by applying up to five filters.

Apply a single filter

  1. Select a filter from the Filter By drop-down list.
  2. Select the value(s) you want to apply.
  3. Click Apply Filter(s).
  4. (Optional). Click Reset to remove the filter from your search results.

Apply multiple filters

  1. Select a filter from the Filter By drop-down list.
  2. Select the value(s) you want to apply.
  3. Click the add button (Pulsante di aggiunta) and select a Boolean operator from the drop-down list to link the filters.
  4. Select a filter from the Filter By drop-down list.
  5. Select the value(s) you want to apply.
  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 3-5 to add up to 3 more filters.
  7. Click Apply Filter(s).
  8. (Opzionale)
    • Click the remove button (Remove button) to remove an additional filter.
    • Click Reset to remove all filters from your search results.

Available local holdings record filters

Local holdings record filters - Table
Filter Descrizione
Politica di prestito
  • Any (default)
  • Limited lending policy
  • Will lend
  • Will lend hard copy only
  • Non presterà
  • Unknown
Posizione della filiale/scaffale
Subfilter Descrizione
Second drop-down list Select a branch location from the drop-down list. The default value is Any.


Enter the name of a branch location in the text field. As you type, the system automatically suggests names of potential matches. If the branch name entered does not appear in the drop-down list, press <Enter> to add it to the list.
Third drop-down list Select a shelving location from the drop-down list. The default value is Any.


Enter the name of a shelving location in the text field. As you type, the system automatically suggests names of potential matches. If the shelving location entered does not appear in the drop-down list, press <Enter> to add it to the list.
Politica di riproduzione
  • Any (default)
  • Non si riproduce
  • Si riprodurrà
  • Unknown
Stampa condivisa
  • No
 Note: This filter only displays if the Shared Print preference has been enabled.
Posizione delle scaffalature temporanee
Sub-filter Descrizione
Second drop-down list Select a branch location from the drop-down list. The default value is Any.


Enter the name of a branch location in the text field. As you type, the system automatically suggests names of potential matches. If the branch name entered does not appear in the drop-down list, press <Enter> to add it to the list.
Third drop-down list Select a shelving location from the drop-down list. The default value is Any.


Enter the name of a shelving location in the text field. As you type, the system automatically suggests names of potential matches. If the shelving location entered does not appear in the drop-down list, press <Enter> to add it to the list.

View a list of all local holdings records associated with a bibliographic record

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, scroll down to the LHRs accordion. The local holdings record(s) associated with the bibliographic record are visible.
  2. (Optional) You can collapse the Bibliographic Record and LBD accordions to make it easier to access the LHRs accordion.

View an individual local holdings record from a bibliographic record

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, scroll down to the LHRs accordion.
  2. (Optional) You can collapse the Bibliographic Record and LBD accordions to make it easier to access the LHRs accordion.
  3. Click the Call NumberBarcode, or Edit button (Edit button) to open the LHR editor.

View a local holdings record in WorldCat Discovery

When working on a local holdings record in the LHR editor, you can view the record in WorldCat® Discovery to see how the record appears to end users.

  1. From the local holdings record editor, select View in Discovery from the Record drop-down menu. A new browser window or tab opens displaying the record in your WorldCat Discovery interface.
  2. From the WorldCat Discovery interface, click View Description to view the full record.