Find an overview of how to work with record lists, including how to view, open, print, and take actions, in Connexion client.
All types of record lists described
Your default browser opens to the Find in a Library view of the record.
To open an item from a list, double-click an entry or click to highlight an entry and press <Enter>.
The following table describes types of lists and information displayed.
- Available record lists and information displayed - Table
List |
List Type |
Descrizione |
WorldCat lists |
WorldCat Search List By default, results are displayed according to the number of records retrieved. Navigate to Cataloging > Search > WorldCat > Settings to change the display. |
Group List 101 to 1,500 records retrieved |
- Groups a large number of search results (101 to 1,500 records) by type of material (books, computer files, etc.) and year of publication to make the results easier to manage.
- Each entry represents a group of 2 to 100 records.
Note: If a search retrieves more than 1,500 records, you receive an error message that too many records matched your search. Limit your search and try again.
Truncated List 6 to 100 records retrieved |
Each entry represents a record. Shows various data such as main entry, title, publisher, publication date. The sort order and the information extracted for display in the list depend on the index you searched.
Note: Truncated lists can contain more than 100 records if records retrieved are for a single year. If more than 100 records are retrieved, the system tells you the total number found and tells you how to view the next 100.
Brief List 2 to 5 records retrieved |
Each entry represents a record and gives a short (usually 1- to 3-line) description of the record. The list is sorted:
- First by records with no main entry (1xx field) with secondary sort by field 245.
- Then alphabetically by field 1xx with secondary sort by field 245.
Notes on WorldCat search results:
- If a search retrieves only one record, the full record displays.
- The title bar of a WorldCat search results list displays the search you entered by indexes searched.
- The title bar of a WorldCat group list displays the total number of records retrieved in all groups.
- Toggle between displaying a list as brief or truncated while you view the list (View > List Type > Brief [or Truncated]).
- All windows showing WorldCat search results close when you do another WorldCat search.
See details about the data displayed in WorldCat lists.
WorldCat Browse List |
Browse list |
- Shows a list of 25 terms that match or most closely match the term you entered.
- The closest match is highlighted.
- Shows the number of records for each entry.
- Double-click a term in the list, or click to highlight a term and press <Enter>, to open a record or, if multiple records match the term, to open a list of records.
The list that opens is determined by the search results setting available in Cataloging > Search > WorldCat > Settings.
- To see more terms that precede or follow the 25 displayed:
- Press <Page up> or <Page down>.
- Scroll one entry at a time. Press <Up arrow> or <Down arrow>.
See details about the data displayed in WorldCat browse lists.
LC Authority file lists |
LC Authority File Search List |
Brief list of up to 100 matches at a time |
- Each entry in the list represents a record and gives a description of the record.
- Displays entries for 2 - 100 records.
- If more than 100 records are retrieved, the system tells you the total number found and tells you how to view the next 100.
- If you selected Show See References and/or Show See Also References check boxes in the Search LC Names and Subjects window, the list shows all See and/or See Also references for each record in the list.
- The list is sorted in alphabetical order by main entry.
See more about the data displayed in LC authority file lists.
LC Names and Subjects History Search List |
Brief list of up to 100 matches at a time |
- Each entry in the list represents a record and gives a single-line description of the record.
- Displays entries for 2 - 100 records.
- If more than 100 records are retrieved, the system tells you the total number found and tells you how to view the next 100.
Note: Access to authority history records is read-only. You cannot take actions from lists or displayed records. You can copy and paste data or print displayed records.
LC Authority File Root Browse List |
Browse list |
- Shows a list of 50 terms that match or most closely match the browse term you entered.
- The closest match is highlighted.
- Shows the number of records represented by each browse term entry.
- Double-click a term in the list (or click to highlight a term and press <Enter>) to open a record or a list of records, if multiple records match the term.
- If more than 50 records match the browse term, the client displays the first set of 50.
- To see the next or previous set of 50 records:
- Provides a text box at the top of the list to enter an expanded scan.
See more about the data displayed in LC authority file browse lists.
LC Authority File Expanded Browse List (Opens only if you enter an expanded term in the Browse Authority File window or in the Expanded Term box of the results list.) |
Browse list |
- Shows a list of titles that match or most closely match the phrase you entered.
