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How search results display

Discover how WorldCat search results are displayed in Connexion client.


  • Select the way you want WorldCat search results to display.
  • While displaying WorldCat search results, toggle between a brief list view and a truncated list view using View > List Type).
Number of records found The client displays ...
1 The full record

The record is in local edit mode. To work with the WorldCat record, you must lock the record (Action > Lock WorldCat Record).
2 to 5 Brief list

Each entry represents a record and contains a 2-line description.

The list is sorted:
  • First by records with no main entry (1xx field), sorted by field 245
  • Then alphabetically by field 1xx with secondary sort by field 245
6 to 100 Truncated list

Presents a one-line entry for each record.

The sort order and the information extracted for display depend on the index you searched.

 Note: Truncated lists can contain more than 100 records if records retrieved are for a single year. If more than 100 records are retrieved, only the first 100 are displayed. (Use Next 100 Records or Previous 100 Records on the View menu to display the next or previous set of records.)

101 to 1,500 Group list

Each entry represents a group of records.

Groups of records appear by type of material and year of publication.

Opening a group list produces a truncated or brief list, depending on how many records are in the group.

The total number of records retrieved in all groups together is given in the title bar.
Over 1,500 An error message telling you that the number of records retrieved exceeds system limits. You can revise or limit your search and try again.