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Batch reports

Discover available batch reports and how to use them in Connexion client.

Open batch reports

Report types

For the bibliographic local save file(s) in a batch run, the client creates a search report, record action report, export report, and label print report. For the authority local save file(s) in a batch run, the client creates a search, record action, and export report. The client also creates a report for batch holdings by OCLC number.

View reports automatically as soon as a batch finishes

By default, when the client completes a batch run, reports open automatically to show results. The reports open on top of each other, with each window maximized.

You can deselect this option or select another option to print batch reports automatically in Tools > Options > Batch.

View current batch reports any time after batch finishes

To view batch results for the default local save files:

  1. Click View Reports on the Batch menu.
  2. On the submenu, select one of the following (or press the corresponding default keystroke):
    • Bibliographic Search Report or press <Alt><B><V><S>
    • Bibliographic Record Action Report or press <Alt><B><V><A>
    • Bibliographic Export Report or press <Alt><B><V><X>
    • Label Print Report or press <Alt><B><V><L>
    • Authority Search Report or press <Alt><B><V><U>
    • Authority Record Action Report or press <Alt><B><V><R>
    • Authority Export Report or press <Alt><B><V><P>
    • Holdings by OCLC Numbers Report or press <Alt><B><V><H>

To view batch results for local files that are not the default:

  1. Navigate to File > Local File Manager or press <Alt><F><F>.
  2. Select the file type and file for which you want to view reports.
  3. Select the type of report(s) under Batch Reports.
  4. Click View Reports.

 Note: The reports you select open behind the Local File Manager window on top of each other if more than one opens.

Use batch reports

To print the displayed report:

  1. Navigate to File > Print, click the Print button (Print button), or press <Ctrl><P>.
  2. Click Print in the Print window.


  1. Select only the text you want to print.
  2. Click Print.
  3. In the Print window under Page Range, click the Selection button and then click Print.

To copy data in a report:

  1. Use the mouse to click and drag through the data to select it for copying, or press <Ctrl><A> to select all data.
  2. Click Edit > Copy, click the Copy button (Copy button) , or press <Ctrl><C>.

Information shown in batch reports

The  header of each type of batch report shows:

  • Local File (full path and file name of the processed file)
  • Session ID
  • Report Start Time
  • Session Duration
  • For search and record action reports: Number of bibliographic and authority exports reported for that file

For each type of batch, reports show:

Type of report Information displayed
Bibliographic and authority
batch search reports
  • Search errors (this section displays only if the batch had search errors) - Shows the total number of errors and specifies the type of errors, if present:
    • Too many matches - Shows the number of searches resulting in too many matches and for each, shows search keys and number of records found
    • Error or records not found - Shows the number of searches resulting in errors or records not found and for each, shows search keys and type of error
  • Successful searches (shows the total number)  - For each successful search, shows:
    • Search key
    • Number of records found
    • Local save file number assigned for each record downloaded
    • OCLC control number or ARN
    • Title*
Bibliographic and authority
batch record action reports
  • Validation errors (this section displays only if the batch had action errors) - Shows the total number of errors and for each error, shows the save file number of the record, OCLC control number or ARN, title, and the action that failed
  • Successful actions (shows the total number) - For each successful action, shows:
    • Save file number of the record you marked with an action for batch processing
    • OCLC control number or ARN
    • Title*
    • The action has succeeded
Bibliographic and authority
batch export reports
  • Record export errors (this section displays only if the batch had export errors) - Shows the total number of errors and for each error, shows the save file number of the record, OCLC control number or ARN, and title
  • Successful exports (shows the total number) - For each successful export, shows:
    • Save file number of the record exported
    • OCLC control number or ARN
    • Title*
Label Print report
  • Label print errors (this section displays only if the batch had label errors) - Shows the total number of errors and for each error, shows the save file number of the record, OCLC control number or ARN, and title
  • Successful label printing (shows the total number) - For each record that had labels printed successfully, shows:
    • Save file number of the record for which labels printed
    • OCLC control number or ARN
    • Title*
* Note on non-Latin scripts: If linked Latin and non-Latin title fields are in a record, the batch report shows both. Otherwise, the batch report includes either the non-Latin script title or the Latin script title, depending on which is in the title field.