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Customize List of Subfields

Find out how to access and use the Customize List of Subfields window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Customize List of Subfields window

  • Reorganize or shorten the list of valid subfields available for creating or editing fields 541 or 583.
  • Restore the list to the complete (default) list of valid subfields.

Access the Customize List of Subfields window

  1. To edit an existing 541 or 583 field, place the cursor in the field, and click Edit > Guided Entry > Edit or press <Ctrl><Shift><X>.
    To create a new field, click Edit > Guided Entry > 541 [or 583] (or press <Alt><E><G><4> or <Alt><E><G><8>, respectively).
  2. In the Edit [or Insert] 541 [or 583] window, to the right of the Subfield list, click Personalize List button.
  3. Reorganize or delete subfields for editing or creating field 541 or 583.
  4. Click OK.

Customize List of Subfields window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
List of subfields Select a subfield and click Move Up or Move Down to change its order in the list.
Click Remove to delete a selected subfield from the list.

Default: All valid subfields
All valid 541 subfields All valid 583 subfields
3, 5, a - f, h, n, o 2, 3, 5, a - f, h, i, j, k, l, n, o, u, x, z


Button name Click the button to...
Move Up Move the selected subfield up one position in the list.
Move Down Move the selected subfield down one position in the list.
Modify Open the Modify List Items window. Use check boxes to select or clear subfields from the list.
Remove Delete the selected subfield from the list.
Restore Defaults Restore the list of subfields to the default (all valid subfields).
OK Apply the settings you entered and close the window.
Cancel Cancel any changes you made and close the window.