- Last updated
- May 12, 2023
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Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
Featured Troubleshooting articles: CONTENTdm featured articles
Advanced website customization
- 404 error retrieving IIIF manifest for collection-level CONTENTdm Compound Objects
- Can CONTENTdm use Lets Encrypt for an SSL Certificate
- CONTENTdm Video Best Practices
- Does CQR work with responsive sites?
- How can I get a copy of my CONTENTdm CSS or Javascript files?
- How do I setup the Saved Items Feature for my custom domain?
- Is it possible to set the Transcript tab to stay open instead of closed?
- PDF image previews are broken, but thumbnails and expanded view are okay
- Why are my hosted video files buffering slowly on the website?
- Why can't I see all of my fields in CONTENTdm IIIF manifest files?
Compound Objects
- 404 error retrieving IIIF manifest for collection-level CONTENTdm Compound Objects
- An error occurred performing OCR. The likely cause of this error is that incompatible languages were specified for the OCR engine
- Convert single item PDFs to Compound Objects
- Ingesting files for a compound object and receiving the error "value cannot be null."
- Internal error in IPP Library in CONTENTdm compound object import
- Is it possible to create a Print PDF of a compound object already uploaded to the server?
- Is it Possible to Update Compound Object Node Locations in CONTENTdm Project Client?
- Project Client returns an error and closes when ingesting a compound object and running OCR
- Project Client Stalling on Last File of Compound Object Ingest
- Unable to open project directory Compound object directory does not exist
- Why do some of my compound objects appear with a scroll bar while others make you click through the pages?
- Why does searching within an object not highlight the search term in the image preview?
- Why is CONTENTdm showing strange fonts or characters in the PDF item preview?
- Why is my Finding Aid item showing only blank pages after the first page?
content list
- "File Not Found" error when ingesting compound object into Project Client
- An ingested PDF does not have transcript metadata even though the collection has a Full Text Search metadata field.
- Can facet names be changed on the CONTENTdm website?
- Does CONTENTdm support subtitles for the native video player?
- Does searching on the CONTENTdm site omit Boolean Operators?
- Hosted video files do not play in specific browsers and instead display an octagon with an exclamation mark
- I cannot add a new user in CONTENTdm Administration and receive the error "Sorry, this username already exists."
- Image has not updated in expanded view after using replace item function
- OCR Is Counting Pages Twice when using the Create Print PDF setting in Project Client
- Receiving "The collection 'Collection Name' cannot be displayed" error on CONTENTdm website
- Tab-delimited collection export does not contain all records.
- When are new items reflected in the item count of CONTENTdm reports?
- Why are February collection reports not available?
- Why are my hosted video files buffering slowly on the website?
- Why does the hyperlink font size on a landing page differ from the paragraph font size?
CONTENTdm Administration
- 500 Internal Server Error in CONTENTdm Administration
- 500 Internal Server Error in CONTENTdm when Approving items
- A semicolon between my field metadata is not separating the terms
- Can collections be sorted by administrative metadata fields?
- Can I move items from one collection to another?
- Collection contains reserved words error
- Collection not listed when creating a new project
- Compound objects in the approval queue are stuck because of missing title fields
- Do CONTENTdm collection aliases recycle?
- Does CONTENTdm Track the user that uploads items for approval?
- Error moving image file to destination directory error when approving items
- Error opening Controlled Vocabulary file
- How can I get a full index history of a collection?
- How can one change what displays as the item-level page title?
- How do I get a list of individual terms in a field without setting up a Controlled Vocabulary ?
- How do I rename a collection in CONTENTdm?
- How do I update monthly storage report recipients
- How do you refresh/renew your entire CONTENTdm site for a new year ?
- How long can an item or object sit in the approval queue waiting to be approved before being indexed?
- How to remove a shared controlled vocabulary from the "Use a controlled vocabulary from another field or collection" drop-down menu
- How to restrict items from a OAI-PMH harvest
- I am unable to access an item after changing item-level permissions.
