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About local files

Find an overview of working with local files in Connexion client.


Connexion client local files are located on your workstation or can be located on a network drive for shared access.

Use local files to save bibliographic and authority records, to create and store bibliographic and authority constant data, to set actions on records, or enter WorldCat or Library of Congress (LC) authority file searches for batch processing.

 Note: More than one person can use a shared file at the same time, but only one user at a time can open a record in a local file.

Types of local files, default names, and locations

The client supports four types of local files. When you install the program, the setup program creates a default local file for each type, ready for you to add records:

  • Bibliographic save file: DefaultBib.bib.db
  • Bibliographic constant data file: DefaultBibCD.bibcd.db
  • Authority save file: DefaultAuth.auth.db
  • Authority constant data file: DefaultAuthCD.authcd.db

The default location for local files is X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Db, where X is the letter of your hard drive

Multiple files

Create additional separate files of any type for specific cataloging activities or for individual staff members.

Record limit

Each local file can store up to 9,999 records.

Adding records

Records you save in a local file are appended to existing records in the file.

Local file manager

The client provides a local file manager (File menu) to allow you to:

  • Define local file paths
  • Create multiple local files
  • Delete local files
  • Set a local file as the default
  • Assign a separate authorization and password to a local save file
  • View the number of records in a selected local file by status(es)
  • Set options for automatically backing up local files
  • View batch processing reports

Cataloging settings

In the Local File Manager, establish a separate authorization/password for a local file for both interactive logon and batch processing logon.

In addition, in the Tools > Options > General tab, select cataloging options for local files that are different from those in the cataloging profile associated with your logon authorization. Define:

  • Holding library code and institution symbol or (for NACO-authorized libraries) MARC organization code
  • Classification scheme

 Note: OCLC recommends keeping the default setting to back up local files automatically to protect your data. If a local file becomes unusable, you can rename the backup file to make it the current file.