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Customize Fields to Spell Check

Find out how to access and use the Customize Fields to Spell Check window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Customize Fields to Spell Check window

  • Add or delete fields to check and subfields in specified fields to skip during spell checking.

 Note: You are not required to create a list. The client provides a list of fields to check with subfields to skip when you install. See the list of default fields/subfields in the table below.

Access the Customize Fields to Spell Check window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Spelling.
  2. Click Fields to Check on the Spelling tab.
  3. Enter a MARC field tag to include in spell checking, and then enter any subfields to skip in the field and click Add
  4. To delete a field/subfield, select it in the list and click Delete.
  5. Click OK.

 Note: The spell checker fields-to-check settings are stored in:
X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Profiles\MyProfile\Options.xml (X = the letter of your hard drive)

See more about how to customize the spell checker.

Customize Fields to Spell Check window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
MARC Field Tag field Type a MARC field tag number that you want to add to the list of fields to be checked.
Skip Subfields field (Optional) Type subfield codes for any subfields you want to skip in a specified field.
List of fields/subfields for spell checking
Default list of fields to check and subfields to skip
245 skip c

246 skip f

440 skip v




505 skip g r u

510 skip c
513 skip b



520 skip u



530 skip u

533 skip m 7


547 skip f


730 skip f


830 skp v

 Note: The spell checker checks spelling only in the fields specified in this list.


Button name Click the button to...
Add Add to the list a field you entered in the MARC Field Tag box to be spell checked and (optional) any subfields you entered in the Skip Subfields box to be skipped within the field.
Delete Delete a selected field/subfield entry in the list. (You can select and delete only one field/subfield at a time.)
Import  Note: This button remains active but is no longer needed.

The button was implemented early in the development of the Connexion client. Catalogers migrating from Passport or CatME programs (now obsolete) to the Connexion client could use the button to import their legacy customized fields-to-check file into the client spell checker.
OK Apply the settings you entered and close the window. You return to the Spelling tab (or press <Enter>).
Cancel Cancel any changes you made and close the window. You return to the Spelling tab.