Authorizations Options
Find out how to access and use the Authorizations tab on the Options window in Connexion client.
Purpose of the Authorizations Options window
- Enter up to 10 authorizations or authorization and password combinations for logging on to Connexion.
- Name each authorization/password combination.
- Select a default authorization/password or select from a list for each logon.
- Select no default authorization/password.
- Leave passwords blank to require password entry for all logons.
Access the Authorizations Options window
- Navigate Tools > Options > Authorizations.
Navigate File > Logon and in the Logon OCLC Connexion window, click Setup Authorizations. - Enter up to 10 OCLC authorization number and password and assign a name.
- Select a button next to the authorization you want to use as the default.
Select the button next to No Default Authorization. - Click OK or Apply.
See more about how to customize interactive logon.
Authorizations Options window: Features and buttons
Feature | How to use |
Default buttons | Click a button to select a default authorization and password for logging on to Connexion. Default: First authorization/password in the list. |
No Default Authorization button | Click the button if you do not want to requires entering an authorization and password each time you log on. Select this option to password protect your Connexion logon. |
Authorization fields | Enter up to 10 authorizations. |
Password fields | Enter up to 10 passwords or leave passwords blank to require password entry for each logon. |
Name fields | (Optional) Name each authorization/password combination. Do not use open or close parentheses characters in names. Enter names if you set up and often switch among multiple authorizations when you log on. The Logon window drop-down list list shows your authorizations by name. |
Button | Click the button to... |
OK | Apply the settings you entered and close the Options window (or press <Enter>). |
Cancel | Cancel any changes you made since the last time you saved changes to options. The Options window closes. |
Apply | Apply the settings you entered without closing the Options window. You can continue checking or changing other options. |