- Shows the number of records for each heading entry.
- Highlights the closest match.
- Under the closest match, shows an expanded list of subheadings that match or most closely match the expanded term you entered.
LC Names and Subjects History Browse List |
Browse list |
- Shows a list of headings that match or most closely match the term you entered.
- Shows the number of records for each heading.
- Highlights the closest match.
Note: Access to authority history records is read-only. You cannot take actions from lists or displayed records. You can copy and paste data or print displayed records.
Online lists - save files and constant data files |
Online Bibliographic Save File Search List Online Bibliographic Constant Data Search List Online Authority Save File Search List Online Authority Constant Data Search List |
Brief list of up to 100 matches at a time
- Each entry in the list represents a record and gives a single-line description of the record.
- Displays entries for 2 - 100 records.
- If more than 100 records are retrieved, the system tells you the total number found and tells you how to view the next 100.
- Default sort order depends on the type of list:
- Online bibliographic save file list: descending order by save file number (number the system assigns when you save a record)
- Online bibliographic constant data list: alphabetical order by constant data name
- Online authority save file list: alphabetical order by main entry
- Online authority constant data list: alphabetical order by constant data name
Local file lists (access while logged on or offline) - save files and constant data files |
Local Bibliographic Save File Search List Local Bibliographic Constant Data Search List Local Bibliographic Constant Data Search List Local Authority Constant Data Search List |
Local file list |
- Continuous list of all records in the local file (limit 9,999 records per file).
- Default sort order depends on the type of list:
- Local bibliographic save file: descending order by save file number (assigned when you save a record)
- Local bibliographic constant data: alphabetical order by constant data name
- Local authority file: alphabetical order by main entry
- Local authority constant data: Alphabetical order by constant data name
See more about the data in lists of save file records or constant data records:
- Bibliographic save files
- Bibliographic constant data
- Authority save files
- Authority constant data
Note: One window each of the types of lists in the table can remain open simultaneously. However, when you do a second search in the same file–for example, a second WorldCat search, the new search results list replaces the first list in the window (to retrieve the original list, you must do the first search again). Keep multiple lists of the same type open by pinning (View > Pinned).
View a WorldCat search or browse list
The title bar of a list shows the source of the search results (e.g., WorldCat Search List). For WorldCat search results, the title bar also shows the search you entered.
All lists for your current search remain open (browse, group, brief, truncated, local file). Subsequent searches replace lists with new search results.
WorldCat search list
To view a WorldCat search results list that is longer than the part of the screen you can view:
- Press <Page up> or <Page down> (moves to the previous or next screen).
- Press <Up arrow> or <Down arrow> (moves up or down one entry at a time).
- Click, hold, and move the vertical scroll bar.
WorldCat browse list
The WorldCat browse list only displays 25 terms at a time. To view terms preceding or following the initial display of 25:
- Press <Page up> or <Page down> (continues to move up or down beyond the initially displayed 25 entries each time you press the key).
- Press <Up arrow> or <Down arrow> (continues to move up or down one entry at a time each time you press the key).
Note: You can use the vertical scroll bar only to move up and down in the currently displayed list of 25 entries.
View a list of more than 100 records
You can view a list of more than 100 matches for an LC authority file search or LC authority history search, an online bibliographic or authority save file search, or an online bibliographic or authority constant data search.
To view the next 100 records:
- Navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists > Next 100 Records.
- Press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><X>.
- Press <Page down>.
To view the previous 100 records:
- Navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists > Previous 100 Records.
- Press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><U>.
- Press <Page up>.
Note: Check the status bar to see where you are in the list of total records found. For any record selected on the list or opened for display, the status bar shows the record number of the total number of records (for example 178 of 225).
See also change the font size for displaying and printing a list.
Open records (or other lists) from a list
- In the search results list, double-click an entry.
Select an entry (click it or press <Up arrow> or <Down arrow> to highlight it) and then press <Enter>.
Select multiple entries.
- If a list opens, double-click an entry to open a record.
- To open the next record without returning to the list, navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists > Forward, or click , or press <F9>.
