Tabel 11 - Holdings Record
Waar in deze tabel naar notities verwezen wordt, zijn bedoeld de notities van de Tabelwerkgroep MARC 21, vermeld onder MARC 21 i.h.k.v. SLIM 3.1
Holdings Record
Algemene opmerking
Over het gebruik van het holdingsrecord is nog nader overleg nodig. Wat doet OCLC/WorldCat met het holdingsrecord, nu en in de toekomst? Welke elementen spelen een rol bij de uitwisseling en welke niet? Welke elementen zijn van belang voor het IBL?
Tag | Omschrijving MARC-Tag |
Indicatoren | Omschrijving Indicatoren | Subveld /Positie |
Omschrijving subveld/positie |
Verpliching1 | OCLC-specifiek | Opmerkingen |
Leader |
00-04 |
Lunghezza del record |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
Kennelijk zijn in het gebruikte OCLC- document alleen de posities genoemd die de titelbeschrijver moet invullen; de rest is SS |
05 |
Record status |
SS |
d (deleted) niet in gebruik bij OCLC |
06 |
Type of record |
M |
07-08 |
Undefined character positions |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
09 |
Character coding scheme |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
10 |
Conteggio degli indicatori |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
11 |
Subfield code length |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
12-16 |
Indirizzo base dei dati |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
17 |
Livello di codifica |
M |
1 (Holding level 1) niet in gebruik bij OCLC |
18 |
Informazioni sulla voce nel record |
M |
19 |
Undefined character position |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
20 |
Lunghezza della porzione di lunghezza di campo |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
21 |
Length of the starting- character- position portion |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
22 |
Length of the implementation -defined portion |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
23 |
Undefined |
SS |
Ontbreekt |
Direc- tory |
00-02 |
Tag |
SS |
Directory ontbreekt. Wel genoemd in OCLC |
Kennelijk zijn in het gebruikte OCLC- document alleen de posities genoemd die de titelbeschrijver moet invullen; de rest is SS. Dit geldt ook voor de volgende 0XX-velden, b.v. door ontlening van gegevens aan het bibliografisch record. |
03-06 |
Field length |
SS |
07-11 |
Starting character position |
SS |
00X: Variable Control Fields |
001 |
Control Number (NR)2 |
SS |
Ontbreekt. Wel genoemd in OCLC |
Zie opmerking bij Directory. |
003 |
Control Number Identifier (NR) |
SS |
Ontbreekt. Wel genoemd in OCLC |
Zie opmerking bij Directory. |
004 |
Control Number for Related Bibliogra- phic Record (NR) |
SS |
Ontbreekt. Wel genoemd in OCLC |
Zie opmerking bij Directory. |
005 |
Date and Time of Latest Transac- tion (NR) |
SS |
Ontbreekt. Wel genoemd in OCLC |
007 |
Physical Description Fixed Field (NR) |
. |
Wat is de zin hiervan in een holdingsrecord? Understanding MARC holdings records, IV,6 formuleert: There are a number of fields that are in both the MARC bibliographic format and the MARC holdings format. This allows you to give the information for the whole bibliographic resource in the bibliographic record and to give the information for a particular copy or item in the holdings record. For instance, the bibliographic record may describe all versions of a resource but you can give physical description information in field 007 of the holdings record to bring out specifics about a particular version, e.g. a microform or electronic version. Hantering van het principe van een apart bibliografisch record per drager maakt tag 007 in het holdingsrecord in veel gevallen overbodig. Maar de tag kan b.v. bij gemengde materiaalsoorten toegepast worden. Zie voor subvelden: I. Bibliografisch record. |
008 |
Fixed- Length Data Elements- General Informa- tion (NR) |
00-05 |
Date entered on file |
SS |
A fill character is valid only in the following positions: 06, 07, 08-11, 12, 13-15, and 16. |
06 |
Receipt or acquisition status |
M |
07 |
Method of acquisition |
. |
08-11 |
Expected acquisition end date |
. |
12 |
General retention policy |
. |
13-15 |
Specific retention policy |
. |
13 |
Policy type |
. |
Qualifier type |
14 |
Number of units |
. |
15 |
Unit type |
. |
16 |
Completeness |
. |
17-19 |
Number of copies reported |
SS |
20 |
Lending policy |
M |
21 |
Politica di riproduzione |
M |
22-24 |
Lingua |
R |
Three-character MARC code that indicates the language of coded data contained in the 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology fields that require a language table to generate chronological terms or ordinal numbers for the codes in a display. |
