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Automatic validation for final actions on bibliographic records

Discover the automatic validation process for final actions on records in Connexion client.

Bibliographic records

The following table describes the automatic validation process for final actions on records processed interactively or via batch:

Final action Validation performed
Update Holdings For existing records: No automatic validation by default.

Select validation level for these actions in Tools > Options > General / Validation Level Options.

 Note: When you update holdings, even with validation level set to Structure (the minimum), the system verifies that:
  • Indicators
  • The following fields are present and, for some, checks for valid data: Leader, 001, 005, 008, 040 $c, 049 and 245 $a or 245 $k.

    If these structure checks fail, you receive an error message with a list of validation errors.

For workforms: Always validates the complete record, whether or not you edited the record.
Produce and Update Holdings
Alternate Produce and Update Holdings
Replace Record Validates edited fields only.
Replace and Update Holdings Validates edited fields only for the Replace action.

Option in Tools > Options > General / Validation Options determines validation level for the Update Holdings part of the action.
Export By default, no automatic validation.

(Optional) Select validation level for exporting records in Tools > Options > General / Validation Options.
Delete Holdings Does not validate records.

(Optional) Same note as for Update actions also applies to Delete Holdings.