La scheda Tasse mostra tutti gli addebiti in sospeso sul conto dell'utente della biblioteca. Le tariffe mostrano l'importo e la data di fatturazione, nonché il motivo dell'addebito. La motivazione includerà il titolo, l'autore e il formato dell'articolo associato alla tassa.
Le biblioteche WMS possono attivare il pagamento online delle tasse bibliotecarie da Il mio account. WMS si integra con i seguenti processori di pagamento per offrire un'esperienza di pagamento sicura e protetta agli utenti della biblioteca:
Access the Payment Platform screen in OCLC Service Configuration to integrate WMS with your payment processor. Either the Payments Admin or Payments Manager role is required for staff to access the Payment Platform page. Refer to Circulation roles for more information.
Caution: A one-time implementation fee is required to enable online payments. Your library or institution will also need an active account with Flywire CRS, Paysafe, or WPM Education. Contact OCLC Library Services or your OCLC Library Services Consultant to learn more. OCLC staff will work with you to configure and test the online payment experience.
From the Fees tab in My Account:
To integrate with WMS, your institution must use Flywire’s Comprehensive Receivables Solution (CRS). Your region and agreement with Flywire will determine which payment methods are supported but may include American Express, Discover, MasterCard, PayPal, Visa, bank transfer, and more.
Se si dispone di un account Flywire esistente, accedere alla schermata Piattaforma di pagamento nella Configurazione del servizio OCLC per integrare WMS con il proprio processore di pagamento. Per accedere alla pagina della piattaforma di pagamento, il personale deve avere il ruolo di amministratore dei pagamenti o di gestore dei pagamenti. Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare i ruoli di circolazione.
I campi di pagamento sensibili (numero di carta, CVV, numero di conto bancario, ecc.) vengono inseriti sul sito di Flywire in modo che l'inserimento e la memorizzazione dei dati da parte dell'utente siano gestiti in modo sicuro da Flywire.
Flywire payments are reflected in WorldShare Circulation as soon as payment is confirmed by the processor.
I pagamenti online effettuati con successo si riflettono nella WorldShare Circulation non appena il pagamento viene confermato da Flywire. Flywire può fornire notifiche di conferma del pagamento agli utenti e al personale della biblioteca. Se la riconciliazione del pagamento non riesce (ad esempio, un pagamento Flywire non può essere riflesso in WorldShare Circulation), WMS invierà una notifica via e-mail all'utente della biblioteca dall'indirizzo e-mail configurato per il personale della biblioteca.
Note: For Canadian institutions only.
If you have an existing Paysafe account, access the Payment Platform screen in OCLC Service Configuration to integrate WMS with your payment processor. Either the Payments Admin or Payments Manager role is required for staff to access the Payment Platform page. Refer to Circulation roles for more information.
Paysafe provides online payment services to institutions in Canada. Paysafe integration supports payments via Visa (credit or debit) and Mastercard.
The Paysafe.js service offers an integrated payment experience that simplifies PCI-DSS compliance for your library. After the user consents, the payment form opens on top of the My Account page. Sensitive payment fields (card number, CVV, and expiry date) are entered into an iframe hosted on Paysafe's servers to ensure that the user's inputs and storage of the data are handled securely by Paysafe.
I pagamenti online effettuati con successo si riflettono nella WorldShare Circulation non appena il pagamento viene confermato da Paysafe. WMS invierà quindi una notifica via e-mail al cliente per confermare il pagamento Paysafe. L'utente della biblioteca può facilmente tornare a Il mio account dopo aver completato o abbandonato un tentativo di pagamento.
Note: For UK institutions only.
If you have an existing WPM account, access the Payment Platform screen in OCLC Service Configuration to integrate WMS with your payment processor. Either the Payments Admin or Payments Manager role is required for staff to access the Payment Platform page. Refer to Circulation roles for more information.
WPM Education provides online payment services to institutions in the United Kingdom. Your institution’s agreement with WPM will determine which payment methods are supported.
After the patron has consented to online payment, My Account redirects the user to the payment website hosted by WPM. Sensitive payment fields (card number, CVV, and expiry date) are entered on the WPM site so that the user input and storage of the data is handled securely by WPM.
Successful online payments are reflected in WorldShare Circulation as soon as payment is confirmed by WPM. WPM Education can provide email notifications for users and library staff. The library user can easily return to My Account after completing or abandoning a payment attempt.
Note: For European Union or United Kingdom institutions only.
If you have an existing Worldline Online Payment Platform account, access the Payment Platform screen in OCLC Service Configuration to integrate WMS with your payment processor. Either the Payments Admin or Payments Manager role is required for staff to access the Payment Platform page. After configuring the payment platform, dd the new payment type to the Payment Methods module.
Dopo aver configurato Worldline per lavorare con WMS, gli utenti della biblioteca selezioneranno le loro fatture ne Il mio account e saranno quindi reindirizzati al sito di pagamento di Worldline per elaborare il pagamento utilizzando la loro pagina di cassa ospitata. La regione e l'accordo con Worldline determinano quali metodi di pagamento sono supportati, ma possono includere American Express, Apple Pay, Discover, iDEAL, Mastercard, PayPal, Visa e altri ancora.
I pagamenti Worldline si riflettono nella Circolazione WorldShare non appena il pagamento viene confermato dal processore.
Library users will select the payment button in My Account and will then be required to consent to send data required by the payment processor. Then My Account redirects the user to the payment website hosted by Worldline. Sensitive payment fields (card number, CVV, bank account number, etc.) are entered on the Worldline site so that the user input and storage of the data is handled securely by Worldline.
Successful online payments are reflected in WorldShare Circulation as soon as payment is confirmed by Worldline.
Worldline provides email notifications for users and library staff. WMS will send email notifications as follows:
The patron's email address will be taken from the patron's WMS user account. Refer to Access and customize My Account for more information. If a patron does not have an email address on record, then they will be prevented from processing a Worldline payment. A Missing email address message will display when the patron attempts payment in My Account.