25 |
Separate or composite copy report |
SS |
Separate copy report Code 0 is system supplied to indicate that the holdings report is for one copy of the bibliographic item. If more copies are held by the organization, a separate local holdings record is made for each copy. |
26-31 |
Date of report |
SS |
0XX: Number and Code Fields |
010 |
Library of Congress Control Number (NR) |
1. #3 2.# |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
Ontbreekt. Wel genoemd in OCLC |
Control number, assigned by the Library of Congress, of the related MARC bibliographic record for which a separate holdings record is made. |
$a |
LC control number (NR) |
. |
$b |
NUCMC control number (R) |
. |
$z |
Canceled or invalid LC control number (R) |
. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Gebruik van dit subveld hier en bij andere tags: zie notitie 1h. |
014 |
Linkage Number (R) |
./SS |
An organization receiving the holdings record may transfer the control numbers from fields 001 and 004 to field 014 and place its own holdings |
record number and related bibliographic record control number in fields 001 and 004. The originating network is identified in subfield $b (Source of number). See also field 010 (Library of Congress Control Number), field 016 (National Bibliographic Agency Control Number), and field 035 (System Control Number) for control numbers for related bibliographic records assigned by other sources. |
1. |
Type of linkage number |
2. # |
Undefined |
$a |
Linkage number (NR) |
M |
$b |
Source of number (NR) |
R |
$z |
Canceled or invalid linkage number (R) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
R |
Hier en bij andere tags: veelal niet gebruikt bij invoer, maar wel van systeemwege gegenereerd bij de opslag van records met tags in meer dan één schrift. Zie notitie 1h. |
016 |
National Bibliogra- phic Agency Control Number (R) |
R |
Ontbreekt. Wel genoemd in OCLC |
Control number, assigned by a national bibliographic agency other than the Library of Congress, of the related bibliographic record for which a separate holdings record is made. |
1. |
National bibliographic agency |
2. # |
Undefined |
$a |
Record control number (NR) |
M |
$z |
Canceled or invalid control number (R) |
R |
$2 |
Source (NR) |
R |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
017 |
Copyright or Legal Deposit Number (R) |
. |
1. # |
Undefined |
2 |
Display constant controller |
$a |
Copyright or legal deposit number (R) |
M |
$b |
Assigning agency (NR) |
M |
$d |
Date (NR) |
. |
$i |
Display text (NR) |
. |
$z |
Canceled/inva- lid copyright or legal deposit number (R) |
R |
$2 |
Fonte |
. |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
020 |
Internatio- nal Standard Book Number (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
If the bibliographic record contains multiple valid ISBNs that refer to different versions of the item, the one that corresponds to the item described in the holdings statement is used. |
Waarom ook in Holdingrecord? Representatie van het betrokken bibliografisch record. Zie ook opmerking bij tag 007. |
$a |
International Standard Book Number (NR) |
M |
$c |
Terms of availability (NR) |
. |
$q |
Qualifying information (R) |
Ontbreekt nog in Local Holdings Format and Standards. Tot nader order nog niet toepassen. |
Nog niet in LC-verplichtheidstabel |
$z |
Canceled/inva- lid ISBN (R) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
022 |
Internatio- nal Standard Serial Number (R) |
. |
Waarom ook in Holding record? Representatie van het betrokken bibliografisch record. Zie ook opmerking bij tag 007. |
1. |
Level of international interest |
2. # |
Undefined |
$a |
International Standard Serial Number (NR) |
R |
$l |
R |
$m |
Canceled ISSN-L (R) |
R |
$y |
Incorrect ISSN (R) |
R |
$z |
Canceled ISSN (R) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
024 |
Other Standard Identifier (R) |
. |
Waarom ook in holdingrecord? Representatie van het betrokken bibliografisch record. Zie ook opmerking bij tag 007. |
1. |
Type of standard number or code |
2 |
Difference indicator |
$a |
Standard number or code (NR) |
M |
$c |
Terms of availability (NR) |
. |
$d |
Additional codes following the standard number or code (NR) |
R |
$q |
Qualifying information (R) |
Ontbreekt nog in OCLC |
Nog niet in LC-verplichtheidstabel |
$z |
Canceled/inva- lid standard number or code (R) |
R |
$2 |
Source of number or code (NR) |
. |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
027 |
Standard Technical Report Number (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
Ontbreekt |
