Quick reference
Create and edit records
Import and export records
Batch processing overview
- Use client interface
Other version: en español Instructions for using the client main window, menu commands, keyboard shortcuts, toolbar, status bar, dialog windows, records, and lists.
Local files
- Manage local files
Other version: en español Instructions for using local files for offline or online cataloging, including batch processing searches and record actions.
- Set options and customize
Other version: en español Customize record and list display and printing, keystroke shortcuts, client toolbars, generic user tools, text strings, and more.
Basics (cont.)
- Connexion client macros
- Use macros
Write or record macros to automate routine cataloging tasks using the OCLC Macro Language (OML) and Connexion client-specific macro commands. See also:
Resources for Support
- Get support and information
Use client Help, MARC field help, and RDA Toolkit; contact customer support; get your OCLC usage statistics, access OCLC system news, find information for troubleshooting, and more.
Quick reference
Searching WorldCat
Create and edit records
Import and export records
International cataloging