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Enter Batch Search Keys

Find out how to access and use the Enter Batch Search Keys window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Enter Batch Search Keys window

  • Enter WorldCat or LC Names and Subjects authority file search keys for batch processing, with the following options:
    • Select or change the bibliographic or authority local save file you want to use to enter search keys for batch processing.
    • Open the local file manager to manage your files (relocate, create, delete, etc.).
    • Select a default index for searches you enter.
    • Use Add, Delete, or Replace buttons to edit the list of searches.
    • Import search keys from a text file.
    • Copy searches to another local file.
    • Retrieve records from the online save file.

Access the Enter Batch Search Keys window

  1. Navigate to Batch > Enter Bibliographic Search Keys or press <Alt><B><B>.
    Navigate to Batch > Enter Authority Search Keys or press <Alt><B><A>.
  2. If you use multiple local files, in the Local File list, select the local file for storing the searches and running batch.
  3. In the Query field under Search Keys, enter a full syntax search string, the same as you would enter a full search string in the Command Line of the Search WorldCat window or the Search LC Names and Subjects window.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you enter all of the searches you want to batch process.
  6. When finished, click Save.

 Note: You can also open this window from the Process Batch window: Navigate to Batch > Process Batch, select a local file, and then click Enter Search Keys.

  • To set options for batch processing WorldCat searches, navigate to Tools > Options > Batch, and in the Batch tab of the Options window, set options under Searching.

See more about how to enter WorldCat searches for batch processing or how to enter LC authority file searches for batch processing.

Enter Batch Search Keys window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Local File list
  • View a list of all bibliographic (or authority) local files by full path and file name.
  • Select or change the local file you want to use to enter search keys for batch processing if you use more than one local file.

Default local file:

  • X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Db\DefaultBib.bib.db
  • X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Db\DefaultAuth.auth.db
  • Another local file you designate as default.
Search Keys area
Query text field
  1. Enter a search the same way you enter a WorldCat command line search or an Authority File command line search.

    You can enter numeric, derived, or keyword searches. Browsing is not available for batch processing.
  2. To enter the search key in the list, click Add.

    The search key appears in the list below and also remains in the Query text box. However, it is highlighted so that you can overwrite it without deleting it.
Total Entered display View a running total of the number of searches you enter.
Use default index list Select an index to use for searches you enter from a list of all available indexes.

Default: None
List of searches entered Add a search from the Query box to the list by clicking Add.
Select a search and delete from the list.
Apply default WorldCat Qualifiers check box and text field For WorldCat searches only: Select the check box and enter qualifiers that you want the client to append to searches you add to the list.

Default: Check box is deselected.
Save file record retrieval
Retrieve all records from online save file check box Select the check box to retrieve all records from the online save file.

Default: Check box is deselected.
Limit by Review Status check boxes Select a review status check box to limit records retrieved from the online save file by review status. Limit to:
  • Submitted (only records you submitted to other libraries for review)
  • Non-Submitted (all records except those you submitted for review)
Check boxes are available when you select the Retrieve all records from online save file check box.
Delete downloaded records from online save file check box Select the check box to delete records from the online save file after they are retrieved.

Check box is available when you select the Retrieve all records from online save file check box.
Limit by My Status check box and text field Available for online bibliographic save file only: Select the check box to limit records retrieved to those with a My Status that you type in the text box.

Check box is available when you select the Retrieve all records from online save file check box. Text box is available when you select the Limit by My Status check box.


Button name Click the button to...
Local File Manager Open the Local File Manager window to manage your files (relocate, create, delete, etc.).

The Enter Batch Search Keys window remains open. After you close the Local File Manager, any changes you made to local files are displayed immediately in the Local Files list of the Enter Batch Search Keys window.
Enter Diacritics Open the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters window to enter a diacritic or character in a search term.
Add Add the search key you entered to the list of search keys (available only when text is entered in the Query box).
Delete Delete a search key from the list (available only when a search key is selected in the list).
Replace Replace a search in the list which you double-clicked to re-enter in the Query box and edited, with the edited search (available only for an edited list entry).
Import Open a standard Windows file Open window.
  1. Enter the complete path and file name of a text file or navigate to a text file (file extension *.txt) that contains search keys you want to add to the local file.
  2. Click Open. The client adds each line of text in the file as a separate search key to the list.
Copy Copy selected searches to another local file (opens the Copy Batch Search Keys window to select the file to which you want to copy).
Print Print the list of search keys.
Save Save the list of search keys to the selected local file, overwriting any search keys already saved in the file. (Does not close the window.)
Close Close the window.

 Note: To process the searches, you must open the Process Batch window (Batch > Process Batch), select the local file containing the search keys, select the Online Searches check box under Process, and click OK.