Results of search or browse
Discover how authority record search and browse results display in Connexion client.
Authority history search results
- When you retrieve a single authority history record:
- The client treats the record as a unique record type that can be kept open simultaneously with displayed records of other types (one record per type) without having to pin. Use pinning [View > Pinned] to keep multiple records of the same type open simultaneously.
Note: You should always retrieve at least one authority history record, the exact copy of the distributed record sent from LC via the distribution cycle.
- The client treats the record as a unique record type that can be kept open simultaneously with displayed records of other types (one record per type) without having to pin. Use pinning [View > Pinned] to keep multiple records of the same type open simultaneously.
- The record information area at the top displays:
- A timestamp - This timestamp is unique to LC authority history records and will never appear in LC distributed authority records (e.g., 19900406 11:41:26.100Z 02718558 n 3).
- Definition of authority history timestamp: The system assigns a unique timestamp to each authority history record. The timestamp consists of the date and time the record was added to the OCLC Authority History file, the OCLC ARN, the status of the record, and a source program identification.
For the timestamp example given above, the following is a description of each part:
19900406 [yyyymmdd]
11:41:26.100Z [time to the millisecond; Z = Greenwich Mean Time]
02718558 [OCLC ARN]
n [status code - new]
3 [source code - initial database loaded from the LC Names and Authorities file]
Status codes = n (new), c (changed), d (deleted), p (deleted internally by OCLC)
Example source codes = 3 (initial database loaded from the LC Names and Subjects Authorities file), 4 (In Distribution update from Connexion client), 5 (In Distribution update from Connexion browser), 6 (loaded from the LC distribution file), r (loaded from the Research Libraries Group authority history database)
- Definition of authority history timestamp: The system assigns a unique timestamp to each authority history record. The timestamp consists of the date and time the record was added to the OCLC Authority History file, the OCLC ARN, the status of the record, and a source program identification.
- A timestamp - This timestamp is unique to LC authority history records and will never appear in LC distributed authority records (e.g., 19900406 11:41:26.100Z 02718558 n 3).
- When you retrieve multiple records:
- A brief list displays in 2 columns, sorted by timestamp, starting with the most recent to oldest history record. One column is an assigned results list number. The other column is the record description, including:
- Line 1 = main entry
- Line 2 = ARN, authority history (see definition above), and the LCCN
- Line 3 = See references, if you selected to display them when you did the search
- Line 4 = See Also references, shown in blue type if you selected to display them
Note: If the result is a list of records, the first record in the list is likely to be the exact copy of the distributed record sent from LC via the distribution cycle.
- A brief list displays in 2 columns, sorted by timestamp, starting with the most recent to oldest history record. One column is an assigned results list number. The other column is the record description, including:
- If the client retrieves more than 100 records, the first 100 records display. To view the next 100 records in the search results list, click View > Next 100 Records (or press <Page down>). To view the previous 100 records, click View > Previous 100 Records (or press <Page up>).
Authority history browse results
An authority history browse list shows:
- A scrollable list of 25 entries that match or most closely match the browse term you entered.
- The number of matching records for each entry.
- The item that matches your browse term most closely, highlighted in the list.
- Use <Page down> or <Page up> to display the next or the previous set of 25 entries.
- Display terms in browse results lists are in all UPPERCASE letters.
- Diacritics and subfield codes do not display in the lists.