Waarom ook in holdingrecord? Representatie van het betrokken bibliografisch record. Zie ook opmerking bij tag 007. |
$a |
Standard Technical Report Number (NR) |
M |
$q |
Qualifying information (R) |
Ontbreekt nog. |
Nog niet in LC-verplichtheidstabel |
$z |
Canceled/inva- lid STRN (R) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
030 |
CODEN Designa- tion (NR) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
Ontbreekt |
Waarom ook in holdingrecord? Representatie van het betrokken bibliografisch record. Zie ook opmerking bij tag 007. |
$a |
R |
$z |
Canceled/inva- lid CODEN (R) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
035 |
System Control Number (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
$a |
System control number (NR) |
M |
$z |
Canceled or invalid control number (R) |
. |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
040 |
Record Source (NR) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
Ontbreekt |
These data (… ) specify the parties responsible for the content, content designation, and transcription of the bibliographic record. |
$a |
Original cataloging agency (NR) |
R |
$b |
Language of cataloging (NR) |
R |
$c |
Transcribing agency (NR) |
R |
$d |
Modifying agency (R) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
066 |
Character Sets Present (NR) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
./SS |
Ontbreekt. |
$a |
Primary G0 character set (NR) |
$b |
Primary G1 character set (NR) |
$c |
Alternate G0 or G1 character set (R) |
M |
3XX, 5XX, 84X: Note Fields |
337 |
Media Type (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
Use 3xx fields to provide information about the presentation medium and format of the bibliographic item to which the holdings statement applies. |
Waarom opnemen in Holding-record? Zie opmerking bij tag 007. Inhoud te ontlenen aan bibliografisch record. |
$a |
Media type term (R) |
$b |
Media type code (R) |
$2 |
Source (NR) |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
338 |
Carrier Type (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
Waarom opnemen in Holding-record? Zie opmerking bij tag 007. Inhoud te ontlenen aan bibliografisch record. |
$a |
Carrier type term (R) |
$b |
Carrier type code (R) |
$2 |
Source (NR) |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
506 |
Restric- tions on Access Note (R) |
. |
1. # |
Restriction |
2. |
Undefined |
$a |
Terms governing access (NR) |
R |
$b |
Jurisdiction (R) |
R |
$c |
Physical access provisions (R) |
R |
$d |
Authorized users (R) |
R |
$e |
Authorization (R) |
R |
$f |
Standardized terminology for access restriction (R) |
. |
$u |
Uniform Resource Identifier (R) |
. |
$2 |
Source of term (NR) |
R |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
. |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies (NR) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
538 |
System details note (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
$a |
System details note (NR) |
M |
$i |
Display text (NR) |
. |
$u |
Uniform Resource Identifier (R) |
. |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
. |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies (R) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
541 |
Immediate Source of Acquisition Note (R) |
. |
1. # |
Privacy |
2. |
Undefined |
$a |
Source of acquisition (NR) |
M |
$b |
Address (NR) |
. |
$c |
Method of acquisition (NR) |
. |
$d |
Date of acquisition (NR) |
. |
$e |
Accession number (NR) |
. |
$f |
Owner (NR) |
. |
$h |
Purchase price (NR) |
. |
$n |
Extent (R) |
R |
$o |
Type of unit (R) |
R |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
. |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies (NR) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
561 |
Ownership and Custodial History (R) |
. |
1. |
Privacy |
2. # |
Undefined |
$a |
History (NR) |
M |
$u |
Uniform Resource Identifier (R) |
. |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
. |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies (NR) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
562 |
Copy and Version Identifica- tion Note (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
$a |
Identifying markings (R) |
R |
$b |
Copy identification (R) |
R |
$c |
Version identification (R) |
R |
$d |
Presentation format (R) |
R |
$e |
Number of copies (R) |
R |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
. |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies (NR) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
563 |
Binding Informa- tion (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
$a |
Binding note (NR) |
M |
