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OCLC Support

Moving CONTENTdm Project Client to a new computer

  • How to move the Project Client to a new computer
Applies to
  • CONTENTdm Project Client
  1. Download Project client -
  2. Access your serial key for wizard install -
  3. OCR key - Note mentioned in the download project client above. A new key will be needed to update the OCR.  request a new license key for the OCR unit included in your CONTENTdm Annual Services Package.
  4. Exporting project settings (if required) - - Note that when importing to the new machine you need to create at least 1 project to your collection. This can be deleted at a later time. Secondly, it can't be the same name as a previous project.
  5. If you are connecting to shared projects you don't need to export and import.
  6. If you don't need to move projects and can start with a new installation.  You will need your Worldcat username and password that is used for CONTENTdm.
  7. Your Server Url for new projects -
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