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Online authority save file indexes and examples

Find online authority save file indexes available in Connexion client.

Online authority save file indexes

Enter searches from Authorities > Search > Online Save File (or <Alt><F3>). Examples in this table assume that the Search Online Authority Save File dialog is open.

Index (label) MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
LCCN (ln) 010 a z
LCSH (su) See Subdivision Headings See Subdivision Headings
OCLC ARN (an) 001 N/A
Personal Names (pn) 100, 400, 500 a b c d g
Corporate Names (co) 110 a b c d n
151 If only a is present, then 151 is indexed as a Corporate Name. If any one of the following is present–v x y z–then 151 is not indexed as a Corporate Name.
410 a b c d n
451 If only a is present, then 451 is indexed as a Corporate Name. If any one of the following is present–v x y z–then 451 is not indexed as a Corporate Name.
510 a b c d e n u
551 If only a is present, then 551 is indexed as a Corporate Name. If any one of the following is present–v x y z–then 551 is not indexed as a Corporate Name.
Conference Names (cn) 111, 411, 511 a c d e n q
Titles (ti) 100, 110, 111 k t g h m n o p r s
130 a k g h m n o p r s
400, 410, 411 a v x y z
430, 500, 510, 511, 530 k t g h m n o p r s
Topicals (to) 150, 450, 550 Tutti
Geographic Headings (gg) 151, 451, 551 Tutti
Children's Subjects (sj) See Subdivision Headings See Subdivision Headings
Subdivision Headings (sb)

LCSH (su)

 Note: All have LCCN starting with sh Children's subject heading (sc)

100, 110, 111, 130, 150, 151, 180, 181, 182, 185, 400, 410, 411, 430, 450, 451, 480, 481, 482, 485, 500, 510, 511, 530, 550, 551, 580, 581, 582, 585 Tutti


The following table describes indexes for save file number, status, and replace date:

Index (label) Definition/notes Format of search/example
Save File Number (sf) Sequential number assigned when you saved the record.

Appears in the Save File # column of the search results list and in the information area at the top of the record.
In the Search for box, type the number for the record you want. Save file numbers can be up to 4 digits, ranging from 1 to 9999.
Workflow Status (ws) Workflow status assigned to the record.

Available statuses:
  • Completed
  • Imported*
  • In Process
  • In Review
  • New
  • Responded*

*System assigned. You cannot assign Imported or Responded to a record. If you resave a record that has a Responded status, you must change to a user available status

Appears in the Workflow column of the search results list and in the status bar of the record.

In the index list following Workflow Status, click the name of the status you want.
Replace Date (rp) Date the record was last modified or resaved.
  • Enter all 8 digits of the date, in order: yyyymmdd.
  • Omit hyphens or any other separators.
  • To search for a range of dates, truncate by entering an asterisk (*) after the 4-digit year or after the year and month.

Example: To search for records modified on December 10, 2003, enter 20020204 or 200202*

Delayed indexing for new online save file records

  • When you save a record to the authority save file, the save file number for the record is indexed immediately.
  • Complete indexing of the record may take up to one minute.
  • To retrieve a record immediately after saving it, search by the save file number. The system reports the save file number in the confirmation message displayed when the record is saved successfully.