$u |
Uniform Resource Identifier (R) |
. |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
. |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies (NR) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
583 |
Action note (R) |
. |
1. |
Privacy |
2. # |
Undefined |
$a |
Action (NR) |
M |
$b |
Action identification (R) |
R |
$c |
Time/date of action (R) |
R |
$d |
Action interval (R) |
R |
$e |
Contingency for action (R) |
R |
$f |
Authorization (R) |
R |
$h |
Jurisdiction (R) |
R |
$i |
Method of action (R) |
R |
$j |
Site of action (R) |
R |
$k |
Action agent (R) |
R |
$l |
Status (R) |
R |
$n |
Extent (R) |
R |
$o |
Type of unit (R) |
R |
$u |
Uniform Resource Identifier (R) |
. |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
R |
$z |
Public note (R) |
R |
$2 |
Source of term (NR) |
R |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
. |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies (NR) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
841 |
Holdings Coded Data Values (NR) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
Ontbreekt |
Niet van toepassing in separate holdingsrecords |
$a |
Type of record (NR) |
$b |
Fixed-length data elements (NR) |
$e |
Encoding level (NR) |
842 |
Textual Physical Form Designator (NR) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
Zie opmerking bij tag 007. |
$a |
Textual physical form designator (NR) |
M |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
843 |
Reproduc- tion Note (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
Identiek met tag 533 uit bibliografisch formaat. Zie opmerking bij tag 007. |
$a |
Type of reproduction (NR) |
M |
$b |
Place of reproduction (R) |
M |
$c |
Agency responsible for reproduction (R) |
R |
$d |
Date of reproduction (NR) |
R |
$e |
Physical description of reproduction (NR) |
R |
$f |
Series statement of reproduction (R) |
R |
$m |
Dates of publication and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced (R) |
R |
$n |
Note about reproduction (R) |
. |
$3 |
- Materials specified (NR) |
. |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies (NR) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Under consideration. Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$7 |
Fixed-length data elements of reproduction (NR) |
. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
844 |
Name of Unit (NR) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
$a |
Name of unit (NR) |
M |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
845 |
Terms Governing Use and Reproducti on Note (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
. |
Identiek met tag 540 uit bibliografisch formaat. Zie opmerking bij tag 007. |
$a |
Terms governing use and reproduction (NR) |
M |
$b |
Jurisdiction (NR) |
R |
$c |
Authorization (NR) |
R |
$d |
Authorized users (NR) |
R |
$u |
Uniform Resource Identifier (R) |
. |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
. |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies (NR) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Under consideration. Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
852 & 856: Location and Access Fields |
852 |
Location (R) |
. |
Several subfields duplicate those in the 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology fields. They are used in field 852 when there is no 863-868 field in the holdings information, for example, for holdings for single-part items or for multipart and serial items reported at Holdings level 1 or 2 (Leader/17, Encoding level, code 1 or 2). |
1 |
Shelving scheme |
2 |
Shelving order |
Località |
$a |
Location (NR) |
M |
$b |
Sublocation or collection (R) |
. |
$c |
Shelving location (R) |
. |
$d |
Former shelving location (R) |
. |
$e |
Address (R) |
. |
$f |
Coded location qualifier (R) |
. |
$g |
Non-coded location qualifier (R) |
. |
$u |
Uniform Resource Identifier (R) |
R |
Shelving designation |
$h |
Classification part (NR) |
. |
$i |
Item part (R) |
. |
$j |
Shelving control number (NR) |
. |
$k |
Call number prefix (R) |
. |
$l |
Shelving form of title (NR) |
. |
$m |
Call number suffix (R) |
. |
Numbers and codes |
$n |
Country code (NR) |
. |
$s |
Copyright article-fee code (R) |
. |
$t |
Copy number (NR) |
. |
Descriptors |
$p |
Piece designation (NR) |
. |
$q |
Piece physical condition (NR) |
. |
Nota |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
. |
$z |
Public note (R) |
. |
Control subfields |
$2 |
Source of classification or shelving scheme (NR) |
R |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
. |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Sequence number (NR) |
