Course Reserves functionality is available for:
For more information on purchasing Course Reserves, see Ordering.
In order to begin using Course Reserves, you need to complete the following steps. The instructions for each step are listed on this page:
See Course Reserves roles for more information.
You must have a Course Reserves role in order to manage courses or add course reserves materials to your WorldCat Discovery interface. There are two levels of permissions in Course Reserves.
Role | Permissions |
Course Reserves Maintainer |
Course Reserves Manager (Assign to staff who need full access) |
All of the permissions included with the Course Reserves Maintainer role:
Plus the additional permission to:
To assign Course Reserves to your staff, complete the following steps:
Note: If you are having problems assigning Course Reserves roles, contact and include the information listed below for WorldCat Discovery libraries.
If you are a library using WorldCat Discovery, you need to contact order services to enable Course Reserves and assign roles to your staff:
To activate Course Reserves, you must turn on the Course Reserves link in OCLC Service Configuration.
Course Reserves appears on the navigation bar in the modernized WorldCat Discovery interface after it has been activated in OCLC Service Configuration. Course Reserves appears to the right of Advanced Search.
A banner appears at the top of the screen indicating the user is in Course Reserves mode. The Reserve button will display directly beneath cover art on search results and on item details.
To begin using Course Reserves, sign in using your WorldCat or WorldShare Management Services account. After you sign in, click Course Reserves. You will see either the Course Reserves Manager View or Course Maintainer View, depending on your role.
Courses can be searched by:
Searches only work for the field selected from the list.
Dalla schermata dei risultati della ricerca, è possibile:
You need the Course Reserves Manager role to create, edit, or delete courses. From the Course Reserves Manager View, you can view and edit Courses.
Campo | Descrizione |
Nome | (Required) Course name or title. |
Prefisso | Course prefix, if applicable. |
Number | Course number, if applicable. |
Section(s) | Course section, if applicable. |
Department | Department that the course represents, if applicable. |
Descrizione | Description of the course. Valid URLs are supported. |
Instructor(s) | Enter the instructor's first and last name. You can only enter one instructor's name |
Start date/End date | Click the calendar widget and click a date to select it for the start and end dates OR Enter start and end dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format. The start and end dates determine whether the course is Active or Inactive. An active course has a start date prior to the current date and an end date in the future. If no dates are entered, the course defaults to Active. |
Nota | Any additional notes or information. Valid URLs are supported. |
Staff can create and manage access to temporary materials in course reserves. This feature enables users to find professor-owned books, electronic media, and other materials that a library may not wish to permanently add to its collection for circulation.
Add temporary course reserve materials to your circulating collections through WorldShare Circulation. Once added to circulating materials, the call number can be added during temporary material creation in Course Reserves to help users locate the material.
Campo | Descrizione |
Titolo | (Required) Material name or title. |
Lingua |
Primary language of the material. |
Formato | The form of material being described. This choice determines the cover art that will display. |
Descrizione | Description of the material. Valid URLs are supported. |
Author(s) |
Author of the material. |
URL(s) | Hyperlink to the material. |
Collocazione | Call number of the material. |
Series Title | Series title, if applicable. |
Series Enumeration | Series enumeration, if applicable. |
Series chronology. | Series chronology, if applicable. |
Series pages | Series pages, if applicable. |
Editore | Publisher of the material. |
Publisher Location |
Location of the publisher of the material. |
Publication Year | Publication year of the material. |
Nota | Notes about the material. The note will display for every course the material is added to, similar to local holdings records. URLs are not supported in this field. |
Once you have created the course, you will need to add reserve materials. Both the Course Reserves Manager and the Course Reserves Maintainer roles can add or delete course materials.
Note: There is a limit of 100 items that can be added to an individual course. Items are listed in alphanumerical order.
There are two ways to begin adding materials to a course.
Once you add a physical material to a course, you still need to locate the material and place it on reserve using the methods provided by your circulation system.
Reserving materials in WorldCat Discovery does not update Circulation location or availability. Temporary circulation records are needed for these items, that are created in your Circulation system.
For some systems, placing materials in a separate location is required. Other systems may change the material type to "Reserve" or a similar category. You may find it helpful to print the list of materials on reserve for a course, gather the materials from the shelves and deal with them appropriately.
Run time: 8:28
This video provides an overview of how to activate, access, manage and search Course Reserves in WorldCat Discovery.