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Data displayed in WorldCat search results lists

Discover how data is displayed in WorldCat results lists when searching in Connexion client.

The title bar of a results list from a WorldCat search identifies the kind of search and shows the search (e.g., [WorldCat Search List: ti:mitchell and yr:1984-5]).

Group list

A group list is usually sorted first by the number of records in the group. The list has three columns:

  • Format (format of the records in the group)
     Note: Any internet resource records that match your search will be found under the Books format. This is because Connexion group lists do not include Internet Resources as a separate group heading, regardless of how the field 856 is coded.
  • Range of publication dates of the records
     Note: For searches limited to SCIPIO records (from the former Art and Rare Book Sales Catalog database available from RLG), the date column is Date of Sale.
  • Number of records in the group

Brief list

A brief list is sorted by main entry, first by records with 245 0[blank], and then by records with combined 1XX and 245 (X - any number). The list has two columns:

  • List number for the record (assigned by the system)
  • One-line description of the record, including (1) the total number of holdings

The following table shows the types of data that can appear in a brief list entry, if the data is present in the record, given in the order in which the data appears:

Colonna Descrizione
Main Entry Field 1xx, all subfields except 2, 3, 5
Uniform Title Field 240 or 243, all subfields except 3, 5 for both fields
Titolo Field 245, all subfields
Edition Field 250, 254, 255, 256, or 257, all subfields
Publication Field 260, 261, or 262, all subfields
Descrizione Field 300 or 305, all subfields for all format types
Type code Displays a descriptive label based on combinations of type of material (TMat) and type of record for non-print and manuscript materials.

See list of labels and codes below.
Bibliographic level code Bibliographic level for non-print and manuscript materials:
Descriptive label BLvl code displayed
a, b
Form Fixed field element Form or, for continuing resources, fixed field element Orig
(Form of Original item):
Descriptive label Form or original code displayed
Control Fixed field element Ctrl (type of control)

If Ctrl = a, displays [ARCHIVAL CONTROL]. If blank, no value displays.
Contributing library type Displays a three-character code identifying contributing library type:
  • SCIPIO = Sales Catalog Index Project Input Online
  • DLC = Library of Congress
  • PCC = Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC)
  • NLM = National Library of Medicine (NLM)
  • GPO = U. S. Government Publishing Office (GPO)
  • AGL = National Agricultural Library (NAL)
  • UKM = British Library (UKM)
  • NLC = Library and Archives Canada (formerly National Library of Canada


  • If a designated library creates a record, the system displays the corresponding code from the preceding list.
  • If two or more designated libraries or PCC participants modify a record, or if the record contains an 042 field with a PCC code, the system displays only the first applicable code that appears in the order of the preceding list.


  • NLM issues a record with pcc in field 042 - PCC displays
  • NLM issues a record with lcd in field 042 - DLC displays
  • NLM issues a record with no field 042 - NLM displays
CatL Language code for the language of cataloging from field 040 subfield b (for example, dut, ger).
OCLC number OCLC control number
Detenuto Displays Held if the record has holdings associated with your logon authorization
Holdings Total number of holdings


The following table lists descriptive labels for non-print and manuscript materials that are displayed on type code and material type code or a combination:

Descriptive label displayed Type code TMat code
[ARCH/MSS] b  
[SCORE] c  
[SLIDE] g s
[CHART] k n
[KIT] o b
[GAME] r g
[MODEL] r q
[REALIA] r r
[TOY] r w

Truncated list

A truncated list is sorted by the data that corresponds to the index you searched. A keyword title search, for example, is sorted alphabetically by title. Truncated list columns and order vary, depending on the index.

The following table lists the columns containing data that appears in a truncated list, if the data is present in the record:

Colonna Descrizione
Main Entry Field 1xx if present in record
Nome Keyword search: 1xx

Derived name/title:
  • If the title that matched the search is the 245 field, the system displays the 1XX field if present, or the column is blank.
  • If the matching title is the 130 field, the system displays the 245 field.
  • If the matching title is neither the 245 or the 130 field, the system displays the 1XX field if present, or the column is blank.
Titolo Keyword search: 245 a (or k if no a)

Derived search: 130 a, 222 a, 245 a, 246 a, 247 a, 440 a, 700 t, 710 t, 711 t, 730 a, 740 a, 770 t, 773 t, 780 t, 785 t, 787 t, or 830 a
Government Document Number 086 a or 086 z or 074 a
Publisher Number 028 a or 262 c
Name or 245
  • If matching field is 245, system displays 1xx if present or the column is blank for that record.
  • If matching field is 130, system displays 245.
  • If matching field is neither 245 nor 130, system displays 1xx if present or the column is blank for that record.
Editore 260 b, 261 b, or 262 b if present, or the column is blank
Data Fixed field Date 1
L One-character code identifying contributing library type:
  • S = Sales Catalog Index Project Input Online (SCIPIO)
  • D = Library of Congress (DLC)
  • P = Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC)
  • M = National Library of Medicine (NLM)
  • G = U. S. Government Publishing Office (GPO)
  • A = National Agricultural Library (NAL)
  • B = British Library (UKM)
  • C = Library and Archives Canada (NLC)


  • If a designated library or type of library creates a record, the system selects the appropriate letter from the preceding list in the hierarchy of precedence shown in the list.
  • If two or more libraries or PCC participants or SCIPIO contributors create a record, or if the record contains an 042 field with a PCC or SCIPIO code, the system displays only the first applicable letter that appears.


  • If NLM issues a record that contains pcc in field 042, the system displays P.
  • If NLM issues a record that contains lcd in field 042, the system displays D.
  • If NLM issues a record that does not contain field 042, the system displays M.
Detenuto The word Held indicating that the item is owned by your library, or remains blank
if item is not owned.
Holdings Total number of holdings


 Note: By default, the Holdings column is hidden. To add it: Right-click in a list and on the shortcut menu that pops up, click List Settings.

Control # OCLC control number


 Note: By default, the OCLC # column is hidden. To add it: Right-click in a list and on the shortcut menu that pops up, click List Settings.

CatL Language code for the language of cataloging from field 040 subfield b (for example, ita, ger).


 Note: By default, the CatL column is hidden. To add it: Right-click in a list and on the shortcut menu that pops up, click List Settings.