Ontbreekt in holdingsformat Wel aanwezig in bibliografisch format. Zie notitie 1h. |
856 |
Electronic Location and Access (R) |
R |
In holdingsrecord indien bron instellingsspecifiek of niet algemeen toegankelijk is. |
1 |
Access method |
2 |
Relationship |
$a |
Host name (R) |
R |
$b |
Access number (R) |
R |
$c |
Compression information (R) |
R |
$d |
Path (R) |
R |
$f |
Electronic name (R) |
R |
$h |
Processor of request (NR) |
R |
$i |
Instruction (R) |
. |
$j |
Bits per second (NR) |
R |
$k |
Password (NR) |
R |
$l |
Logon (NR) |
R |
$m |
Contact for access assistance (R) |
. |
$n |
Name of location of host (NR) |
R |
$o |
Operating system (NR) |
R |
$p |
Port (NR) |
R |
$q |
Electronic format type (NR) |
R |
$r |
Settings (NR) |
R |
$s |
File size (R) |
. |
$t |
Terminal emulation (R) |
R |
$u |
Uniform Resource Identifier (R) |
M/R |
$v |
Hours access method available (R) |
R |
$w |
Record control number (R) |
. |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
. |
$y |
Link text (R) |
. |
$z |
Public note (R) |
. |
$2 |
Access method (NR) |
R |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
R |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
. |
Zie notitie 1h. |
853-855: Captions and Pattern Fields |
Het gebruik van deze tags en subvelden zal met procestechnische deskundigen moeten worden vastgesteld, maar is heel belangrijk voor resource sharing . |
853 |
Captions and Pattern - Basic Bibliogra- phic Unit (R) |
1 |
Compressibility and expandability |
2 |
Caption evaluation |
Enumeration caption: |
$a |
First level of enumeration (NR) |
$b |
Second level of enumeration (NR) |
$c |
Third level of enumeration (NR) |
$d |
Fourth level of enumeration (NR) |
$e |
Fifth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$f |
Sixth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$g |
Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR) |
$h |
Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR) |
Chronology caption: |
$i |
First level of chronology (NR) |
$j |
Second level of chronology (NR) |
$k |
Third level of chronology (NR) |
$l |
Fourth level of chronology (NR) |
$m |
Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR) |
Publication pattern |
$n |
Pattern note (NR) |
$p |
Number of pieces per issuance (NR) |
$u |
Bibliographic units per next higher level (R) |
$v |
Numbering continuity (R) |
$w |
Frequency (NR) |
$x |
Calendar change (NR) |
$y |
Regularity pattern (R) |
$z |
Numbering scheme (R) |
Other captions |
$o |
Type of unit (R) |
$t |
Copy (NR) |
Control subfields |
$2 |
Source of caption abbreviation (R) |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (NR) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
854 |
Captions and Pattern - Supple- mentary Material (R) |
1 |
Compressibility and expandability |
2 |
Caption evaluation |
Enumeration caption |
$a |
First level of enumeration (NR) |
$b |
Second level of enumeration (NR) |
$c |
Third level of enumeration (NR) |
$d |
Fourth level of enumeration (NR) |
$e |
Fifth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$f |
Sixth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$g |
Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR) |
$h |
Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR) |
Chronology caption |
$i |
First level of chronology (NR) |
$j |
Second level of chronology (NR) |
$k |
Third level of chronology (NR) |
$j |
Fourth level of chronology (NR) |
$m |
Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR) |
Publication pattern |
$n |
Pattern note (NR) |
$p |
Number of pieces per issuance (NR) |
$u |
Bibliographic units per next higher level (R) |
$v |
Numbering continuity (R) |
$w |
Frequency (NR) |
$x |
Calendar change (NR) |
$y |
Regularity pattern (R) |
$z |
Numbering scheme (R) |
Other captions |
$o |
Type of unit (R) |
$t |
Copy (NR) |
Control subfields |
$2 |
Source of caption abbreviation (R) |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (NR) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
855 |
Captions and Pattern - Indexes (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
Enumeration caption |
$a |
First level of enumeration (NR) |
$b |
Second level of enumeration (NR) |
$c |
Third level of enumeration (NR) |
$d |
Fourth level of enumeration (NR) |
$e |
Fifth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$f |
Sixth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$g |
Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR) |
$h |
Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR) |
Chronology caption |
$i |
First level of chronology (NR) |
$j |