- To open the previous record without returning to the list, navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists > Back, or click , or press <Shift><F9>.
- For WorldCat group lists, each entry represents a group of records. When you double-click an entry, another list opens (brief or truncated).
Print a list
You can print an entire list or print selected entries in a list.
Note: Connexion client uses Internet Explorer (IE) to print records and lists. Therefore, page margins for printing are determined by IE Page Setup settings. To adjust the margins, open the browser and on the File menu, click Page Setup. Determine other print settings (for example, portrait or landscape orientation) in the client Print window.
Print an entire list
- With a list open, navigate to File > Print List or press <Shift><F12>.
- In the Print window, click Print or press <Enter>.
Note: If lists of online records from the LC authority or LC authority history file or bibliographic or authority save files or constant data files exceed 100 records, you can print only list entries in the currently displayed part of the list. You must display other sets in the list to continue printing more entries. (This limitation does not apply to local file lists.)
Print selected entries in a list
- Select only entries you want to print (hold <Shift> and click to select adjacent records, or hold <Ctrl> and click to select non-adjacent records).
- Navigate to File > Print List or press <Shift><F12>. If you have more than one record selected, the Print List window opens.
Note: The Print toolbar button () is available but only to print highlighted record(s) in the list, one per page.
- From the Print List window:
- Click the button next to All to print all records in the list.
- Click the button next to Selected Items to print the list with only the entries you selected.
- In the Print window, click Print or press <Enter>.
Note: If lists of online records from the LC authority or LC authority history file or bibliographic or authority save files or constant data files exceed 100 records, you can print only list entries in the currently displayed part of the list. You must display other sets in the list to continue printing more entries. (This limitation does not apply to local file lists.)
Print a record
With a record from a list open:
- Navigate to File > Print.
- Click .
- Press <Ctrl><P>.
- Press <Alt><F><P>.
For local file lists only, print multiple records selected in a list without first having to open them:
- Select adjacent records: Click to highlight the first entry, and then press and hold <Shift> and click the last entry.
Select nonadjacent entries: Click to highlight the first entry, and then press <Ctrl> and click to highlight each additional entry.
- Navigate to File > Print, or click , or press <Ctrl><P>. The client prints each record you selected immediately, one per page. The Print window does not open before printing.
See note above about adjusting page margins for printing.
See more information on using records.
Select multiple records in a list
To select multiple records in a list:
Record type |
Descrizione |
Adjacent records |
- Click to highlight the first entry, and then press and hold <Shift> and click the last entry. The entire group of records between the entries is selected.
- Click an entry and hold the mouse button down while you drag the cursor up or down in the list to select the group of records you want.
Nonadjacent records |
Click to highlight the first entry. Then press <Ctrl> and click to highlight each additional entry. |
All entries |
- Click to highlight the first entry. Then press <Shift><End>.
- Click the first entry and hold the mouse button down while you drag the cursor to the bottom of the list.
Take actions on records selected in a list
Actions you can take on records selected in a list depend on the source of the records (that is, whether they are retrieved from WorldCat, the LC authority file, online or local save files, or online constant data files).
The following table summarizes the actions you can take on selected multiple records in each type of list.
- Available actions for record lists - Table
Type of list |
Actions available for selected records |
WorldCat Search List (brief or truncated list) |
- Save Record to Online File
- Save Record to Local File
Online Bibliographic Save File List |
- Submit for Review
- Save Record to Online File
- Save Record to Local File
- Delete Record
- Export
- Set Status
- Validate*
- Apply Online Default Constant Data (or Apply by Name or Apply from List)**
- Apply Local Default Constant Data (or Apply by Name or Apply from List)**
Local Bibliographic Save File List |
When offline or online:
- Print all or selected records from a list without first opening the records
- Apply Local Default Constant Data (or Apply by Name or Apply from List)**
- Delete Record
- Copy Record
- Move Record
- Export
- Set Status
When online only:
- Save Record to Online File
- Validate*
- Apply Online Default Constant Data (or Apply by Name or Apply from List)**
When online, or if offline, marks for batch processing:
- Update Holdings
- Produce and Update Holdings
- Alternate Produce and Update
- Delete Holdings
- Replace Record
- Replace and Update Holdings
Online Bibliographic Constant Data List |
- Save Record to Local File
Authority File Search List (brief list) |
- Save Record to Online File
- Save Record to Local File
LC Names and Subjects History Search List |
- Copy and paste data
- Print records
Online Authority Save File List |
- Submit for Review
- Save Record to Online File
- Save Record to Local File
- Delete Record
Local Authority Save File List
Note: Actions are unavailable for records in an online authority save file list.