- I cannot remove incorrectly formatted terms from a controlled vocabulary list
- If data type is updated from text to date, what is the impact on records already in the collection?
- Index taking unusually long
- Item assigned with item-level IP permission restriction cannot be found in a collection
- Item record deleted from Project Client, but still appears in the user site and the CONTENTdm Administration site
- Items are no longer in the Approval Queue but are not in the collection after approving
- Nickname Tool: How do I edit field nicknames?
- Orientation of thumbnails incorrect
- Process can't access the file because it is being used by another process error
- Project Client does not display all Collections from the Server
- Receiving a 504 Gateway Timeout error when attempting to export collection metadata
- Receiving a "Last index failed" message or the Index History has many successive failures when attempting to index a collection
- Receiving an error stating "Unable to parse collection information" when attempting to log into the Project Client
- Receiving "The collection 'Collection Name' cannot be displayed" error on CONTENTdm website
- Receiving the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
- Receiving time out errors when harvesting CONTENTdm OAI repository
- Sorting is not working correctly in CONTENTdm
- Still seeing Register button after registering a repository under the Harvesting tab
- Submitting the approval queue returns an error during the approval process
- Tab-delimited collection export does not contain all records.
- Unable to add jpeg file
- Unable to approve items in CONTENTdm
- Unable to see CONTENTdm collection in the Website Configuration tool
- Unable to sign in to responsive website with your CDM\admin or user01 user name
- User gets an access error when logging into CONTENTdm Admin
- View collection link shows old version
- When are new items reflected in the item count of CONTENTdm reports?
- When Browsing the contents of a Controlled Vocabulary, characters with diacritics are incorrect
- Why am I getting zero results when using Find and Replace to update punctuation in CONTENTdm?
- Why are February collection reports not available?
- Why are Item pageview totals different in the browser compared to the exported tab-delimited file?
- Why do I get a "No results found" message when I search my Controlled Vocabulary term?
- Why do my CONTENTdm OAI harvests keep failing?
- Why won't my WorldCat sync upload back into CONTENTdm finish?
CONTENTdm Catcher
CONTENTdm preservation archive
controlled vocabulary
Displaying terms
Featured articles
- Are CONTENTdm web sites ADA compliant?
- Can an Excel file be added as an item to a CONTENTdm collection?
- Can facet names be changed on the CONTENTdm website?
- Can facet terms be reordered on a CONTENTdm website?
- Cannot see image in CONTENTdm item's expanded view while in proxy
- CONTENTdm display does not allow you to browse over 10k items
- CONTENTdm password reset
- CONTENTdm Project Client ver. 6.x will no longer allow users to sign in
- Do CONTENTdm collection aliases recycle?
- Does CONTENTdm have a facility to load an archived web site to a collection?
- Does CONTENTdm support subtitles for the native video player?
- Does searching on the CONTENTdm site omit Boolean Operators?
- Facet terms in CONTENTdm cap at 100
- FlexLoader application will not start and displays an error
- How do I find my CONTENTdm serial key?
- How do I increase CONTENTdm server space?
- How do I log out of CONTENTdm Administration?
- I am unable to log in to the CONTENTdm Community Center
- If data type is updated from text to date, what is the impact on records already in the collection?
- IIIF 501 Not Implemented error in browser
- Image has not updated in expanded view after using replace item function
- Is CONTENTdm COUNTER 5 compliant?
- Is it possible to get a CONTENTdm collection restored to a prior date?
- Is it possible to prefix the contents of a field using the Find / Replace tool in Project Client?
- Is there a way to bulk update item-level permissions?
- Links to deleted content still appear in my collection
- Merge CONTENTdm collections
- OCR activation button is greyed out
- Project Client does not display all Collections from the Server
- Project client opens to a closed collection
- Unable to sign in to responsive website with your CDM\admin or user01 user name
- What are the size limits for records or collections in CONTENTdm?
