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Record a Macro

Find out how to access and use the Record a Macro window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Record a Macro window

  • Enter a name and description for a macro you want to record.

Access the Record a Macro window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Macro or press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><G>
  2. Click Manage and then click Record
  3. Enter a name and description for the macro you want to record. 
  4. Click OK. The actions you take when this window closes are recorded as a macro.

See more about how to record macros.

Record a Macro window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Macro Name field Enter a unique name for the macro you are starting to record.
Macro Description field Type an informative description of the macro you are started to record.


Button name Click the button to...
OK Save the the name and description, close the window, and start recording (or press <Enter>).
  • Once the window closes, your actions in the client are recorded and automatically written as a macro.
  • The macro recorder toolbar opens
    Macro recording toolbar
  • The toolbar allows you to pause recording, restart recording, and stop recording, respectively. 
Cancel Cancel entering a name and description, close the window, and cancel recording.
 Note: Keystroke shortcut <F1>, normally an alternative to the Help button to open a window-specific Help topic, is inoperable for the client macro windows.