When offline or online:
- Print all or selected records from a list without first opening the records
- Apply Local Default Constant Data (or Apply by Name or Apply from List)**
- Delete Record
- Copy Record
- Move Record
- Export
- Set Status
- Validate*
When online only:
- Save Record to Online File
- Apply Online Default Constant Data (or Apply by Name or Apply from List)**
When online, or if offline, marks for batch processing:
- Add to Authority File (NACO-affiliated libraries only)
- Submit for Review
- Replace Record (NACO-affiliated libraries only)
Online Authority Constant Data List |
- Save Record to Local File
*The client displays validation results for all selected records in one list, showing the save file number and specific results for each record. **When you apply constant data to records selected in a list, and you have the fields-to-apply option set to apply the fixed field or to apply both fixed field and variable fields:
- If the constant data fixed-field data does not match that of the record, the client overwrites the record's fixed-field data automatically. You do not receive a warning or request for confirmation.
Note: You cannot take final actions on records in authority history records (read-only) lists.
Navigate among records and lists
When multiple records and lists are open, use commands on the View and Window menus to navigate among the open windows. The following table lists possible navigation techniques.
- Record and list navigation techniques - Table
Navigation technique |
Descrizione |
Keystroke shortcuts |
Press <Ctrl><Tab> or <Ctrl><F6> to use keystroke shortcuts to toggle between two open windows or cycle through all open windows (records and lists) in sequence. |
Cascade windows |
Cascade windows and cycle through to view them sequentially:
- Navigate to Window > Cascade. Open lists and records line up behind each other with their title bars visible.
- Record title bars show record source and title information from field 245 for bibliographic records or heading information from field 1xx for authority records.
- List title bars show the source of the search results.
- Click a title bar to make a window the current window.
Or Press <Ctrl><Tab> repeatedly to view each open list and record window.
Tile windows |
Tile windows vertically or horizontally to view simultaneously:
- Navigate to Window > Tile Horizontally to display open records in equally sized horizontal windows from top to bottom of the client work area.
- Navigate to Windows > Tile Vertically to display records in equally sized vertical windows from side to side of the client work area.
- When you tile records, variable field text wraps. All content is visible unless you select an option to truncate field data more than three to four lines long.
- The client adds a horizontal scroll bar to the fixed field if necessary for viewing all elements.
Client Window menu commands |
Use commands on the client Window menu to change the current window or to open and close windows without having to cycle through open windows. The Window menu lists all open windows by name, numbers them in the order you opened them, and shows information from the title bar of the window.
- On the Window menu, click the name of the open window you want to make the active (topmost) window, or press <Alt><W><[number of window]>.
- To close the current (topmost) record or list window, click Close Window or press <Ctrl><F4>.
- To close all record and list windows, click Close All or press <Alt><W><A>.
Minimize windows and arrange icons |
- Click in each window to minimize.
- Navigate to Window > Arrange Icons or press <Alt><W><A>. The minimized window icons line up in a row.
Open the next or previous group list entry |
For WorldCat group lists: To open the next or previous group list entry (another list) without returning to the group list window:
- To open the next group entry (list), navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists menu > Next Group or press <Alt><V><V><G>.
- To open the previous group entry (list), navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists menu > Previous Group or press <Alt><V><V><E>.
Use right-click menu to customize lists
You may want to hide columns or change the order to show data that is most important to you without having to scroll horizontally, especially for a save file results list, which contains many columns.
Hide a column
- Right-click anywhere in a list and then click List Settings on the pop-up menu.
- In the Column Settings window, select a column by its name and click Hide.
Double-click a column to deselect the check box next to its name.