- What file types does CONTENTdm support?
- What is my CONTENTdm URL?
- What is the new account management portal OCLC LDAP accounts used by CONTENTdm?
- What wildcards can be used with CONTENTdm sites?
- When are new items reflected in the item count of CONTENTdm reports?
- When you share a CONTENTdm link to social media the image appears as a 403 error
- Why are my hosted video files buffering slowly on the website?
- Why do I get a different result when searching CONTENTdm's Basic search and Advanced search?
- Why is CONTENTdm showing strange fonts or characters in the PDF item preview?
Get started
- CONTENTdm password reset
- How do I find my CONTENTdm serial key?
- How do I get a new CONTENTdm log in username and password?
- How do I surface our CONTENTdm collections in Google?
- I am unable to log in to the CONTENTdm Community Center
- Unable to sign in to responsive website with your CDM\admin or user01 user name
Item management
metadata tags
Project Client
- "File Not Found" error when ingesting compound object into Project Client
- A connection with the server could not be established activating OCR
- A semicolon between my field metadata is not separating the terms
- An error occurred performing OCR. The likely cause of this error is that incompatible languages were specified for the OCR engine
- An ingested PDF does not have transcript metadata even though the collection has a Full Text Search metadata field.
- Attempted to read or write protected memory error
- Attempting to add OCR license in Project Client but receiving a pathway error
- Can I change default Project locations in the Project Client?
- Can I move items from one collection to another?
- Can Project Client change multiple thumbnails in a CONTENTdm collection?
- Clicking the "View" button to view an item opens a new application window, and the Project Client crashes after the application cannot find the file
- Collection not listed when creating a new project
- CONTENTdm Error 202 attempting to access object
- CONTENTdm Project Client returns the error "not enough quota is available" when creating a project.
- CONTENTdm Project Client ver. 6.x will no longer allow users to sign in
- Diacritics or other characters do not come through correctly when importing records using the CONTENTdm Project Client
- Encountered error Could not find file desc in project folder
- Error Attempting to open file FileList.cdmFileLog.SHARE.EXE was not loaded
- Error "Index was outside the bounds of the array"
- Error message "Alpha channel is not supported in TIFF files"
- Field name in the tab delimited file has a length of zero error
- How do I restrict PDF downloads from CONTENTdm?
- How to Update OCR license expiration date
- I am trying to upload a file to the Project Client and am getting 'Error in the application'
- Unable to open most recently used project because type initializer threw an exception
- I got a message saying my project settings imported successfully, but none of the project settings were applied
- If data type is updated from text to date, what is the impact on records already in the collection?
- If we have to update one machine to the newest Project Client does that mean we have to update all of our machines ?
- Index out of bounds error when working with controlled vocabulary
- Ingesting files for a compound object and receiving the error "value cannot be null."
- Is EAD3 supported by CONTENTdm?
- Is it possible to create a Print PDF of a compound object already uploaded to the server?
- Is it possible to prefix the contents of a field using the Find / Replace tool in Project Client?
- Is it Possible to Update Compound Object Node Locations in CONTENTdm Project Client?
- Is there a limit for number of Project client installations?
- Is there a way to bulk update item-level permissions?
- JPEG format not accepted in the Project Client
- Maximum number of projects allowed per collection exceeded
- Moving CONTENTdm Project Client to a new computer
- My welcome letter mentions that we get a free OCR unit. What is this?
- Not enough memory
- Object field name is blank error in project client
- OCR activation button is greyed out
- OCR engine encountered unexpected error in Project Client
- OCR Is Counting Pages Twice when using the Create Print PDF setting in Project Client
- Orientation of thumbnails incorrect
- Project client crashes with no error message
- Project Client does not display all Collections from the Server
- Project Client error "Wrong Operand type"
- Project Client freezes during first import to a new collection on a new install
- Project client opens to a closed collection
- Project Client returns an error and closes when ingesting a compound object and running OCR
- Project Client Stalling on Last File of Compound Object Ingest
- Receiving an error stating "Unable to parse collection information" when attempting to log into the Project Client
- Receiving an invalid serial number error when attempting to active OCR license
- Receiving the error "Number of fields in delimited text file does not match the number of mapping fields supplied."