Second level of chronology (NR) |
$k |
Third level of chronology (NR) |
$l |
Fourth level of chronology (NR) |
$m |
Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR) |
Publication pattern |
$n |
Pattern note (NR) |
$p |
Number of pieces per issuance (NR) |
$u |
Bibliographic units per next higher level (R) |
$v |
Numbering continuity (R) |
$w |
Frequency (NR) |
$x |
Calendar change (NR) |
$y |
Regularity pattern (R) |
$z |
Numbering scheme (R) |
Other captions |
$o |
Type of unit (R) |
$t |
Copy (NR) |
Control subfields |
$2 |
Source of caption abbreviation (R) |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (NR) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
863-865: Enumeration and Chronology Fields |
Het gebruik van deze tags en subvelden zal met procestechnische deskundigen moeten worden vastgesteld , maar is heel belangrijk voor resource sharing . |
863 |
Enumera- tion and Chronology - Basic Bibliogra- phic Unit (R) |
1. |
Field encoding level |
2. |
Form of holdings |
Enumerazione |
$a |
First level of enumeration (NR) |
$b |
Second level of enumeration (NR) |
$c |
Third level of enumeration (NR) |
$d |
Fourth level of enumeration (NR) |
$e |
Fifth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$f |
Sixth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$g |
Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR) |
$h |
Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR) |
Cronologia |
$i |
First level of chronology (NR) |
$j |
Second level of chronology (NR) |
$k |
Third level of chronology (NR) |
$l |
Fourth level of chronology (NR) |
$m |
Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR) |
Descriptors |
$n |
Converted Gregorian year (NR) |
$o |
Type of unit (R) |
$p |
Piece designation (NR) |
$q |
Piece physical condition (NR) |
Numbers and codes |
$s |
Copyright article-fee code (R) |
$t |
Copy number (NR) |
$w |
Break indicator (NR) |
Nota |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
$z |
Public note (R) |
Control subfields |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (NR) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
864 |
Enumerati on and Chronology - Supplemen tary Material (R) |
1. |
Field encoding level |
2. |
Form of holdings |
Enumerazione |
$a |
First level of enumeration (NR) |
$b |
Second level of enumeration (NR) |
$c |
Third level of enumeration (NR) |
$d |
Fourth level of enumeration (NR) |
$e |
Fifth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$f |
Sixth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$g |
Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR) |
$h |
Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR) |
Cronologia |
$i |
First level of chronology (NR) |
$j |
Second level of chronology (NR) |
$k |
Third level of chronology (NR) |
$l |
Fourth level of chronology (NR) |
$m |
Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR) |
Descriptors |
$n |
Converted Gregorian year (NR) |
$o |
Type of unit (R) |
$p |
Piece designation (NR) |
$q |
Piece physical condition (NR) |
Numbers and codes |
$s |
Copyright article-fee code (R) |
$t |
Copy number (NR) |
$w |
Break indicator (NR) |
Nota |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
$z |
Public note (R) |
Control subfields |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (NR) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
865 |
Enumera- tion and Chronology - Indexes |
1. |
Field encoding level |
2. |
Form of holdings |
Enumerazione |
$a |
First level of enumeration (NR |
$b |
Second level of enumeration (NR) |
$c |
Third level of enumeration (NR) |
$d |
Fourth level of enumeration (NR) |
$e |
Fifth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$f |
Sixth level of enumeration (NR) |
Ontbreekt |
$g |
Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR) |
$h |
Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR) |
Cronologia |
$i |
First level of chronology (NR) |
$j |
Second level of chronology (NR) |
$k |
Third level of chronology (NR) |
$l |
Fourth level of chronology (NR) |
$m |
Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR) |
$v |
Issuing date (R) |
Descriptors |
$n |
Converted Gregorian year (NR) |
$o |
Type of unit (R) |
$p |
Piece designation (NR) |
$q |
Piece physical condition (NR) |
Numbers and codes |
$s |
Copyright article-fee code (R) |
$t |
Copy number (NR) |
$w |
Break indicator (NR) |
Nota |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
$z |
Public note (R) |
Control subfields |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (NR) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
866-868: Textual Holdings Statement Fields |
