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Use constant data, text strings, and fixed field drop-down lists

Discover how to use constant data, text strings, and fixed field drop-down lists in Connexion client.

Constant data

To save keystrokes when using a workform or deriving or generating records, create and apply constant data records, using the online or local constant data file.

Constant data is a fast way to add notes and other data you use often when you create or edit records. You can:

Constant data action Menu > command (keystroke shortcut)
Set a default constant data Edit > Constant Data > Online > Set as Default or press <Alt><E><D><O><D>

Edit > Constant Data > Local > Set as Default or press <Alt><E><D><L><D>
Apply the default constant data Edit > Constant Data > Online > Apply Default or press <Ctrl><A>

Edit > Constant Data > Local > Apply Default or press <Ctrl><Y>
Apply a constant data record by name Edit > Constant Data > Online > Apply by Name or press <Ctrl><U>

Edit > Constant Data > Local > Apply by Name or press <Alt><E><D><L><N>
Apply a constant data record you select from a list Edit > Constant Data > Online > Apply from List or press <Alt><E><D><O><L>

Edit > Constant Data > Online > Apply from List or press <Alt><E><D><L><L>


See Use constant data for more details.

Text strings

Another way to save keystrokes when you enter frequently used data is to create, assign, and insert custom text strings (use Tools > Text Strings or use the Text String quick tool on the toolbar). Use text strings to supplement constant data when you want to enter shorter data, diacritics or special characters, or several fields of data. Insert a text string from the Text Strings window: select a text string and click Assign. Or insert from the Text String quick tool: select a text string in the list. Or you can assign and use a keystroke or user tool to insert a text string.

See Create custom text strings for more details.

Open LC authority history records

If you want to track the history or identify past changes for distributed authority records, you can open authority history record(s) from a displayed authority record using Authorities > Show > LC Superseded Versions. You can also search or browse the authority history file, for example, to check for headings you can no longer find in the LC authority file, using Authorities > Search > LC Names and Subjects History or Authorities > Browse > LC Names and Subjects History.

Authority history records are read-only. You can copy and paste or print only. Authority history file records date back to the mid-1980s.

See Open LC authority history records interactively for more details.

Fixed field drop-down lists

By default, when the fixed field display is set to Top or Bottom (not displayed as variable field), each fixed field element has a drop-down list of values valid for the MARC format of the record. You can select a value from the list or type over a value. Or you can hide the lists in Tools > Options > Record Display.

See Edit authority records for more details.