- In most types of lists, all columns are selected.
- In WorldCat truncated lists, however, by default, Holdings (number of holdings) and Control # (OCLC number) columns are hidden.
- (Optional) To redisplay all columns, click Reset.
- Click OK to make your changes and close the window
Click Cancel to close the window without making the changes.
Display a hidden column
- Right-click anywhere in a list and then click List Settings on the pop-up menu.
- In the Column Settings window, select the column and click Show.
Double-click the column to select the check box next to its name. A check mark indicates that the column displays.
- In most types of lists, all columns are selected.
- In WorldCat truncated lists, however, by default, Holdings (number of holdings) and Control # (OCLC number) columns are hidden.
- (Optional) To redisplay all columns, click Reset.
- Click OK to make your changes and close the window
Click Cancel to close the window without making the changes.
Change the order of columns
- Right-click anywhere in a list and then click List Settings on the pop-up menu.
- Select the column you want to move and click Move Up or Move Down until it is in the position you want.
- (Optional) You can drag and drop columns using the mouse instead of using step 2 to change the order of columns:
- Place the cursor over the column heading of the column you want to move.
- Hold down <Ctrl>, left-click, and drag the column heading.
Right-click, hold, and drag the column heading.
While you drag, the cursor becomes a rectangle.
- Drop the rectangle on top of the border between two columns where you want to place the column you are dragging.
- Repeat step 2 or 3 for each additional column you want to move.
- (Optional) To restore the default order of columns, click Reset.
- Click OK to make your changes and close the window
Click Cancel to close the window without making the changes.
Resize columns
Move the cursor over the right-hand border of the heading for the column you want to resize until the cursor becomes . Then click and hold while you drag the border to a new position.
To restore column widths to the default, right-click anywhere in the list. On the pop-up menu, click Restore List Sizes.
In the confirmation message, click OK to confirm, or click Cancel to keep the column widths as they are. When you reopen a list of this type, the original column widths are restored.
Re-sort a list
- Click any column heading to re-sort entries by that column.
- Navigate to View > Sort by > [item].
Various record characteristics are available to sort the list, depending on the type of list. Possible sort categories include:
- Autore
- Category
- Constant Data Name
- Data
- Main Entry
- Titolo
Note: For lists of more than 100 records, sorting applies only to the 100 records currently displayed. If you display another set of 100 records, you must re-sort the list.
Keystroke shortcuts for working with lists
The following table lists keystroke shortcuts for working with lists.
- Keystroke shortcuts for working with lists - Table
Press these keys... |
To do this... |
<Page down> |
- Move the selection to the first entry on the next page (applies to brief lists).
- Move the selection to the first entry in the next set of 100 entries on lists that display only 100 records at a time.
Search results lists that display 100 records are:
- LC authority file search
- LC authority file browse
- Online bibliographic save file
- Online bibliographic constant data file
- Online authority save file
- Online authority constant data
<Page up> |
- Move the selection to the first entry on the previous page (applies to brief lists).
- Move the selection to the last entry of the previous set of 100 entries on lists that display only 100 records at a time.
<Down arrow> |
- Move the selection to the next entry.
- Move the selection to the next entry in next set of 100 entries on lists that display only 100 records at a time: With the last list entry selected, press <Down arrow>.
<Up arrow> |
- Move the selection to the previous entry.
- Move the selection to the previous entry in the previous set of 100 records on lists that display only 100 records at a time: With the first list entry selected, press <Up arrow>.
<Shift><End> |
Selects all entries in a list, beginning with the highlighted entry.
Note: To select all entries in a list, click to select the first entry and then press <Shift><End>.
<Shift><Down arrow> |
Selects multiple adjacent records moving down the list from the selected entry. |
<Shift><Up arrow> |
Selects multiple adjacent records moving up the list from the selected entry. |
<Home> |
Selects the first entry of the displayed list. |
<End> |
Selects the last entry of the displayed list. |
<Enter> |
Opens the selected entry (opens a record or a brief list). |
<Left arrow> |
Scrolls to the left if there is a horizontal scroll bar in a list. |
<Right arrow> |
Scrolls to the right if there is a horizontal scroll bar in a list. |