- Receiving the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
- Spell Check is marking every word as incorrect
- Tab-Delimited file message error file does not exist
- The file size displayed in the Upload Manager is larger than the file I am trying to upload to the Project Client
- "The maximum number of units available in the license has been reached" error while ingesting items into the CONTENTdm Project Client
- Transcript field not filled after adding Word-based PDFs in Project client
- Unable to connect to CONTENTdm Server URL
- Unable to connect to Project ReadContentAsString method is not supported error
- Unable to create project connecting using URL of website
- Unable to generate thumbnail message when adding multiple files in CONTENTdm
- Unable to open most recently used project. An error occurred parsing XML
- Unable to open most recently used project. There is an error in XML document 0,0
- Unable to open most recently used project, receiving "elements are not closed" error.
- Unable to open project directory Compound object directory does not exist
- What should I do if the Generate OCR Transcript option in the Project Client not working as expected?
- What should I do when I'm receiving OCR license activation error(s)?
- Why are quotes duplicated in my metadata?
- Why can't I export my collection in .txt format?
- Why do the left and right directional buttons in Project Client not work?
- Why does searching within an object not highlight the search term in the image preview?
- Why does the OCR count on the progress bar exceed the total pages of a compound object when processing OCR in Project Client?
- Why is my Finding Aid item showing only blank pages after the first page?
- Why is my PDF not filling the full-text field in my collection?
Site management
- Can collections be sorted by administrative metadata fields?
- Can facet terms be reordered on a CONTENTdm website?
- Cannot see image in CONTENTdm item's expanded view while in proxy
- Do CONTENTdm collection aliases recycle?
- How can one change what displays as the item-level page title?
- How do I customize my CONTENTdm URL?
- How to restrict items from a OAI-PMH harvest
- My SSL for CONTENTdm is expiring and I need to renew
- Nickname Tool: How do I edit field nicknames?
- [object Object].[object Object] null error message appearing instead of expected text in CONTENTdm web site
- PDF image previews are broken, but thumbnails and expanded view are okay
- View collection link shows old version
- Why can't I see a CONTENTdm collection on our site home page?
- Why does the hyperlink font size on a landing page differ from the paragraph font size?
- Why has an Object URL changed after adding new Objects to a Collection?
- Why is CONTENTdm showing only part of my PDF and filling the rest of the screen with just black ?
- Why is CONTENTdm showing strange fonts or characters in the PDF item preview?
- Why won't my WorldCat sync upload back into CONTENTdm finish?
Website Configuration Tool
- Blank upload screen in the Website Configuration tool
- Can an Excel file be added as an item to a CONTENTdm collection?
- Can collections be sorted by administrative metadata fields?
- Can facet names be changed on the CONTENTdm website?
- Can I customize my CONTENTdm website to match the look and feel of our existing public website?
- Can the GUI text window in the Website Config Tool Landing pages tab be used to add HTML?
- Can you Delete the search bars for individual collections?
- Can't save edits to links or HTML in Website Configuration tool
- Duplicate records appear when you page through collections
- Field order did not change after index in Responsive site
- How can I download files from the Website Configuration tool?
- How do I remove my CSS or script from Website Configuration Tool
- How do I surface our CONTENTdm collections in Google?
- Limited number of facet options in Website Configuration Tool (Responsive)
- Missing Collections in the Website Config Tool
- Receiving the message "The resource is not available" in the Website Configuration Tool
- Sorting is not working correctly in CONTENTdm
- Why can I not upload any JPEG files to the CONTENTdm Website Configuration Tool?
- Why does the hyperlink font size on a landing page differ from the paragraph font size?