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Set validation level for bibliographic record actions

Discover how to set a validation level for record actions in Connexion client.

To change the system validation level for record actions:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options or press <Alt><T><O>.
  2. Click General > Validation Level Options.
  3. Under Bibliographic WorldCat records, in the Set Holdings list, select one of the following levels:
    • Structure (default)
    • Basic (checks for the validity of elements, length, repeatability, type of data or codes, etc.)
    • Full (in addition to basic level check, checks for relationships between elements)

    The options setting applies when you use the following commands:
    • Update Holdings
    • Produce and Update Holdings
    • Update Holdings (as part of Replace and Update Holdings)

    The option setting does not apply when you validate manually using Edit > Validate.
  4. In the Export list under Bibliographic WorldCat records and in the Export Authority Record list, select one of the following:
    • None (default)
    • Basic
    • Full
  5. Click OK to apply your settings or Cancel to cancel changes.
  6. On the General page, perform one of the following actions:
    • Click OK to save changes you made
    • Click Cancel to cancel changes.
    • Click Apply to save changes and keep the Options window open.


  • With the automatic validation level set to Structure or None, you do not have to stop and fix errors before completing the actions.
  • When you keep the default validation level, you can always run full validation manually using Edit > Validate (or <Shift><F5>).
  • If you set the automatic validation level to Basic or Full, you must correct errors to complete the actions.
  • No automatic validation occurs when you use Delete Holdings.
  • This option setting does not apply when you update holdings using Batch > Holdings by OCLC Number on bibliographic records. This process does no validation because records are not downloaded or accessible for you to do any needed corrections.