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Authoritative list comparisons

Discover how to create an authoritative list comparison in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.


An authoritative list comparison presents your library's holdings compared to authoritative collection development lists.

Analysis type

Individual institutions: For libraries subscribing as individual institutions, an Authoritative List Comparison is created between your library's holdings ( My Library - the Individual Library Analysis) and the selected list.

Create an authoritative list comparison

Before a comparison appears in the listing on the My Library page, you need to create it on the Manage Comparisons page.

This comparison is generated immediately and you do not need to wait to filter and export the comparison.

 Note: To move an institution, select the institution and then click the right arrow.

  1. Select Authoritative from the Comparison Type drop-down list.
  2. Enter a unique name for the comparison in the Comparison Name text field.
  3. Move one or more institutions from the Available Subjects selection box to the Selected Subjects selection box.
  4. Click Create Comparison.
Authoritative lists: Collection development lists
Nome Descrizione
  • Published by the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron Avenue, Chicago IL 60622.
  • Includes 89,500+ works reviewed from 1991 through the present; updated with the WorldCat Collection Analysis service quarterly updates.
CHOICE: Outstanding Academic Titles
  • Published by the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron Avenue, Chicago IL 60622.
  • Includes over 10,000 works reviewed from 1991 through the present; updated annually.
Doody's Core Titles in the Health Sciences (DCT)
  • Published since 2004 by the Doody Enterprises, Inc., 500 N. Michigan Avenue,, Suite 1410, Chicago, IL 60611.
  • Successor to the Brandon/Hill Selected Lists begun in 1965, DCT presents essential purchase recommendations in 121 specialties for academic healthcare professionals and health sciences librarians. Includes 2,996 holdings; updated annually.
Library Journal
  • The single-most comprehensive publication in the field, Library Journal delivers groundbreaking features, news, technology and analysis, along with nearly 7000 book reviews and hundreds of reviews of audiobooks, videos, databases, systems and software.
  • Includes over 100,000 works reviewed through the present.
  • Serves the information needs of librarians and acquisitions staff in public, academic, and special libraries to help them manage the library, its collections, systems, and services to the community.
Publishers Weekly
  • PW's weekly Reviews section previews books in all categories and genres (fiction and nonfiction, mystery, science fiction, graphic novels, audios, children) and much more.
  • Includes over 120,000 works, reviewed through the present.
School Library Journal
  • School Library Journal (SLJ) serves librarians who work with students in school and public libraries and is the world's largest and most authoritative reviewer of children's and young adult content, principally books, but also including audio, video, and the Web.
  • Includes over 67,000 works, reviewed through the present.

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Create an Authoritative list comparison

Run time: 4:22

In this video, you will learn how to create an Authoritative List Comparison in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.