RDA Toolkit Options
Find out how to access and use the RDA Toolkit Options window in Connexion client.
Purpose of the RDA Toolkit Options window
- Set option to use RDA workforms, instead of default AACR2 workforms, for creating bibliographic and authority records and constant data.
- Enable links to open RDA Toolkit descriptions for a variable field in a bibliographic or authority records, workform, or constant data.
- Enter your RDA Toolkit subscriber user name and password to enable logon for the field descriptions.
- You must be a subscriber to use the RDA Toolkit field descriptions.
- If you are interested in subscribing, see details on RDA Toolkit Subscribe.
- For general information, see the RDA Toolkit.
- For more about RDA cataloging, see Information and Resources in Preparation for RDA on the Library of Congress website.
Access the RDA Toolkit Options window
- Navigate to Tools > Options > RDA.
- To use RDA-based workforms when you create records:
- Select the Use RDA workforms when creating new bibliographic records check box. Also applies to bibliographic constant data records.
Select the Use RDA workforms when creating new authority records check box. Also applies to authority constant data records.
- Select the Use RDA workforms when creating new bibliographic records check box. Also applies to bibliographic constant data records.
- Select the Enable RDA Toolkit check box.
- If you select the option in step 3, enter your RDA Toolkit subscriber user name and password in the text boxes provided.
- Click OK or Apply.
See more about how to set up and use RDA Toolkit in the client.
RDA Toolkit Options window: Features and buttons
Feature | How to use |
Use RDA workforms when creating new bibliographic records check box | Select to use RDA-based workforms instead of the default AACR2 workforms to create bibliographic records (Cataloging > Create > Single Record > [record format]). Also applies to creating new bibliographic constant data records (Cataloging > Create > Constant Data). |
Use RDA workforms when creating new authority records check box | Select to use RDA-based workforms instead of the default AACR2 workforms to create authority records (Authorities > Create > Single Record > [record format]. Also applies to creating new authority constant data records (Authorities > Create > Constant Data). |
Enable RDA Toolkit check box | Select to select or clear the check box to enable or disable linking to RDA Toolkit field descriptions from variable fields in bibliographic or authority records and workforms. Note: RDA Toolkit descriptions are not available for fixed fields. |
Enter your RDA Toolkit username text field | Enter your RDA Toolkit subscriber user name. |
Enter your RDA Toolkit password text field | Enter your RDA Toolkit subscriber password. |
Button name | Click the button to... |
OK | Apply the settings you entered and close the Options window. |
Cancel | Cancel any changes you made since the last time you saved changes to options. The Options window closes. |
Apply | Apply the settings you entered without closing the Options window. You can continue checking or changing other options. |