Course Reserves roles

Find the Course Reserves authorization roles available in the Admin module and compare the actions available for each role.


 Note: You must have the Superuser role to remove or add Course Reserves roles from an account.

Course reserves roles and descriptions

You must have a Course Reserves role in order to manage courses or add course reserves materials to your WorldCat Discovery interface. There are two levels of permissions in Course Reserves.

Role Permissions
Course Reserves Maintainer
  • Create, edit, and delete temporary materials
  • Add, edit, or remove materials in an existing course list

Course Reserves Manager (Assign to staff who need full access)

All of the permissions included with the Course Reserves Maintainer role:

  • Create, edit, and delete temporary materials
  • Add, edit, or remove materials in an existing course list

Plus the additional permission to:

  • Create, edit, and delete course reserves


Course Reserves roles comparison

Azione Ruoli
Course Reserves Maintainer Course Reserves Manager

Create, edit, and delete course reserves.

Add, edit, or remove materials in an existing course list. x x
Visualizzare La mia biblioteca e esportare i dati. x x