Find authority constant data records
Discover how to find authority constant data records in Connexion client.
About finding authority constant data
You can find constant data records by:
- Specifying a name which the system requires you to assign when you create the record.
- Listing all records.
- View the default without having to search for it. See Apply authority constant data for more information.
Find specific authority constant data records by name or (local file only) by My Status
- Navigate to Authorities > Search > Online Constant Data or press <Alt><U><S><D>.
Navigate to Authorities > Search > Local Constant Data or press <Alt><U><S><C>. - In the Search Online [or Local] Authority Constant Data dialog in the Search for field, enter a constant data record name. The Name index is already selected.
For searching the local authority constant data file only - In the Search for field, enter the text you assigned to one or more constant data records as a custom My Status, and select the My Status index from the adjacent list.Note: Assigning your name as My Status for your constant data records and then searching the My Status index for your name retrieves only your constant data records.
- (Optional) Enter a second search term (constant data name or My Status), select a Boolean operator to indicate how you want to combine the terms, and select the index from the adjacent list.
- AND - Finds records that contain both terms in the same record.
- OR - Finds records that contain either term.
- NOT - Finds records that contain the first term but not the second term.
- Click OK to send the search, or click Cancel to close the dialog without sending the search.
The following words are not indexed for searching either the online or the local authority constant data file:
a, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, for, from, in, is, of, on, or, that, the, to, with, http, www
Stopwords are automatically removed from searches to make the search valid. You do not receive an error message if you include stopwords in a search. Searches that include only stopwords result in no matches.