Open and view multiple bibliographic record and list windows
The system automatically keeps records and search results lists from different databases open in separate windows. For example, a WorldCat record or list opens in one window, a save file record or list opens in another, and an LC authority file record or list opens in another:
- You can cycle through all open windows using <Ctrl><Tab> or <Ctrl><F6>.
- You can pin a record open if you want to keep multiple records of the same type open at the same time. Otherwise, when you open a record of the same type, the new record uses the same window as the current one and replaces it.
Open simultaneously without pinning
When you retrieve a record or list from any of the following databases or files, they all stay open at the same time:
- WorldCat (including separate search and browse lists)
- Online bibliographic save file
- Local bibliographic save file
- Online bibliographic constant data
- Local bibliographic constant data
- LC authority file (including separate search, browse, and expanded browse lists)
- LC authority history file (including separate search and browse lists)
- Online authority save file
- Local authority save file
- Online authority constant data
- Local authority constant data
In addition, you can open simultaneously:
- Bibliographic workform
- Bibliographic constant data workform
- Authority workform
- Authority constant data workform
Pin records to open more record windows of the same type
If you open a second record from the same online file or database or a second workform of the same type, the first closes (it is replaced in the open window). If you edited the first record or the record is a workform, the client prompts you to save changes before closing it.
To keep more than one record or workform of the same type open, first pin the current record or workform open, and then open the second:
- Click the record or workform window you want to pin to make it the active window, if necessary.
- Click View > Pinned or press <Shift><F4>.
- The record's title bar contains the icon
and the word [pinned] to indicate that it is pinned.
- When a pinned record is the active record, the command Pinned on the View menu is marked with a check mark.
- The record remains pinned open until you close it.
- You can open another record from the same online database or file or another workform of the same type. The newly opened record's title bar does not contain the word [pinned]. The title bar contains the icon
to indicate that the record is unpinned.
See Records and Record lists for more information about the options for viewing records and lists.
To unpin a pinned record window and close it:
- Navigate to View > Pinned (check-marked) or press <Shift><F4>.
Or - Click X in the upper-right corner or press <Alt><F4>.
After you unpin a record window and close it:
- If unedited, the record closes immediately.
- If you edited the record, the client prompts you to save changes before closing the record.
- Unpinning a record or workform always closes it.