Available options in Tools > Options
In the following table, default settings are given unless an option is blank or not selected by default.
Option tab name | Settings available |
Access | Access selections customize the way you connect to the OCLC Connexion cataloging system. You can:
See System responses for troubleshooting for more information. |
Authorizations | The authorization selections you make customize the way you log on to the system (File > Logon). You can:
See Set up communications and log on for more information. Note: In File > Local File Manager, you can enter an authorization and password for a local file for interactive logon and batch processing. If you do not enter one, the client simply uses the authorization/password you establish in Tools > Options > Authorizations for interactive logon and batch processing for the local file. |
Batch | Batch settings customize the way the client processes searches and/or record actions in batch mode. Select options for:
See Run batch processing for more information. |
Derive Record | Select fields to transfer when you derive a new bibliographic or bibliographic constant data record (Edit > Derive > New Record or Edit > Derive >New Constant Data). Click Reset to restore default field selections (1xx through 8xx where x = any number). See Create a bibliographic record from an existing record for more information. |
Export | Destination Create at least one of the following export destinations:
Edit or delete an export destination. Record Characteristics Select a record standard for exporting bibliographic records:
Select a character set for exporting bibliographic and authority records separately:
Click Reset to restore default selections. Remove fieldsClick Field Export Options to specify fields you want removed from exported records. Enable export of workforms Select the Allow exports of workforms check box to enable the Action > Export command for a displayed workform or multiple records that include workforms selected in a list. The option applies to all online and local save file types (bibliographic and authority). Workforms are new records that have not been added to WorldCat and therefore do not have OCLC control numbers. Print report showing results of immediate report Select the Display Report for Immediate Export Results check box to display a temporary report after immediate export. The report shows fatal errors and fields not mapped when records export in Dublin Core. Default: Report does not print. Display a warning before exporting records that have unlinked non-Latin script fields Select the Warn before exporting bibliographic records that include unlinked non-Latin script fields check box. The system will display a warning before exporting records with unlinked non-Latin script fields. Select if your local system cannot display unlinked non-Latin script data. You can continue or cancel exporting or— for records selected in a list or marked for batch export—skip the record and continue exporting. See Export bibliographic records and Export authority records for more information. |
Fonts | The font selections you make customize the interface display and how records and list print. You can:
See Customize printing and display of records, lists, and labels and Select a font type and size(s) to display and print records and lists for more information. |
General | Session timer options The client automatically logs off your online session after 39 minutes if you have not interacted with the system. To customize automatic logoff, you can:
Caution: Do not set timer and warning to the same number of minutes. See Customize automatic session timer and logoff warning for more information. Action optionsSelect or deselect the Disable Update and Produce if bibliographic record is held check box. If your library owns the item represented by a displayed record, you cannot:
See Take actions on bibliographic records for more information. Startup options Select one of the following to run automatically at startup:
See Set up communications and log on for more information. Specify a classification scheme for local bibliographic save file to use for labels and to supply a blank call number field when you catalog offline. Select one of the following:
Enter a holding library code and institution symbol for a local file to be used for workforms, constant data workforms, and imported records when you catalog offline Set the validation level for automatic system validation for WorldCat bibliographic records. Set to:
See Validate records online or offline for more information. |
International | Export For exported records with non-Latin scripts, determine whether Latin script only, other scripts only, or all data appear in the records. If "all," determine which data appears in the corresponding 880 fields. Default: All data exports with non-Latin script data in the 880 fields Interface language Select an interface language:
Other Sort search results alphabetically by Latin script or in Unicode order by non-Latin scripts. Include paired fields in workforms for creating non-Latin script records. See Input methods for languages that use non-Latin scripts for more information. Auto-transliterate Auto-transliterate romanized fields into Arabic script fields in Arabic and/or Persian records retrieved from WorldCat interactively (not by batch). Transliterates records with language code ara or per and no field 066. Select or clear fields that are automatically transliterated into Arabic script. Default: Fields 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, 6xx, 7xx, 8xx selected See Arabic cataloging for more information. |
My Status | My Status is a free-text status (maximum of 40 characters) you can assign to help you sort and find specific records. You can assign a My Status to individual records or records selected in a list, or you can set a single default My Status to apply automatically for the following records:
Printing | Labels Select a default printer for printing labels. Default: Your default printer in Windows Open a window to select the following options: Note: For printing records and lists, the client always uses your default printer in Windows, unless you temporarily change to another printer in the Windows Print window.
Print to a specified text file instead of a printer. Accessions Lists Print to a specified HTML file instead of a printer. Define a MARC tag containing the content you want to print at the end of each accessions list entry. See Customize printing and display of records, lists, and labels for more information. |
RDA | RDA workforms Set options to use workforms based on RDA (instead of the default workforms based on AACR2) to create records:
Enable automatic links to RDA Toolkit field descriptions for individual variable fields in bibliographic or authority records, workforms, or constant data:
Once the field Help option is set, place your cursor in the variable field and click Tools > RDA Toolkit to display an RDA Toolkit field description. See RDA Toolkit field help for more details. Nota:
Record Display | Colors Select colors for displaying records for displaying bibliographic and authority records. Default: Gray (Background), Black (Text), White (Cell background) Select a color to display invalid MARC-8 characters (Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Verify) Default: Red Select a color to display automatically converted CJK characters (Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Convert to MARC-8 CJK) Default: Green Reset colors to default. Fields Select whether to:
Use or hide drop-down lists of fixed field element values. Select a value from a list or enter a value by typing over the existing value if the value you want is not on the list. |
Spelling | Open a window to set general options (types of words to skip, for example, words with all letters capitalized, etc.) Default: The spell checker ignores domain names (e.g., www.oclc.org) Open a window to customize which fields the spell checker checks and which subfields, if any, to skip. (The client supplies a default list of fields and subfields.) Select or deselect an option to skip name information only in field 505. Default: Check box deselected; all 505 data is checked for spelling Open a window to edit the spell checker dictionary; add, edit, or delete words you want the spell checker to skip (accept as correct). Default: The client supplies a list of words and letters Select the language of the main dictionary. Default: English (United States) See Customize the spell checker for more information. |
Toolbar | Select a size for the Toolbar button.
See Customize the main client toolbar for more information. |
Z39.50 | Enter Z39.50 configuration settings to connect to your local system, retrieve a bibliographic record, and import it as a workform into the client. See Retrieve local system records using a Z39.50 connection for more information. |