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WorldShare Reports release notes, December 2021


Release Date: December 16, 2021


This release of WorldShare Reports and Report Designer provides new features and enhancements. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

  • Utilize normalized call numbers for sorting of LHR and Acquisitions data

This enhancement is the direct result of your feedback.

Recommended actions

There are no recommended actions related to this release. We encourage you to review all of the items in the release notes to determine whether there are other items that might require additional action or follow-up by your institution.

New features and enhancements

Call number normalization

LHR Item Detail universe - LHR Item Call Number (Normalized)

The LHR Item Detail universe has been updated to include a new field: LHR Item Call Number (Normalized). This field can be used in your custom queries to sort your output item lists by location on the shelf. A normalized call number allows the values to be sorted naturally by different data tools such as WorldShare Report Designer and Microsoft Excel.

  • LHR Item Call Number (Normalized): A normalized call number suitable for sorting. Derived from a valid Item LHR Item Call Number when shelving scheme is set to Dewey or Library of Congress.

LHR Normalized Call Number 2021-12-09_16-05-37.png

Acquisitions universe - Call Number (Normalized)

The Acquisitions universe has been updated to include a new field: Call Number (Normalized). This field can be used in your custom queries to sort your output item lists by location on the shelf. A normalized call number allows the values to be sorted naturally by different data tools such as WorldShare Report Designer and Microsoft Excel.

  • Call Number (Normalized): A normalized call number suitable for sorting. Derived from a valid Call Number when shelving scheme is set to Dewey or Library of Congress.
  • Call Number Classification: The part of the call number that defines the subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme, e.g., PS3545.E6 for Library of Congress Classification or 021.138 for Dewey Decimal Classification.
  • Additionally, the Call Number Class object has been renamed Call Number Main Class to better represent its contents (Part of a call number that defines the subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme).

ACQ call number normalized 2021-12-09_16-40-51.png

Call number normalization details

Some key tenets of normalized call numbers:

  • Normalized call numbers are separate objects that can be used for sorting rows of data. The "standard" call number objects continue to contain their contents as you have entered them in their respective MARC fields.
  • The normalization process supports Library of Congress and Dewey shelving classifications. Other classification methods may produce varied results not suitable for sorting.
  • The normalization process excludes the call number prefix in its generation. The process will generate the value based on the concatenation of call number classification + call number cutter(s) + call number suffix(es).
  • Ongoing updating and refining of the normalization process will occur over time. It will get more accurate and cover more scenarios with your feedback!
  • The normalized call number column (LHR_Item_Call_Number_Normalized) will be added as the rightmost column in the weekly SFTP Circulation Item Inventories file in early 2022. Please watch the OCLC Community Center for news of the release of this feature!
  • Sample normalized call numbers vs. their standard call numbers (Dewey and LC):

Dewey sort 2021-12-10_11-52-05.png    LC sort 2021-12-10_11-56-29.png

Utilizing normalized call numbers

To utilize normalized call numbers within WorldShare Report Designer, simply add the normalized call number object to your query, then add the object as a column in your report:

normalized column 2021-12-10_12-43-19.png

To sort, right-click on the column and select Sort -> Ascending:

Sort 2021-12-10_12-45-36.png

Your report will now be sorted by call number. Optionally, if you do not wish to display the normalized call number in your results, you can choose to hide the column. This will not affect your sort:

Hide column 2021-12-10_12-50-20.png

Acquisitions objects renamed

As part of OCLC's initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, some vocabulary in the Acquisitions universe has been updated.

Acquisitions objects now named and defined as Principal

The names and definitions of the following objects have been modified to replace the word Master with Principal:

  • Principal Subscription Created Date: The date and time that a principal subscription was created. The principal subscription links together all order items that are renewals of each other.
  • Principal Subscription Created Day: The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the principal subscription was created.
  • Principal Subscription Created Day Name: The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the principal subscription was created.
  • Principal Subscription Created Month: The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the principal subscription was created.
  • Principal Subscription Created Month Name: The month name (e.g., November) the principal subscription was created.
  • Principal Subscription Created Year: The year the principal subscription was created.
  • Subscription Principal ID: Identifier assigned automatically by the system to all subscription order items that are renewals of the same original subscription item, e.g., 41846.

Principal Subscription 2021-12-09_17-47-53.png


Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: