About authority constant data search results
Find an overview of how to use authority constant data search results in Connexion client.
How results display
Applies to online/local constant data | Number of records found | The client displays ... |
Online and local constant data | 0 | A message asking you to change or simplify the search and try again |
Online and local constant data | 1 | The full constant data record |
Online constant data only | 2 to 100 | An Online Authority Constant Data List sorted alphabetically by constant data name |
101 records or more |
Local constant data only | 2 to 9,999 | A Local Authority Constant Data List sorted in alphabetical order by constant data name
Use the results list
Note: Changes you make to the content of a record or actions you take on a record opened from a list are not reflected in the list until you resave the record, close the list, and do the search again. The list reopens showing the updated information.
The Online Authority Constant Data List has two columns. Only the Name column contains data–names of the constant data records (required when you create the records.
The Local Authority Constant Data List has two columns:
- Nome
- My Status
At the top of both list types are:
- Selection buttons for fields to apply (fixed, variable, or both)
- A button to apply constant data from a record selected in the list
- The name of your current default constant data record, if you assigned one