Het gebruik van deze tags en subvelden zal met procestechnische deskundigen moeten worden vastgesteld. |
866 |
Basic Bibliogra- phic Unit (R) |
1. |
Field encoding level |
2. |
Type of notation |
$a |
Textual holdings (NR) |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
$z |
Public note (R) |
$2 |
Source of notation (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
867 |
Supplemen tary Material (R) |
1 |
Field encoding level |
2 |
Type of notation |
$a |
Textual holdings (NR) |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
$z |
Public note (R) |
$2 |
Source of notation (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
868 |
Indexes (R) |
1. |
Field encoding level |
2. |
Type of notation |
$a |
Textual holdings (NR) |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
$z |
Public note (R) |
$2 |
Source of notation (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (R) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
876-878: Item Information Fields |
Het gebruik van deze tags en subvelden zal met procestechnische deskundigen moeten worden vastgesteld. |
876 |
Item Informa- tion-Basic Bibliogra- phic Unit (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
$a |
Internal item number (NR) |
$b |
Invalid or canceled internal item number (R) |
$c |
Cost (R) |
$d |
Date acquired (R) |
$e |
Source of acquisition (R) |
$h |
Use restrictions (R) |
$j |
Item status (R) |
$l |
Temporary location (R) |
$p |
Piece designation (R) |
$r |
Invalid or canceled piece designation (R) |
$t |
Copy number (NR) |
ontbreekt |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
$z |
Public note (R) |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (NR) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
877 |
Item Informa- tion- Supple- mentary Material (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
$a |
Internal item number (NR) |
$b |
Invalid or canceled internal item number (R) |
$c |
Cost (R) |
$d |
Date acquired (R) |
$e |
Source of acquisition (R) |
$h |
Use restrictions (R) |
$j |
Item status (R) |
$l |
Temporary location (R) |
$p |
Piece designation (R) |
$r |
Invalid or canceled piece designation (R) |
$t |
Copy number (NR) |
ontbreekt |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
$z |
Public note (R) |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (NR) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
878 |
Item Informa- tion- Indexes (R) |
1. # 2. # |
Undefined Undefined |
$a |
Internal item number (NR) |
$b |
Invalid or canceled internal item number (R) |
$c |
Cost (R) |
$d |
Date acquired (R) |
$e |
Source of acquisition (R) |
$h |
Use restrictions (R) |
$j |
Item status (R) |
$l |
Temporary location (R) |
$p |
Piece designation (R) |
$r |
Invalid or canceled piece designation (R) |
$t |
Copy number (NR) |
ontbreekt |
$x |
Nonpublic note (R) |
$z |
Public note (R) |
$3 |
Materials specified (NR) |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number (NR) |
Zie notitie 1h. |
88X: Other Variable Fields |
880 |
Alternate Graphic Representa tion (R) |
SS |
Ontbreekt bij de invoerinstructies. 880- velden worden automatisch toegevoegd bij de interne verwerking. Ontbreekt ook in OCLC |
1. |
Same as associated field |
2. |
Same as associated field |
$a-$z |
Same as associated field |
$0-$5 |
Same as associated field |
$7-$9 |
Same as associated field |
$6 |
Linkage (NR) |
Zie de opmerking bij $6 van tag 014 en notitie 1h. |
883 |
Machine- generated Metadata Prove- nance (R) |
Ontbreekt nog. Update 2013 nog niet zichtbaar. |
Nog niet in verplichtheidstabel |
1. |
Method of machine assignment |
2. # |
Undefined |
$a |
Generation process (NR) |
$c |
Confidence value (NR) |
$d |
Generation date (NR) |
$q |
Generation agency (NR) |
$x |
Validity end date (NR) |
$u |
Uniform Resource Identifier (NR) |
$w |
Bibliographic record control number (R) |
$0 |
Authority record control number or standard number (R) |
$8 |
Flsn (R) |
1 Geen verplichtheidscodes aangetroffen voor het holdingsrecord bij LC noch bij OCLC. Bij tags die identiek zijn met tags uit het bibliografisch record, zijn de verplichtheidscodes gebaseerd op die van de tags van het bibliografisch record (OCLC). Hier gehanteerd: SS = System-supplied; M = Mandatory; R = Required if applicable or readily available; O = Optional (weergegeven door een punt).
2 (NR) = Non Repeatable; (R) = Repeatable
3 Indicatoren zijn, indien beide “undefined” zijn, in de 1e rij in één cel genoteerd. De verplichtingscodes verderop in die rij hebben nooit betrekking op de indicatoren, die altijd verplicht zijn, maar op de tag als geheel.